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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Completing Kemdi mini-game dont give dessert point
(RESOLVED - read 3rd comment below)
Bug type:
Since today, completing Kemdi mini-game don't give dessert points anymore. I did try the surprise mini-game and challenge mini-game and both don't give dessert points upon completing them. I did try on 2 char and asked a friend to try and he got the same problem.
Additional info:
Steps to reproduce:
-Complete Kemdi mini-game
Character name:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
Since today 1 July (EST)
Same problem.
best regards,
Requirement: Lv. 101 and above characters who have completed the ‘[Wongstaurant] Let’s Start with the Main Menu!’ quest. (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).
You can get up to 500 points daily per world and up to 1,500 points during the event.
The sad part is you have to read patch note to see that, I talked to Mike and Kemdi and both don't talk about this limitation...