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Revert New Age Nerfs

Reactions: 265
Post: 1
edited November 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests

Sol Erda Daily Cap: With 6th job comes a new currency that players need to farm to level up their 6th job skills. In the GMS test server, it is shown that through grinding you can only get 400 Sol Erda energy per day. That combined with the daily, you can only get 1000 Sol Erda energy per day (20 minutes of farming) and that's it. This means that GMS players will take 1 year 8 months of dailies to max out 6th job if you miss ZERO days. KMS does NOT have this restriction. KMS players can farm 1000+ Sol Erda Energy per hour unlimited times just by regular farming. REMOVE THE CAP.


Maplestory Censoring: In the Friday livestream, the moderators censored "Frenzy Totem" and "Red Familiar Cards" in its different forms (FZ totem, Red Fams cards, etc). All four livestream hosts could 100% see that the community wanted answers to Frenzy Totem or Red fam cards, but actively avoided the topic the entire 1 hour live stream. Invites to the Official Maplestory Discord is currently paused (probably due to this outrage).Nexon is aware of the potential backlash but is hoping to wait out the outrage.


  • sewageplayersewageplayer
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Regular servers do not need instanced maps nor will it ever need it in the future.
    GMS is not KMS. We do not have the playerbase nor will we ever will. The dynmaic between America and korea is completely different which is why Reboot is infinitely more popular and populated. I remember instanced maps were a bandage fix to overcome the overpopulation kms reboot had when they were under the "reboot>reg controversy"; it's clearly meant to invalidate frenzy early at the 260+ areas rather then the 300+.
    This change will also directly affect the market because most players who actually play the game will be farming/training in 260+ areas. The lack of players, compared to korea, means the mesos generated will infinitely drop (people may also stop farming straight up) and most the mesos may be generated by the foreign meso farmers (cartel) who are farming esfera and selling meso because they are not affected by this change.
    It was also recently found that soul erda fragments are account bound so frenzy totem will not affect the market when it comes to this.
    Making monki world dictator was definitely the worse move ever!
  • MrIncredibleMrIncredible
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Remove the Sol erda timegating cap!
    Remove instanced map from regular servers!
    Remove OZ Ring Box Nerf!

    Come On, GMS:(
  • ReLanaReLana
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2023
    Please revert these changes.
  • TurtlesRockTurtlesRock
    Reactions: 1,845
    Posts: 95
    edited November 2023
    Remove the sol erda cap.
    Remove instanced maps on regular server.
    Revert the ring box to ranks 3 and 4.
    Add familiars to all grandis 260+ zones.
    Give us KMS event shop items, 100% icogs and white cubes.
    Revert fairy heart to 2b.
    Let regular server trade sol erda fragments.