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Pet Information missing with the new UI

Reactions: 1,280
Posts: 287
edited June 2024 in General Chat
EDIT: thereal47ronin BUMPED this topic of mine(plz dont send post to me due to mr.necro)....i had not post in here for quite some time as i meant to let it sink since that time

also can i have the option to use the previous UI ? the new one is awful(showing me so much pointless info) and clutter my screen
want my char info key setting back too if willing to bring back the previous UI

EDIT: but if your not gonna give option to revert back plz remove the following from the stats information
Cooldown reduction
Summon Duration
Buff Duration
Cooldown not applied
Additional Status Damage
ignore elemental resistance

i dont need to see any of that
these are stats that cannot be modify trough any mean(except buff duration but that 1 come at a massive dps lost if increase it)
like these are either passive gain(Trait) or Legion card acquire stats

also at the bottom why default it to stats like
Mesos, Drop rate, Starforce, Arcane Power, Sacred power(more irrelevant info to look for self(except DR))
on the first page ?
Attack Speed, Speed,Jump, Knockback Resistance and Abnormal Status Resistance are more important to view immediatly

like make the following main page
Drop Rate, Attack Speed, Speed, Jump, Knockback resistance, Abnormal Resistance and put the others in that second page

and these second page
Defense, Starforce, Arcane Power, Sacred Power, Mesos %, Exp %

also bring back pet info so can quick check pet hunger and how much it need to be feed...dont want to have to click 3 button to get that info out of equip tab..1 key press was better


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    Attack Speed, Speed,Jump, Knockback Resistance and Abnormal Status Resistance are more important to view immediatly

    No they're not, none of these change very often if at all. Where as Drop Rate, Meso Rate, SF, are constantly changing.
    Arcane Power/Sacred Power also change very often while you're growing them up.
    It's for ease of access for other people to quickly gauge your power.
    The stats you ask to be viewed first are the least important stats for understanding your character's power.
    The stats you ask to not see are also useful for this. Nexon wants you to be able to screenshot a single page, share that page, and people be able to gauge your power from that page. The old UI couldn't do that, this one can.

  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    for the boss UI Star Force, Arc Power and Sacred ya its def nice for that....but for self-info its useless as i know my own power without looking at it :S

    edit: i'am not sure what a screenshot is good for when you can apply restriction to ppl signing up in the boss ui(which force a minimum stats entry level).........you can even check ppl Arc power and Sacred power in the boss ui already :S....not rly sure why my personnal view matter to others when they can already view it in the boss ui
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    for the boss UI Star Force, Arc Power and Sacred ya its def nice for that....but for self-info its useless as i know my own power without looking at it :S

    edit: i'am not sure what a screenshot is good for when you can apply restriction to ppl signing up in the boss ui(which force a minimum stats entry level).........you can even check ppl Arc power and Sacred power in the boss ui already :S....not rly sure why my personnal view matter to others when they can already view it in the boss ui

    People recruit outside of the game too. Most people won't recruit for the harder bosses in-game. The screenshot is excessively useful for this.
    You also only use the boss UI for temporary groups, people looking for permanent parties are going to want the screenshot of the new UI to gauge your power.
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    Attack Speed, Speed,Jump, Knockback Resistance and Abnormal Status Resistance are more important to view immediately

    AS is the only one of these that's even remotely worth looking at, but it doesn't show AS9 or AS10 through the menu.
    Speed is always 150. Jump is almost entirely meaningless. Knockback Resistance is only below 100% if you aren't level 140 yet.
    Status Resistance only decreases the time that you're afflicted with a status. You know what else gets rid of statuses? Hero's Will.
    EDIT: but if your not gonna give option to revert back plz remove the following from the stats information
    Cooldown reduction
    Summon Duration
    Buff Duration
    Cooldown not applied
    Additional Status Damage
    ignore elemental resistance

    Haha. No.
    A lot of jobs use -CD hats instead of STAT% to make low CD skills more spammable.
    Buff Duration is also extremely important for jobs like the Explorer Mages.
    Ignore Elemental Resistance is more useful than you'd expect. All bosses have a hidden 50% Damage Reduction that you can't bypass with IED, but can with IER.
    If someone has 5% IER, they basically have 5% more FD.
    Summon Duration and Cooldown Reset are pretty useless though.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    got me entirely wrong there PHD....i'am just saying these stats dont need to be display in the UI...ofc they're important stats(the one you mention) but doesn't mean that we need them display in the ui....them being active effect is all that matter....for example crit rate is something you want to track so you know if you need to get additional crit from say Honor system(if Legion grid//Decent Sharp Eye//baseline dont cover it entirely) to hit that 100%..and not all classes have 100% knockback Resistance(i think Zero is 1 of them if memory serve right)

    the stats i mention that dont need to be display are from like a single source
    Mechanic card(Buff Duration)(technicly legion grid too if you got mass lvl 250)
    Corsair Card(Summon duration)
    Ele Ignore(Insight)
    literaly can't improve these further by tweaking gear or the legion grid(except buff duration)

    like when you build your legion grid you want 4 set
    physical mobbing
    physical bossing
    magical mobbing
    magical bossing

    mechanic and corsair are auto-include in ALL 4 set up(like why even want the effect shown in the ui display ?)
    you def not gonna apply a card giving for say +Strength to a Magic specialize grid....or useless effects like +Health//Mana
    ..well technicly +Health was good for Kanna dps but after last patch nerf the cards giving +Health effect is now a complete waste on the grid

    if i had like 30+ char at lvl 250 i'd rather the extra in Abnormal Status Resist over Buff Duration
    that is after filling ALL square for crit dmg, crit rate, boss dmg and Ignore Def in the legion grid
    however i haven't done bosses pass Lucid in non-story mode maybe i'am wrong about abnormal being more important
    if none of them are spammy with abnormal like for say Horntail/Ranmaru mind control then i can understand why you'd prefer
    buff duration over abnormal status resistance in such case and choose to use Hero Will if the strong boss use Abnormal once every 3 mins instead of being spammy

    in regard to +speed that stat is never alway at 150% unless you got 22 stars shoes......while it dont matter for end-game player it matter for early and mid-game to see and ensure its cap

    and you know what....they could design it similar to the central legion grid..........aka you choose what to display on main page, additionnaly they could give the option to put some stats as hidden so i/we dont have to view what i/we dont need to bother to read about our own char

    just make it less cluttered//easier faster to read when viewing our own UI....for other player UI they can stay as is when inspecting other players

    i just rly need fast read display or it trigger me being thrown parts i dont wanna read about...just like ppl dont like wall of text thrown in their face could say....
    but ya...this ui just show too much when use for own char stats viewing
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 33
    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    if i had like 30+ char at lvl 250 i'd rather the extra in Abnormal Status Resist over Buff Duration
    that is after filling ALL square for crit dmg, crit rate, boss dmg and Ignore Def in the legion grid

    Please stop trolling and git gud.
    Horntail is the only boss with both a potion timer AND status spam.
    Pink Bean is status spam incarnate, but you use a pet with Take All Cure Potion for that.
    There are like 3 cases of abnormal statuses you can even cure in bosses past Chaos Pink Bean, and they're all avoidable if you don't have a skill issue.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited March 2024
    PHDSkyla wrote: »
    Speed is always 150.
    This isn't true, different classes have different caps. Some classes cannot hit that cap naturally (without flames) either.
    The default cap is 140, it can be increased by most classes but not all, some bring the cap to 150, others to 160.
    Mercedes even goes to 165.
    RedRaven wrote: »
    in regard to +speed that stat is never alway at 150% unless you got 22 stars shoes......while it dont matter for end-game player it matter for early and mid-game to see and ensure its cap

    Even 22* shoes won't give you 150%. 22* Arcane Shoes give 28 Speed, this isn't even enough to hit 130.
    Bishops for example, my bishop sits at 138%, 28% from shoes, 10% from Gollux Ring, I need two points of speed flame to hit cap. (140)
    just make it less cluttered//easier faster to read when viewing our own UI....for other player UI they can stay as is when inspecting other players
    This creates a mess, if the page isn't standardized people have to jump around to find what they need, ask you to repost new screenshots because the one you sent had the wrong info, etc. You're asking for Nexon to take what is actually good feature and make it worse.
    if i had like 30+ char at lvl 250 i'd rather the extra in Abnormal Status Resist over Buff Duration
    Trust me, no you wouldn't. You get practically nothing out of Abnormal Status Resist, where as every class in the game benefits from Buff duration thanks to Terms and Conditions alone.
    That is an extra 4 seconds of 120% 60% damage at level 3 (210 Angelic Buster).
    If you max out Abnormal Status Resist, you gain 40 Status resist, this is worth 45% reduction if you're at 0, which seems good, but this isn't a linear increase.
    Every class gets a minimum of at least 20, (Willpower) This is worth 37%, 60 is worth 50%, a 13% gain. This is assume your class literally has ZERO abnormal status resist built into it. For classes that actually have some built into it, they will probably hit 60 without touching this at all. Going from 60 to 120 is only worth an extra 9%.
    This stat is basically worthless when you consider that most status effects only last a few seconds anyway. 9% of 3 seconds is only .27 seconds.
    You are throwing away 4 seconds of 120% 60% damage, for peanuts.

    Edit: Correction, AB Link is 120% for AB, 60% for others but this is still far more worth than a fraction of a second taken off a status that can be avoided in the first place.
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
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    edited March 2024
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    PHDSkyla wrote: »
    Speed is always 150.
    This isn't true, different classes have different caps. Some classes cannot hit that cap naturally (without flames) either.
    The default cap is 140, it can be increased by most classes but not all, some bring the cap to 150, others to 160.
    Mercedes even goes to 165.

    MB, i main Dark Knight so i'm always at 150.
    Jobs without an increase: Most Mages (Explorer Mages, Evan, Luminous, Blaze Wizard, Kanna, Beast Tamer), Shade, Wild Hunter while unmounted, Mechanic while in the tank, Demon Slayer
    150: Explorer Warriors, Adele, Illium
    155: Lara, Beast Tamer (Hawk Mode)
    160: Anyone not mentioned elsewhere
    165: Mercedes, Angelic Buster, Ark, Hayato
    170 (lol): Battle Mage
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    PHD not sure what you mean by trolling....i cleared stated that i haven't gone past Lucid(EASY)(aka i have a lack of knowledge regarding stronger bosses mechanics and weither abnormal resist was good or not)...so i definetly would not know how it does up there......so telling me get good at fights i never done is meaningless :S

    about weither abnormal is a good or bad stat late game..your and Fuhreak answers together tell me what i need to know about it...so its clearly an irrelevant stat late game from both your answers....its good to know

    btw Fuhreak i would never use Link Skills for Abnormal Status o.o..and funnyly....you just made me realize that i should use Links other than Keen Edge//Cygnus Blessing for late game//bossing(Attack Power irrelevant at that point) compare to % dmg....i was however thinking to invest into legion for it later on ....but not anymore now with the info you guys just posted about it

    also i still dont get what ya mean by giving ppl screenshot...b4 this patch for end-game bosses i guess...but this patch enabled inspecting ppl so those screenshot are now irrelevant...they can just right click your character and select character info to view your whole stats/equip /link skills and cash item info

    not a big fan of AB Link but i know how powerful it is pair to burst skills(especially sixth job bind) & Final dmg stacking....saw a clip of some group obliterating Seren by stacking FD

    and nah i ain't asking them to make it worse

    for example
    what i see when i view my stats as example ( assuming i set it to such custom for myself)
    dmg range
    crit rate
    crit dmg

    EVERY stats(nothing hidden for them)....the stats hidden only apply to self not other players inspecting my char
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    also i still dont get what ya mean by giving ppl screenshot...b4 this patch for end-game bosses i guess...but this patch enabled inspecting ppl so those screenshot are now irrelevant...they can just right click your character and select character info to view your whole stats/equip /link skills and cash item info

    The problem with this is you don't recruit for these parties in game, a lot of people recruit people for their say, black mage party, in discord. They aren't going to want to log into the game just to check your power level, which also requires you to be in the game as well, when you could just screenshot your own page and send it to them.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    aye ? ya serious there ? ppl mostly recruit trough discord only and those using the boss ui is a minority ????....i dont rly get the logic in that since you would have to logging anyway once the party is form....like what advantage does discord offer beside social ? its not like you can help teamates with mechanics being in it right ? or did Nexon gave mechanics that force the use of voice chat to get mechanics done right ?(or possibly just to synchro final dmg popping ?)
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    aye ? ya serious there ? ppl mostly recruit trough discord only and those using the boss ui is a minority ????....i dont rly get the logic in that since you would have to logging anyway once the party is form....like what advantage does discord offer beside social ? its not like you can help teamates with mechanics being in it right ? or did Nexon gave mechanics that force the use of voice chat to get mechanics done right ?(or possibly just to synchro final dmg popping ?)

    Consistency. Without someone showing you their (Sealed)/Genesis weapon or Badge, you don't have any way of knowing that they're actually good at the fight.
    Also it's easier to tell people what to do since SPEAKING doesn't require use of your HANDS, and you need your HANDS to dodge and deal damage.
    Helping synchronise bursts and organise timers also helps. Most old VHilla clear videos have a bot in the background or someone with a timer saying when she'll be bindable next or when the next cleanse is.

    Get off the forums and find a good guild.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    aye ? ya serious there ? ppl mostly recruit trough discord only and those using the boss ui is a minority ????....i dont rly get the logic in that since you would have to logging anyway once the party is form....like what advantage does discord offer beside social ? its not like you can help teamates with mechanics being in it right ? or did Nexon gave mechanics that force the use of voice chat to get mechanics done right ?(or possibly just to synchro final dmg popping ?)
    You're confusing PUGs for parties. A PUG (Pick Up Group) is a one time thing that you're running at this very moment in time, you won't run with those people again and you only need them in the moment you've recruited them.
    A party is a permanent or semi-permanent group of people who do the same bosses every week.
    If you can't see why discord would be better for this you haven't given it enough thought.
    You wouldn't be logging in once the party was formed, you'd be logging in at a later scheduled date.
    Discord messages give you access to a wider range of players, since you don't have to be logged in at the very moment someone is trying to find a party.
    Scheduling future runs would be easier for this reason as well, can't make the normal day anymore? You can just tell people on discord instead of waiting for them all to log in to the game to make sure they know the date is moved.

    Black Mage PUGs are commonly done outside of the game due to the nature of the boss as well, people want more information because they want to be sure that you know how the boss works, they can vet your power level accurately, and those groups tend to take awhile to setup, meaning you want your message to be viewable over a period of time, not just the moment you happen to be in-game.
    PHDSkyla wrote: »
    Get off the forums and find a good guild.

    I can't recommend this enough, no offense but you ask a lot of questions that a guild would be able to explain to you in real time, you'd learn the game a lot faster if you just asked guild mates these questions instead of going to the forums.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    can't ask guildmates such question as i'am praticly running my own guild...like just myself and my alts in there + a friend from 13 years ago that returned with me + 1 random guy i met getting all his alts in

    no point joining a real guild currently....what do you want me to do in a serious guild with my best char being at 24 Million dmg vs Bosses ?(10.6 Million(Default) dmg range........literaly every good guild is way pass normal Lucid(what i should be doing at my current dmg range i believe)

    i dont think there is many guild hard running normal Lucid//Will currently(especially that most ppl want ppl that done the fight and know mechanics to be allow in)

    like what do ya expect of someone with 10 months gameplay ?...i got no connections, i dont play 24/7, and let alone finding a group that would be willing to take someone with no experience...and there like no ppl that would do bunch of practice mode for old bosses...soloing practice mean only getting to experience phase 1 due to lack of dps)

    btw telling me " get off the forum" is kin of rude.....thats fine if you guys dont agree with my idea, but i'am free to give my thought about the changes...especially since it can be improve further//could allow users to use the previous ui as an option for personnal view

    also thread getting off-topic at this point :S....
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    can't ask guildmates such question as i'am praticly running my own guild...like just myself and my alts in there + a friend from 13 years ago that returned with me + 1 random guy i met getting all his alts in

    no point joining a real guild currently....what do you want me to do in a serious guild with my best char being at 24 Million dmg vs Bosses ?(10.6 Million(Default) dmg range........literaly every good guild is way pass normal Lucid(what i should be doing at my current dmg range i believe)

    i dont think there is many guild hard running normal Lucid//Will currently(especially that most ppl want ppl that done the fight and know mechanics to be allow in)

    like what do ya expect of someone with 10 months gameplay ?...i got no connections, i dont play 24/7, and let alone finding a group that would be willing to take someone with no experience...and there like no ppl that would do bunch of practice mode for old bosses...soloing practice mean only getting to experience phase 1 due to lack of dps)

    btw telling me " get off the forum" is kin of rude.....thats fine if you guys dont agree with my idea, but i'am free to give my thought about the changes...especially since it can be improve further//could allow users to use the previous ui as an option for personnal view

    also thread getting off-topic at this point :S....

    1: Skill issue
    2: Skill issue^2, if you're nice in the guild they'll even carry you HLucid
    3: There are. Lots of them. If not with their mains then to gear up their bossing mules.
    4: More than what you have, to say the least.
    5: go complain on reddit instead
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    i dont have a reddit account nor interest to use it

    also i mess up the dmg range(forgot to apply links and correct legion when checking my best char dmg range.....is actually 32M bossing(14M default)...very sleepy atm sorry :S

    and seriously a skill issue ? if i dont kill golems praticly instantly the green dragon just roast me if i can't get behind him in time..even with instant kills of golem its rough....sometime they spawn on top of me which is instant death too(can't be play around)...and how is not having a carry a skill issue ?

    and seriousy lots of groups ? lemme guess..maple discord ? because boss ui is pretty uncommon
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    and seriously a skill issue ? if i dont kill golems praticly instantly the green dragon just roast me if i can't get behind him in time..even with instant kills of golem its rough....sometime they spawn on top of me which is instant death too(can't be play around)...and how is not having a carry a skill issue ?

    Up jump and Blink, you shouldn't ever be dying to Dragon.
    RedRaven wrote: »
    btw telling me " get off the forum" is kin of rude.....thats fine if you guys dont agree with my idea, but i'am free to give my thought about the changes...especially since it can be improve further//could allow users to use the previous ui as an option for personnal view

    Not meant like that, it's more of a "Ask your guild first and only use the forums as a last resort", posting on the forums is slow because there are basically no users.
    i dont think there is many guild hard running normal Lucid//Will currently(especially that most ppl want ppl that done the fight and know mechanics to be allow in)

    There are plenty. End game players typically have mules at every stage of the game they want to play but don't have a party for, if you were in a guild you could ask around and I can guarantee you somebody would have a mule they were willing to struggle with.
    Contrary to popular belief there are also new players who need and are learning these bosses as well.
    like what do ya expect of someone with 10 months gameplay ?...i got no connections, i dont play 24/7, and let alone finding a group that would be willing to take someone with no experience...and there like no ppl that would do bunch of practice mode for old bosses...soloing practice mean only getting to experience phase 1 due to lack of dps)
    This is exactly why you should be finding a guild. It will give you those connections. I would suggest you join a real guild on your main and manage your personal guild with whatever mule you play the most. There are tons of players willing to help new players climb up but you'll never find them if you're just sitting in what is basically a solo guild.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited March 2024
    up jump + blink ? is there some hidden slow fall area up top in the map ? if so that would be quite helpful actually

    i'am fine with replies taking 1-2 days to come on forum not a big deal(dont alway need vip answer within 1-5 mins) although seem to fall on alway the same users due to very low activity here from the community for wtv reason

    will join a real guild in due time...want my personnal guild to reach lvl 25 first so my alts gets the maximum power asap(also to help my friend with her alts building up so she can tackle 8k+ legion soon)
    noblesse skills access would be so nice to have for bossing..especial crit dmg and ied ones

    EDIT: well after some adjustment it went a lot better vs easy lucid....soloed her down to Phase 2 with 5 HP Bar left(4X)......invincibility frame making me immune to the bomb....and the blink tip helped out big time(still need to improve my timing a bit though XD)....just gave her another solo try just now
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
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    edited March 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    up jump + blink ? is there some hidden slow fall area up top in the map ? if so that would be quite helpful actually

    Nope. They changed the way that Blink worked in 2022? I think? Not sure when it happened because google is ****. Here's a video demonstrating it from KMS.

    If you jump and hold up, then use Blink (Or just play a Explorer Mages/Battle Mage) and hold jump, then you'll float in the sky for up to 5 seconds at level 30.
    Lucid's Dragon's Breath just so happens to last.... 5 seconds.
    It's a great option if you can't kill the golems.