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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
So! I notice that our Spotlight and Grand Finale have the old music clips still. I also notice that our concert skill plays those same miniature bits, and due to it being five songs just alternates each of them for a skill with a 1hr cooldown and a net uptime of ~170 seconds. I also noticed that Pretty Exalt doesn't have any music at all, versus the skill in other regions. Finally, when playing through the new AB plotline, there was a cutscene which seemed to be awkwardly devoid of any kind of music—the one where she's supposed to be singing and some of the Nova cheer for her? You know the one, and if you don't: go play AB. Now. All of this seems to imply that the new Angelic Buster music hasn't been implemented.
Do you know when these are planned to be added? I have been looking forward to Shining Heart/Fly High/EN Star Bubble acting as infinitely hype songs to power up my Burst Rotations for quite some time now. Thanks for your time, friends, and bubble bubble!
If these are left out for the Lucid X AB event allegedly due July, then i'd have to disagree, would rather they be here now.