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Very Important Lynn Feedback

Reactions: 1,850
Posts: 373
edited August 6 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
To start, I want my White Ears and Tail! You should give all the ears and tail colours to all of the Beast Tamers.
And all 260+ Beast Tamers the compensation needs to be tripled to 90x Sol Erda and 3,000x Fragments.

Now on to what Lynn really, really NEEDS to get fixed and improved upon because, oh boy, she feels awful to play, very clunky tedious and overly restrictive, and very underpowered as a result. You really stripped away all of the fun from Beast Tamer.

Most skills need to be brought up in power in some aspect, but her current solo-damage is fine right now so that is not a concern.

Skill Feedback Rundown:

~ Focus:
- Lynn should not be able to target herself (outside of solo play) and ALWAYS gets the benefits of the focus buffs ([Focus] Heal / Heal Boost and [Focus] Forest Protection, Forest Protection would always give Lynn the benefits even when outside of the barrier. She already has a self buff for [Focus] Awaken).

- Double the range, this especially be helpful for the very large maps like Monster Park Party Quest

This would smooth out her gameplay so much and make her much better to play.

~ [Focus] Heal:
- The caster [Lynn] always gains the benefits of this skill in addition to the focus target (when applicable).


~ Strike:
- Add in a rapid-fire option to this skill by right-clicking the skill in the skill window.
- (Preferably it be better to have a Bird main attack [rapid-fire skill like how Hawk's Attack Formation was] and Wolf main attack [dash-attack skill like how Snow Leopard's main attack was] with different playstyles so players can choose how to play again like with Chase (Beast Tamer before Lynn) and add in a Bear toggle. Whatever animal gets used as the main attack, the other two animals have their toggle-attacks activated.)

Give me back my rapid-fire skills.

~ Light Steps and Light Leap:
- Light Leap needs its height increased, this is way too short of an up jump.
- Allow the option to right-click the skill in the skill window to disable the short cut key command (for those that key bind the skill).
- Allow the ability to Light Steps after using Light Leap, and the ability to use Light Leap after using Light Steps because Beast Tamer was always able to combo vertical and flash jump together and had a double flash jump too! The movement was such an important aspect to why Beast Tamer was so much fun to play!

Additional: Add a glide to Light Leap and Light Steps after the up jump / horizontal jump has been consumed and holding down the skill use while still in the air.

This will make Lynn a lot more fluid and fun to play as and removes her clunkiness.

~ Sweep:
- Make Sweep work in all 8 directions from 6 directions.
- Reduce the recharge time (at max rank) down to 2 seconds from 5 seconds.
- Increase skill usability in non-hunting maps such as Guild Castle, Monster Park, Mu Long Dojo, etc.

The recharge time is very restrictive and makes mobbing not very fun as a result. She is extremely reliant on Sweep since it functions like a mage's teleport (but is a dash).

~ Sneak Attack:
Make it affected by Chance to Skip Cooldowns.

~ Focus Heal, Purify, and Mother Nature's Touch:
Make all of these skills be affected by buff duration increase.

What is Nexon's obsession with making supports have the worst time possible? You make support gameplay 20x harder for no reason, if you ever wondered to why people don't play supports, this might be one of the reasons.

~ Earth Pulverize:
- Cooldown reduce to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Duration increase to 60 seconds from 30 seconds.
~ Increase the damage of the flames from 10% to 50%.

Even with how strong my character is, this skill still struggles to kill normal monsters with its current damage, even in full damage gear while mobbing.

Less tedious, less punishing, make the game more enjoyable to play.

~ Nature's Providence / Nature's Providence Boost:
- Duration increase to 180 seconds from 90 seconds.
- Add on +30 Weapon and Magic Attack as a party buff to Nature's Providence.

- +2 Attack Speed and Bonus Attack Speed Effect added to Nature's Providence Boost, helps with easy attack speed capping like how Beast Tamers had it.
- Item Drop Rate increased to either +20% or +30% from 10% (Beast Tamer had 20% item drop rate).

Both way too short of a duration and it is super lack luster as is.

~ Focus Heal Boost:
- Change the weapon/magic attack bonus to 10% Weapon and Magic Attack from 10 Weapon and Magic Attack.

Why does everything have to become super lackluster? Make things actually meaningful!

~ Support Flight:
- Double the range on this (goes with doubling the range on Focus).
~ Reduce cooldown in half to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
~ Focus Support Flight reduce cooldown to 5 seconds from 20 seconds.

After further gameplay, these skills are cool utility and all, but the cooldowns are to long to be truly useful and fulfill the goal to murder save your party members!

Makes it more fluid and easier to use this way and actually useful for extremely large maps like Monster Park Party Quest.

~ Whirlwind:
- Still a teleport backwards on cast, but no longer is a hold down skill, instead you enter free-move-around Flight for up to 30 seconds upon use and re-activate the skill to exit Flight early.
- While flying, Penni summons a constant damage tornado around him instead of Peck, Beak Strike makes the tornado bigger and stronger (Penni is at the same location as the Lynn character during this time).

Makes Lynn way more fun and enjoyable to play this way, a significantly more pleasant mobbing experience, and would help her boss better. Tornado damage would be roughly equivalent to Peck / Beak Strike.

UPDATED NOTES: Could even make the tornado deal less damage against boss monsters than Peck / Beak Strike and more against normal monsters so that it can always kill normal monsters easily for fun mobbing gameplay and for bossing it only functions as an utility skill for survivability purposes. Flight mobbing got to come back as it was a huge aspect to why we enjoyed Beast Tamer so much, Sweep still be able to be used while flying too.

UPDATE (August 4, 2024):

Concept for new Whirlwind:

"Hold down the skill key to begin quickly flying through the air with Penni, ignoring touch damage while dealing damage to monsters you come in contact with and dealing significantly more damage to normal monsters."

You are always flying forward, use the Left and Right Directional Keys to gradually steer Penni from his left or right. Flying straight will make Penni fly even faster, steering will slowly decrease your flight speed, slowest you can fly is the initial flight speed.

Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Maximum Duration: 30 seconds.

I think this would offer for a very fun and unique mobbing gameplay, while offering better sustained flight for bossing than the current skill.

~ Predator's Blow:
- Clarify that the debuff is giving final damage in the tooltip.
- Increase debuff duration to 60 seconds.
- Would turn this into a passive attack with a 10 seconds cooldown to free up keyboard space (Lynn desperately needs it, she uses up waaaaay too many keys.)

~ Hyper Passives Need a Rework:
They are uninteresting, bland, and does not deliver on being for a support class like what they should have been.

1. +10 seconds duration to Focus Heal, Purify, and Mother Nature's Touch.
2. -10 seconds cooldown to Focus Heal, Purify, and Mother Nature's Touch.
3. Adds on +5 seconds to immunity to all knockback effects for self and party members to Focus Heal, Purify, and Mother Nature's Touch.

4. Adds on +30% increased healing from all sources for self and party members to Nature's Providence.
5. Adds on an additional +20 Weapon and Magic Attack for self and party members to Nature's Providence.
6. Adds on an additional +20% Ignore Enemy Defense for self and party members to Nature's Providence.

7. 40% reduced cooldown to Focus Support Flight and Support Flight.
8. +1 max charges and grants +200% Normal Monster Damage to Sweep.
9. The burning fissure of Earth Pulverization now slows monsters by 50% and applies Untouchable status for 15 seconds (boss monsters cannot be slowed).

~ Raid:
Add an effect that leaves behind purple fire or something similar for 60 seconds on the ground. Damage of the purple fire is mostly there for normal monsters (similar to Earth Pulverization) and enemies struck by the purple fire receive a party debuff for 60 seconds granting +10% Critical Damage and +40% Critical Strike Chance for those that attack those monsters.

Bringing back the blue flames of snow leopard this way. Plus makes this skill becomes a lot more interesting and useful from a support perspective.

~ Focus Forest Protection:
- Reduce the cooldown to 120 seconds. (Duration remains at 40 seconds, lethal prevention cooldown remains at 300 seconds.)
~ In addition to lowering the cooldown to 120 seconds, make this skill be a full circle instead of a half circle so that when the target jumps and the skill was used, the skill can still be used because the skill does nothing for anyone that is below the barrier and when it is stuck in the air then all of the skill's power goes to waste as a result while a full circle barrier will fix this issue.

~ Barrier is too small to properly be useful in most boss fights.

~ Turn the lethal damage prevention effect into a 120 seconds buff when a party member went inside of the barrier with the skill's cooldown being 120 seconds cooldown. When the buff is consumed and prevents death, then the death prevention will receive a 300 seconds cooldown on that target until they can receive the buff again.

This would make the death prevention effect actually be useful because only receiving death prevention while inside of the barrier and while the barrier is active makes it basically useless.

~The caster (Lynn) always gains the benefits of the barrier while active.
~ Be cool if this was sudo-reverted to how Champ Charge's Cat Tree worked, this way it really emphasizes the protector aspect to Lynn with a low cooldown protection spell.
- Cooldown > 30 seconds;
- Duration > 10 seconds;
- True Damage Reduction increased to 40% from 30%;
- Periodic Healing within the barrier added;
- Death Prevention is a buff that lasts for 60 seconds, when it prevents death will go on cooldown for that target for 300 seconds before that same target can receive the buff again.

Why does this skill's cooldown need to be 5 minutes long? Cat Tree was way stronger than this and it was a 30 seconds cooldown with a 10 seconds duration while also being 40% damage reduction, periodic healing, and dealing periodic damage.

~ Nature's Grace:
- This is very, very important because it NEEDS to have an effect that lets the buff ignore ALL anti-healing properties so that it can be used in boss fights such as Verus Hilla and Phase 2 Will. Currently this skill is completely useless and you are down a 5th job skill for these types of boss fights.
- Reduce the cooldown at max rank to 120 seconds.

Let the protector be able to protect her allies! Same goes for Focus Forest Protection.

~ Power of Destiny:
Completely ignoring the underwhelming weakness of this skill in every form, but why is the cooldown the world's weirdest mechanic where it is based on daily reset time?
Make this skill simply when you make a selection, the selection skill goes on cooldown for 5 seconds just like every other skill that is similar like Pirate's Loaded Dice or Explorer Mage's Unreliable Memory works!

To be honest, this skill could have all 4 effects combined into one buff with a 60 seconds duration on a 90 seconds cooldown and still be meh.

Lynn: Gain 30% Final Damage for 30 seconds (unchanged).

Revamped - Focus Target: This becomes a passive effect of while Lynn is Focusing on a party member (excludes Lynn), grant the Focus target 5% +1% per 4,000 INT Final Damage, this effect is doubled while Awaken is active.

New - Party Members: Party members, other than Lynn or the Focus target, gain 5% +1% per 7,500 INT Final Damage for 30 seconds.

This level of coordinating Awaken with another person's burst is really hard to do for most people with how difficult modern boss design is, so turning the final damage into a passive effect will create a more enjoyable experience for the Lynn player with less stress of needing to perfectly time Awaken with someone else's burst window.

In addition, if Lynn accidently used Awaken while Focusing on the wrong target, this would help correct that mistake by switching targets in the middle of Awaken's duration.

This also helps reduce the bind and burst ways of playing the game by making the active less extreme of a damage increase and more about dealing damage all of time outside of burst windows of opportunity.

Lastly, Lynn can use a small boost to her performance when bossing in a full party, while still emphasizing her unique aspect of super charging a single party member.

Please fix Lynn because she is really, really bad right now and I want her to be fun and not insanely clunky tedious to play!

I want Lynn's support skills and buffs to be strong and impactful, and I want her mobility to be fun and fluid, and I want her to have a very fun mobbing gameplay loop like how Beast Tamer was!

Literally Lynn is significantly worse [aside from her personal damage and utility skills being usable] than Beast Tamer in every single aspect right now which is a complete failure of a remake because remakes are supposed to make classes BETTER than the original and not worse and Lynn is way worse than Beast Tamer!

Lynn makes me just not want to play MapleStory until her issues get resolved... this is a very upsetting scenario right now, and the compensation being a complete joke make the situation even worse.


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited May 2
    Stacona wrote: »
    To start, I want my White Ears and Tail! You should give all the ears and tail colours to all of the Beast Tamers.
    And all 260+ Beast Tamers the compensation needs to be tripled to 90x Sol Erda and 3,000x Fragments.
    Agreed, 1k is not enough given how many fragments BT missed out on.
    ~ Focus:
    Agreed, other classes such as BW always get their buff regardless of where they are standing, Lynn should have this too.
    - Double the range, this especially be helpful for the very large maps like Monster Park Party Quest
    This is probably a hard limit of the game engine and can't be changed, pay attention to the mini-map, you only lose the focus target once the player unloads from your game. If it can be changed, that would be nice but I doubt it can be done.
    ~ Strike:
    Strike feels a little slow but ATKSpd 10 makes it a lot better. Don't think it needs it.
    ~ Light Steps and Light Leap:
    Additional: Add a glide to Light Leap and Light Steps after the up jump / horizontal jump has been consumed and holding down the skill use while still in the air.
    I think sweep resetting these skills is plenty.
    ~ Sweep:
    Sweep is fine imo.
    ~ Sneak Attack:
    Don't care either way.
    ~ Focus Heal, Purify, and Mother Nature's Touch:
    Absolutely not. These skills are already broken enough.
    ~ Earth Pulverize:
    ~ Nature's Providence / Nature's Providence Boost:
    Agreed on Duration, Disagree on ATK/Atkspeed, Lynn is already a good support.
    Agreed on drop rate.
    ~ Focus Heal Boost:
    No, the skill is already good enough.
    ~ Whirlwind:
    Just lower the CD imo.
    ~ Predator's Blow:
    Agree on duration increase and clarifying tooltip if that is true, disagree on passive.
    ~ Hyper Passives Need a Rework:
    Plenty of classes have bland hyper passives, don't really care one way or another.
    Ideas: (For Hypers)
    Again, no on all ideas that boost the healing skills, they are already good enough.
    7/8/9 are fine imo.
    ~ Raid:
    Personally I'd remove Predator's Blow and just combine it with Raid, no to the debuff.
    ~ Focus Forest Protection:
    ~ Nature's Grace:
    Absolutely not. These bosses are already a joke with healing fams. Lynn would completely invalidate them even more than they already are.
    ~ Power of Destiny:
    This is an absolute joke of a skill and I fully agree.
    Please fix Lynn because she is really, really bad right now and I want her to be fun and not insanely clunky to play!

    Couldn't disagree more, Lynn is much better than BT and an insanely broken healer class. She's already way stronger than BT in that regard and far more useful than BT was utility wise. The party buff damage has been gutted yes but Lynn has been hyper focused on Healing/Utility/Duos, this is one of the most well thought out classes in the game.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited May 3
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Stacona wrote: »
    ~ Strike:
    Strike feels a little slow but ATKSpd 10 makes it a lot better. Don't think it needs it.

    A rapid-fire skill is a hurricane skill, it is way different than a burst type skill that Strike is now.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited May 3
    Stacona wrote: »
    A rapid-fire skill is a hurricane skill, it is way different than a burst type skill that Strike is now.
    I know what it is. I just don't agree.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
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    edited May 3
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Stacona wrote: »
    A rapid-fire skill is a hurricane skill, it is way different than a burst type skill that Strike is now.
    I know what it is. I just don't agree.

    They should have it as an option regardless, preferably having 3 different main attacks to choose from that is Bear, Bird, or Wolf, but at the very least let the player choose between burst or rapid-fire style, Wild Hunters have this feature.

    I want Lynn to play as close to how Beast Tamer played as possible because Beast Tamer was S tier for design and having fun.

    Also, Lynn does not offer anything new that Beast Tamer had, the healing and dispel is just now actually usable for modern maple since they are buffs rather than reactive skills. Lynn they also nerfed and/or removed things that Beast Tamer had while making her super clunky.

    Beast Tamer had such fantastic and fun mobility, mobbing, and bossing while being a true support like Bishops.

    The BT remake should play like BT, but better and not like BT in a full body cast and be way worse in every way. Lynn also does less damage than Beast Tamer while having significantly worse buffs, and the only draw is having the same support utility that is actually be usable for modern maple.

    She got more benefits compared to Bishop, but not based on the class that she is a remake of...
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited May 9
    ~ Focus Forest Protection:

    ~ In addition to lowering the cooldown to 120 seconds, make this skill be a full circle instead of a half circle so that when the target jumps and the skill was used, the skill can still be used because the skill does nothing for anyone that is below the barrier and when it is stuck in the air then all of the skill's power goes to waste as a result while a full circle barrier will fix this issue.

    ~ Barrier is too small to properly be useful in most boss fights.

    ~ Turn the lethal damage prevention effect into a 120 seconds buff when a party member went inside of the barrier with the skill's cooldown being 120 seconds cooldown. When the buff is consumed and prevents death, then the death prevention will receive a 300 seconds cooldown on that target until they can receive the buff again.

    This would make the death prevention effect actually be useful because only receiving death prevention while inside of the barrier and while the barrier is active makes it basically useless.

    ~The caster (Lynn) always gains the benefits of the barrier while active.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited May 17
    (Earth Pulverize)

    ~ Increase the damage of the flames from 10% to 50%.

    Even with how strong my character is, this skill still struggles to kill normal monsters with its current damage, even in full damage gear while mobbing.
    (Support Flight)

    ~ Reduce cooldown in half to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
    ~ Focus Support Flight reduce cooldown to 5 seconds from 20 seconds.

    After further gameplay, these skills are cool utility and all, but the cooldowns are to long to be truly useful and fulfill the goal to murder save your party members!
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
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    edited May 18
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Stacona wrote: »

    Also, Dispel Buff and Focus Heal can already CD skip, so all arguments against 100%+ uptime being overpowered is thrown out the window, the party healing buff should be able to achieve more than 100% uptime. Plus you can stagger party heal and focus heal for 100% uptime healing already, buff duration just removes the tedious nature of what Lynn can already do (and makes overhealing skill properly usable).

    Predator's Blow should not be combined with Raid. Raid can miss, Predator's Blow cannot miss, and Predator's Blow can CD skip since it isn't a hyper skill - combing them would be a massive nerf and make the class play even worse.

    Why would you disagree with anything that is:
    A. Would be purely optional to use or not use.
    B. Would only make the class play better.

    Bishop needs usability improvements to her own healing and utility skills, just because Lynn's healing and dispel is actually usable for modern maplestory does not mean she is overpowered. This just means you have been a starving dog for healers for years and nexon finally thrown you rotting food to eat and think it is the greatest thing ever as a result since something is better than nothing.

    Lynn is a better support than Bishop just because her skills are actually usable, but Lynn is still severely underpowered and Bishop's utility needs to be brought into a modern standard.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited May 18
    Stacona wrote: »
    Bishop needs usability improvements to her own healing and utility skills, just because Lynn's healing and dispel is actually usable for modern maplestory does not mean she is overpowered. This just means you have been a starving dog for healers for years and nexon finally thrown you rotting food to eat and think it is the greatest thing ever as a result since something is better than nothing.

    Lynn is a better support than Bishop just because her skills are actually usable, but Lynn is still severely underpowered and Bishop's utility needs to be brought into a modern standard.
    You assume too much, Bishop is fine, Lynn is fine. Bishop is fine as a healer and fine as a class.
    Lynn isn't better than Bishop she's just an actual alternative to it.
    It's every other support that can't hold a candle or Bishop or Lynn.
    Don't put words into my mouth. I play Bishop as a main and boss up to Kalos on it.
    You are the only person I have heard complain about Lynn, everyone else praises the class including people who were mains of BT and invested a lot into the class.
    You're free to your opinion, as am I. My opinion is this; Leave Lynn alone, she's fine, start buffing other support classes to offer the same utility as Bishop/Lynn.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
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    edited May 19
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Stacona wrote: »
    Bishop needs usability improvements to her own healing and utility skills, just because Lynn's healing and dispel is actually usable for modern maplestory does not mean she is overpowered. This just means you have been a starving dog for healers for years and nexon finally thrown you rotting food to eat and think it is the greatest thing ever as a result since something is better than nothing.

    Lynn is a better support than Bishop just because her skills are actually usable, but Lynn is still severely underpowered and Bishop's utility needs to be brought into a modern standard.
    You assume too much, Bishop is fine, Lynn is fine. Bishop is fine as a healer and fine as a class.
    Lynn isn't better than Bishop she's just an actual alternative to it.
    It's every other support that can't hold a candle or Bishop or Lynn.
    Don't put words into my mouth. I play Bishop as a main and boss up to Kalos on it.
    You are the only person I have heard complain about Lynn, everyone else praises the class including people who were mains of BT and invested a lot into the class.
    You're free to your opinion, as am I. My opinion is this; Leave Lynn alone, she's fine, start buffing other support classes to offer the same utility as Bishop/Lynn.

    No words were put into your mouth, it is everything that you said. And nothing was assumed.

    You are coming from a hardcore sweaty player mindset and surrounding yourself with those kinds of people. Hardcore players are a niche group and catering to that playstyle will just hurt the game in the long term, to grow MapleStory you got to make the game appealing, more enjoyable, and have a huge focus on fun gameplay above all else and not have the game so hard where people want to only fight bosses when they can kill them in under 5minutes.

    If the game was "easier" then players would actually want to struggle bosses more. You do this by both improving the overall boss design to be more enjoyable and make supports actually be supports for once, and for there to be more support players in the game the support class needs to be enjoyable for the user.

    If Lynn is overly restrictive and tedious to play, no one [not literal] will want to play her, so fine gameplay is not good enough and thus she is underpowered.

    Bishop's playability is good, her supportive skills are out of date for modern MapleStory. Bishop's only support skills right now are Holy Magic Shell, Angel Ray, and Heaven's Door because these skills are usable in the current game - Heal, Dispel, Holy Fountain, and Holy Water are all unusable for the current game unless you want to completely tank all of your damage which is not viable for Heroic in order to hit blue/green dot - so they got to update these skills so that they are usable for the current game while still being able to deal Bishop's full damage.

    I was right about everything Bishop needed pre-Destiny which she got in Destiny to make her playability good, still right about what Bishop still needs, and right about what Lynn needs to make her actually fun to play and give players the freedom to play her how they want.

    Unless you perfectly align with the one way to play Lynn currently, she is not enjoyable to play.
    And with focus buffs always applying to Lynn, Lynn no longer can self target herself with Focus, and able to get 100%+ uptime with dispel buff, focus heal, and party heal with buff duration will make her easier to play for the user without actually increasing her power levels.

    Just because you can do something does not mean everyone else can too. You are too much of a hardcore player and listening to too many hardcore players that you became out of touch with new, returning, and casual players which is most players that you will never hear from because casual players both do not speak in a public way and do not know what to say to make improvements to the game.

    Game fun = play.
    Game not fun = not play.

    Make changes to make more enjoyable/fun to play = more people = more money for Nexon.

    And you will naturally hear less people not like the changes to BT / Lynn than those that like it because most people that do not like something will say nothing and just stop playing until there is something added in that they like or the class they liked playing gets improved back into something they do like to play.

    Bishop and Lynn are the only 2 support classes in the game, they need to add more.

    Battle Mage, Kanna, Paladin, and Mihile are close to be true supports, but are not there.

    Everyone else are support-hybrids and/or strongish buffers like Mechanic and Shade.

    Illium suffers from being overdesigned, but with several tweaks and adjustments can become a pretty decent support or a good support if they did things right and made his utility actually strong or strong enough.

    Lara is the easiest to turn into a support. Revamp her manifestation skills by removing their cooldowns, 4x the area size (double width, double height), rework river manifestation entirely to be more like sunlight and wind (unique party utility with some kind of party buff or party effect per second), make manifestation skills be summoned with only one skill key (what effect is summoned is entirely based on that dragon vein's element), and double the healing of sunlight to 10% hp per second from 10% per 2 seconds.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited May 19
    Stacona wrote: »
    You are coming from a hardcore sweaty player mindset and surrounding yourself with those kinds of people.
    This is assuming. I play with players at all skill levels of the game.
    Even in the post you claim you are not, you are still assuming. Stop this.
    You don't know why I feel the way I do about things unless I tell you.
    By saying that I feel the way I do about Lynn because of X reason, you are putting words into my mouth.
    Bishop's playability is good, her supportive skills are out of date for modern MapleStory. Bishop's only support skills right now are Holy Magic Shell, Angel Ray, and Heaven's Door because these skills are usable in the current game - Heal, Dispel, Holy Fountain, and Holy Water are all unusable for the current game unless you want to completely tank all of your damage which is not viable for Heroic in order to hit blue/green dot - so they got to update these skills so that they are usable for the current game while still being able to deal Bishop's full damage.
    These skills are fine, yes you're going to lose damage for casting them but that's what playing a support is about, trading damage for utility.
    You don't have to completely tank your damage, I am far weaker than the other members of my group and I still easily blue/green dot, while also using these skills.
    These skills shouldn't be taking that much damage from you.
    Just because you can do something does not mean everyone else can too. You are too much of a hardcore player and listening to too many hardcore players that you became out of touch with new, returning, and casual players which is most players that you will never hear from because casual players both do not speak in a public way and do not know what to say to make improvements to the game.
    Again, stop assuming. I play with new, returning and casual players weekly.
    Just because I am able to play with "hardcore" players does not mean I do not understand nor play with newer players.
    Bishop and Lynn are the only 2 support classes in the game, they need to add more.
    I would say they are the best supports, yes. But not the only supports.
    Other classes offer support as well as you mentioned, it's just not as heavy handed as Lynn/Bishop.
    I would prefer changes to some classes to go heavier into the direction of support, such as Mihile's Soul Link skill being reverted back to a damage absorb rather than a small shield after RG. But that's a little off topic.

    Back to Lynn, I think her healing ability is fine, it's much easier to keep one person alive with Lynn than it is with Bishop due to the ability to just set it and forget it.
    Lynn imo should feel like a bishop more geared towards duos, which is the way she feels right now.

    If the idea of combining damage/effect of predator's blow into Raid doesn't appeal then I could agree with just turning it into a passive.
    Possibly merge it into a passive sneak attack boost.

    Allowing Focus Heal and Mother Nature's Heal to be 100% uptime is too ridiculously strong.
    Party Heal is already a 50% uptime that essentially negates chip damage for the duration.
    Focus heal is a 2/3rds uptime that heals 30% per second.
    Bosses should be somewhat challenging, otherwise there's no point.

    I agree with changing the forest protection to a lower CD as well as making it easier to activate the door mechanic, other classes with their own personal doors and heaven's door itself are more useful than this while also being easier to activate. Being able to set the barrier on yourself while holding down would also be a nice change.

    Support Flight and Focus Support Flight are plenty useful as is, they're already able to save people constantly/consistently, that said I don't really think it would be overpowered to reduce either of these skills to half their CD.
    I still agree with the take on Earth Pulverization, more damage and uptime please.
    Unless you perfectly align with the one way to play Lynn currently, she is not enjoyable to play.
    From my perspective BT had this problem as well, despite having one of the best links in the game she was still one of the least played classes, meaning everyone got a chance to look at her kit, and still refused to actually play her. We'll have to wait to see where Lynn is after awhile but the fact that I constantly see Lynn players in 6th job areas where as I couldn't tell you if I ever saw a BT even in 5th job areas, seems promising.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited May 19
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Stacona wrote: »

    People didn't actually look at BT's kit though. She had 4 different main playstyles and nuance within each of the 4 animals, so there was a ton of freedom to play Chase how you wanted to play her, but discord/reddit culture is bad for the game as these places makes it seem like there was only one to play a class.

    Mercedes also has a ton of freedom for individual player expression, the only thing you got to do for Mercedes is combo, after that players need to figure out the most comfortable way to play Mercedes as long as they follow the basic rule of combo their skills together. What skills that get used does not matter.

    Chase rewarded players that actually thought for themselves and explored the skill kit. Lynn removed the ability to free think, they need to bring that back.

    I am not assuming anything, you are the only one assuming by assuming that I am assuming.

    When game is too hard, people want to burst bosses because the bosses are too hard to play for them and/or not very fun to play, so they try to ignore all mechanics as a result.

    Everything about Lynn I posted is about playing as Lynn, playing with Lynn nothing changes (outside of huge buffs to overhealing and barrier, which desperately need it), it just makes it more enjoyable to play as Lynn. Anything that makes a class better to play as should be implemented (as long as that thing does not fall under "gimme more damage because I want more damage" mentality) and as long as it sticks to the theme and core design of that class.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited May 31
    [Focus] Forest Protection:
    UPDATE (2):
    ~ Be cool if this was sudo-reverted to how Champ Charge's Cat Tree worked, this way it really emphasizes the protector aspect to Lynn with a low cooldown protection spell.
    - Cooldown > 30 seconds;
    - Duration > 10 seconds;
    - True Damage Reduction increased to 40% from 30%;
    - Periodic Healing within the barrier added;
    - Death Prevention is a buff that lasts for 60 seconds, when it prevents death will go on cooldown for that target for 300 seconds before that same target can receive the buff again.
  • MatarielMatariel
    Reactions: 1,290
    Posts: 15
    edited June 2
    I personally find Lynn to be leaps and bounds over Beast Tamer. I will say I mostly play solo, so I'm not huge on party-only support buffs, so I do wish I could be buffing myself instead. The only gripes I've noticed outside of that is I do agree with sweep, I wish during later levels it wasn't so restrictive, however I don't find it too terrible, just maybe a slight buff on time. I do find that a lot of her buffs are a little lame, it would've been cool to make her buff in a way that other support classes don't already do.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited June 2
    Matariel wrote: »
    I personally find Lynn to be leaps and bounds over Beast Tamer. I will say I mostly play solo, so I'm not huge on party-only support buffs, so I do wish I could be buffing myself instead. The only gripes I've noticed outside of that is I do agree with sweep, I wish during later levels it wasn't so restrictive, however I don't find it too terrible, just maybe a slight buff on time. I do find that a lot of her buffs are a little lame, it would've been cool to make her buff in a way that other support classes don't already do.

    You needed to play in hawk mode. Bear mode was never good to play in.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited June 10
    UPDATE (3):
    Lynn: Gain 30% Final Damage for 30 seconds (unchanged).

    Revamped - Focus Target: This becomes a passive effect of while Lynn is Focusing on a party member (excludes Lynn), grant the Focus target 5% +1% per 4,000 INT Final Damage, this effect is doubled while Awaken is active.

    New - Party Members: Party members, other than Lynn or the Focus target, gain 5% +1% per 7,500 INT Final Damage for 30 seconds.

    This level of coordinating Awaken with another person's burst is really hard to do for most people with how difficult modern boss design is, so turning the final damage into a passive effect will create a more enjoyable experience for the Lynn player with less stress of needing to perfectly time Awaken with someone else's burst window.

    In addition, if Lynn accidently used Awaken while Focusing on the wrong target, this would help correct that mistake by switching targets in the middle of Awaken's duration.

    This also helps reduce the bind and burst ways of playing the game by making the active less extreme of a damage increase and more about dealing damage all of time outside of burst windows of opportunity.

    Lastly, Lynn can use a small boost to her performance when bossing in a full party, while still emphasizing her unique aspect of super charging a single party member.
    Reactions: 1,215
    Posts: 40
    edited June 26
    My Beast Tamer was only 200 - but I logged in after a hiatus to find that she was replaced by Lynn. Honestly, I hated having Jett discontinued but this feels almost as worse because instead of having a choice of a new character - I got this one shoved down my throat without the ability to customize it. My character's name and options were chosen for the Beast Tamer. To me they don't go with Lynn. And honestly - the long cut scene story line is boring, repetitive, (beautiful artwork) and slow. I feel the loss and the NPC constantly saying too bad you have to move on doesn't really help. Thinking about taking another hiatus.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited June 27
    DMH wrote: »
    My Beast Tamer was only 200 - but I logged in after a hiatus to find that she was replaced by Lynn. Honestly, I hated having Jett discontinued but this feels almost as worse because instead of having a choice of a new character - I got this one shoved down my throat without the ability to customize it. My character's name and options were chosen for the Beast Tamer. To me they don't go with Lynn. And honestly - the long cut scene story line is boring, repetitive, (beautiful artwork) and slow. I feel the loss and the NPC constantly saying too bad you have to move on doesn't really help. Thinking about taking another hiatus.

    Lynn is a Beast Tamer remake that got reincarnated from Chase into Lynn... and they killed the animals and replaced them with new ones...

    Chase's story I like significantly more than Lynn's story, Lynn's story was just depressing for the sake of being depressing and was not really a story at all. While Chase goes on adventure, stops the evil bad guy, saves the village, and then continues her journey in Maple World with her animal friends! (Lynn kind of feels like she has animal slaves)

    Plus Fort, Lai, Eka, and Arby have so much more personality than Pan, Penni, and Paeon... (the orange/red, blue/pink, and green/purple colour palettes working together is nice to look at though).

    Most importantly (minus the support buffs and utility being nerfed from Cat Mode) is that Hawk Mode (and even Snow Leopard Mode) was insanely fun and chill mobbing and Hawk Mode offered the greatest bossing ever! I loved bossing with everything Hawk Mode offered and now I hate bossing again because it just is not very fun without my double flash jump (luckily though bird dash resets horizontal/vertical jump), near-perpetual flight, glide, hurricane skill, and tornado goes brrrrrr plus all of the iframes that BT had (though the iframes are whatever compared to the fun Hawk Mode gameplay).

    And I loved screwing around in towns with the zero restrictions super fluid mobility that Hawk Mode offered, and even Snow Leopard was fun to screw around with as well, and at best for Lynn you can have 2 seconds of fun every 25 seconds which is dumb.

    Buff up all of Lynn's buffs and utility skills while bringing back all of Hawk Mode's core gameplay and mobbing then I could be happy, or at least satisfied, with Lynn the BT Remake...
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 373
    edited August 4
    Concept for new Whirlwind:

    "Hold down the skill key to begin quickly flying through the air with Penni, ignoring touch damage while dealing damage to monsters you come in contact with and dealing significantly more damage to normal monsters."

    You are always flying forward, use the Left and Right Directional Keys to gradually steer Penni from his left or right. Flying straight will make Penni fly even faster, steering will slowly decrease your flight speed, slowest you can fly is the initial flight speed.

    Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    Maximum Duration: 30 seconds.

    I think this would offer for a very fun and unique mobbing gameplay, while offering better sustained flight for bossing than the current skill.