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Cube system upgrade

Reactions: 1,205
Posts: 234
edited September 11 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
EDIT: looks like discord browser links are temporary so i may have to re-uload the picture from time to time.....EDIT END

plz leave positive comment if you like, if you got any suggestion to improve it further plz write down bellow, share with the community to increase the chance that NX actually make it real...its already been sent to NX via tix but that alone is probably insufficient, its not meant to reduce the cost of cubing but improving the system so you dont sit 10-30 mins cubing in town while raging that its taking forever.....that 10-30 mins will be reduce to a mere 1 min at most...no more suffering from the cube function if this gets in game



  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 371
    edited August 28
    Cubing right now from Heroic Worlds perspective is in a good spot.

    There is like 100+ other things that needs to be addressed, reworked, and improved upon before Cubing is ever considered. Starting with majour systems like Familiars need a full on remake right now and Starforcing can use significant improvements to make it a better system, especially for Heroic which is at the mercy of backups and really good RNG on multiple levels.

    In terms of Cubing.
    It could be cool if it was able to produce utility lines and be less straight forward of always going for Stat% / Attack% / Crit Damage% on the respective equipment and Mesos / Item Drop Rate % for farming gear standards and allow for more creative builds players can create.

    Though, this system would probably be better served with a reworked and expanded Inner Ability which there are 10 lines of inner ability from 3 lines and significantly more interesting utility lines like % cd reduction, flat cd reduction, more cd skip lines, increased healing, reduced mp costs, normal monster damage, healing over time that functions like fam healing and ignores anti-healing mechanics, mp over time, true damage reduction [damage reduction that works against % hp attacks], hit more monsters with skills, etc. even more creative and fun lines like "increases jump height and jump height cap further" or "decreases the effects of gravity on the player" (player falls down slower, acting like a weaker explorer mage vertical jump float)

    You know, things that will help the player out and create more interesting builds that do not result in a direct damage increase. Inner ability would be tweaked and improved to better support a 10 lines system such as reduced costs of honour exp for locking lines and reduced costs for rolling for lines until you start locking a lot of lines then it starts getting costly.

    More player customization could be fun and add more depth to the game.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,205
    Posts: 234
    edited August 29
    regarding what ya said about the honor ability system i can't agree...i will talk about cubing in Paragraph 2...also i may have possibly misunderstood you about the honor stuff(i clarify it in paragraph 3 out of 5 just in case, your free to skip straigth to it if you want b4 reading the rest(((( or particularly the top of paragraph 1 and the whole of paragraph 2 which would be very off if i misunderstood))))

    10 line simply no...thats power creep..ppl would simply make 2 preset which specialize for either bossing or mobbing.....if its limited to 1 preset again with lets say 6 line it would look like this(ppl would focus full bossing)
    L-Boss dmg
    U-%dmg to enemies afflict by abnormal status
    U-Item DR%
    U-+buff duration for pp lwho dont use pet...or either all stats//cd bypass% depend if player choose reliable effect or are gambler

    also 10 line would massively reduce the cost of honor required to get the best lines as all 10 would reroll increasing the chance of finding the best abilities in just a tiny amount of honor spent.they would have to reduce the chance to get unique line by about 60% if they add 7 additional line so you can't just get the 3 best with ease

    also worthless effect
    healing increase ? your smoking there....power elixir for use for days heal at 100% already...what more do you want from heal potion....a shield ?
    if its the anti-pot cooldown some bosses has you got problem with all they need to do is change a SINGLE NUMBER in the script, not rly difficult to do if they wanted to nerf bosses difficulty...they dont gotta create thousands of lines of script for it like they would have to for this cube system

    reduce mp cost ? worthless when we got praticly infinite mana....T-Breaker and Wild Hunter are praticly the only 2 classes that need to mana pot when they do mobbing and a single pot is good for like 2-4 mins worth of mana...think there 1 more class but forgot which one

    cd skip line: while this could be handy your not being notify of when it occur so that be rly hard to know when it happen...the reduction potential on helm is more reliable as its static and can adapt to the new tempo rotation

    healing over time....while i like regen mechanics it would also dunk on some bosses difficulty....so i'am not sure its a good thing

    true dmg reduction is nerfing bosses difficulty...that ruin the bosses challenge(if you just want a sandbag enemy that allow you to win everytime maybe just stick to lvl 1 mobs or easy Zakum ?)...however if its introduce this way.,....lets say
    2 pieces eternal set....effect: reduce dmg taken by 15% againts Chosen Seren-0-0-(doesn't apply to attacks dealing 100% HP)
    3 pieces eternal set....effect: reduce dmg by 15% againts Khalos-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0(doesn't apply to attacks dealing 100% HP)
    5 pieces eternal set......effect: reduce dmg taken by 15% againts Khaling-0-0-0-0-0(doesn't apply to attacks dealing 100% HP)
    6 pieces eternal set....effet: reduce dmg taken by 15% againts xtreme lotus-0-0-0-(doesn't apply to attacks dealing 100% HP)
    7 pieces eternal set...effect: reduce dmg taken by 15% againts Limbo-0-0-0-0-0-0.(doesn't apply to attacks dealing 100% HP)

    that would be 1 way where dmg reduction is acceptable, but never b4 beating said boss for the first time

    hit more monsters with skills: this praticly dont help in most classes case..but wtv ...nx can just give the effect as a passive to all skill in exchange for currency instead of making the honor system help with it...your still going to be limited by attacks range which praticly already hit everything within range....at most i only see that helping Sol Janus//Erda Shower which have fairly huge range and possibly some skill i ain't thinking about that has absurd long range

    Speed/Jump Height....i'd rather they do not give those....160 speed and +25 jump height is praticly the perfect amount....i dont want non-efficient amount of those
    therefor not me or even most of the player base would use that

    normal dmg inner ? already exist, make your second inner ability preset focus on mobbing..simple....if your issue is the honor cost you may want to request a honor cost reduction instead

    like look
    preset 1
    L- Boss dmg
    U- ATT
    U- +dmg% to enemy affect with abnormal status

    preset 2(thishere should be your mobbing honor abilities)..and can also be use as pignata popping preset with the DR% at main line
    L- +Drop rate%(help with gear, nodestones, erda fragments)...
    U- dmg% to normal enemies
    U- +Mesos%

    ....if your done getting nodestones for all your chars as well as having max out your sixth job nods then consider a third preset with mesos% as Legendary line....but gl with that

    overall: i dont think the honor ability system should be rework, however the honor cost for 3 perf line is a lot....i may have wrote above that they would have to reduce the chance at unique ability for 10 lines(aka to keep it approximetly the same rating)....but i would not mind a 50% honor cost reduction for triple perf line to make it more accessible


    ok now about cubing......this could be doable but it would have to be separate from the the current system so it dont anger ppl that only want the bis lines

    like splitting it in 2 type of rolling

    so having 2 tab that can roll is possible(although most ppl wont use what you personnaly wish for)
    Tab 1: BiS lines rolls(current available rolls lines(less junk lines for highter chance at best bossing lines)
    Tab 2: same available lines + utilities line are now added in the mix(using the second tab mean you acknowledge that can you can get sub-par quality lines)

    i do think thats extra pointless work for devs what you wish for as most ppl wont want utility line....but eh....i guess it make the few odds ball happy..although that may result in being exclude from boss groups for having non-efficient lines

    also i'am not entirely sure if you actually meant converting 60 lines of potential into 10 lines of honor line + our current 3 basic honor lines
    if thats what you had in mind then its even worse...evenly split without loosing raw stats mean we would have to pay a much larger amount of mesos to get it
    as reduce to 10 line the stats gain would have to be more massive
    Line 1: 16% crit dmg +10-13% Main stats or an additional 8% crit dmg
    Line 2: 66-78% main stat
    Line 3: 66-78% main stat
    Line 4: 66-78% main Stat
    line 5: 66-78% main stat
    Line 6: 66-78% main stat
    Line 7: -4 sec to skills cooldown or +66-78% main stat
    Line 8: +66-78% ATT
    Line 9: +90-120% Boss dmg
    Line 10: +30-60% IED + something

    ppl would still aim for stats except its gonna cost so much more to get an upgrade instead of few small upgrades

    if thats not what you had in mind then would ya care to elaborate ?(as in showing example of how you wish it to be)....a picture may also help comprehend whatcha think
    Starforcing system: i believe the system at its core is entirely fine so i would not touch it, but increasing the drop rate of pitches set would def be worth it due to indeed lack of back up if it boom....this is an extremely quick fix in the script if they rly care about it...they only have to change the number for the drop rate
    if NX wished so it be done instantly
    Familiar System: except for the 100% DR summon and mesos% i would not rly call it major...on reboot all players have equal progress on this so its not an unfair system
    although could certainly be made more friendly...this is also a rly quick fix if they wished to make it easier...doesn't require to change much in the script, nor need to add new script lines.....NX would also have fix that long ago if cared about it..if they haven't touch it its because they think its mostly balanced, and on some note... they are working on highter areas familiar currently so this is already in progress....but that should not stop them from working on a cube upgraded system

    unlike familar and starforce, cube system upgrade is a QoL update not a balancing update
    ...well familiar system is just a DR/Mesos creep system + some boss cheesing lines....i can't see it as important nor unimportant... i think its on equal footing
    as upgrading the cube system
    finaly you mentionned a hundred more things...i wonder what you could possibly refer to
    i know that there at least classes balancing(fix clunkyness, improve abilities to perform, adjust dmg output)
    maybe add all CS items in the cs so we're not limit to this puny amount of items ?(although dont seem like a rly high priority)(that remind me i should post in cash suggestion)
    but beyond that i have no idea to what those other 99 things could possibly be
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,395
    Posts: 1,042
    edited August 29
    I figure GMS can just port over the Potential and Bonus Potential Reset system in KMS so we can cube our items directly without worrying about losing good lines. This would make it easier to get potentials and bonus potential to 3L. This wouldn't have much impact on Heroic Servers since they have access to Glowing and Bright Cubes all the time. Interactive Worlds well Bright and Glowing Cubes for potential, but only sell Bonus Glowing Cubes for Bpots which makes them riskier to roll especially when people are rolling for 2L or 3L since there is a huge risk of getting nothing. By using mesos to reset bpots and pots like KMS, players wouldn't have to worry about buying cubes and worrying about space or expiration. They also don't need to worry about buying services and potentially getting scammed. An alternative would be to sell Bonus Bright Cubes in the Cash Shop at all times so we can truly cube bpots without fear of losing lines since that is what makes bpots harder to deal with that regular potentials.

    This change should come without the meso cap or eliminating other cubes sources in case players need to cube using boss and crafted cubes for mules who don't need super high end gear. The option to buy cubes in the cash shop would still remain for those who prefer using NX to get their cubes. IDK if the meso costs to re-roll should match KMS so that we can finally base a Bright Cube to the cost of a roll in mesos or it would be adjusted to match GMS's higher meso rates.

  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,205
    Posts: 234
    edited August 29
    KMS actually has a better cube system ? and is it better than what i suggested or about equivalent ? o.o

    as for bonus potential i dont play interactive world so idk how to proceed to implement that without messing up he function

    the system i suggested would have a huge impact on reboot if the kms system would not...the system i design would straigth up roll to your desired lines or rank upgrade in 1 click...no mass clicking needed anymore

    well....the KMS version advantage that you pointed at is that no cube can expire...i didn't account for it in my version.....i suppose i could tweak it so it consume mesos for X quality rolls equivalent to cube power...that would certainly be an upgrade to not have any extra cube risk expiring(sorry if explanation is a bit messy XD)
    my only concern is weither GMS NX would keep price reasonable(approximetly the same) were they to port KMS system

    for the bonus potential thing....if you want to do it... can ya add your idea along my design ?(as in add it to what i drawn)...i dont wanna mess that up with lack of knowledge on how bonus pot work
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,395
    Posts: 1,042
    edited August 29
    RedRaven wrote: »
    KMS actually has a better cube system ? and is it better than what i suggested or about equivalent ? o.o

    as for bonus potential i dont play interactive world so idk how to proceed to implement that without messing up he function

    the system i suggested would have a huge impact on reboot if the kms system would not...the system i design would straigth up roll to your desired lines or rank upgrade in 1 click...no mass clicking needed anymore

    well....the KMS version advantage that you pointed at is that no cube can expire...i didn't account for it in my version.....i suppose i could tweak it so it consume mesos for X quality rolls equivalent to cube power...that would certainly be an upgrade to not have any extra cube risk expiring(sorry if explanation is a bit messy XD)
    my only concern is weither GMS NX would keep price reasonable(approximetly the same) were they to port KMS system

    for the bonus potential thing....if you want to do it... can ya add your idea along my design ?(as in add it to what i drawn)...i dont wanna mess that up with lack of knowledge on how bonus pot work

    Bonus Potential currently function the same as rolling regular potential with Glowing Cubes. The results are smaller for stats so you cannot get 12 9 9 on bpots on a CRA but would be able 8 5 5 or something like that. The pools for potentials are expanded so its possible to get crit dmg on armor and drop% on armors (very small amounts.) Its just smaller and messier version of pots.

    Only issue is you cannot save a good roll and roll higher since the Bonus Bright Cubes are an event exclusive thing and not a permanent feature in the cash shop. Whenever there are good cubes like Bonus Bright Cubes from boss shops or long attendances, players would sell them as a service and players would trade it over to that player and hope they roll something good and at the same time hope the person is trustworthy and won't run off with the item. I am not super concerned with the odds of getting desired items or even tiering up because the ability to keep before or after for bpots and pots would act as a safety net so you don't lose progress unless you pick wrong.

    KMS version concept sounds very good but the meso cap and the high costs makes it so you cannot frequently roll unless you boss a lot or convert a ton of maple points to mesos, but that is more of just the meso cap issue. The removal of Occults and ability to craft Meisters and Master Craftsman cubes make it so every potential roll costs millions of mesos even if they are items below 100. This makes it stupidly expensive to create a boss or legion mule since it would cost like 5 million to reroll a mule equipment because the price is determined by the item level and its tier. Usually the cost to reveal a potential is determined by the item's level and you Insight trait. It is possible to reset potentials of level 120 items with 100 Insight for free with any cube. Higher level items may cost a few hundred thousands of maybe a million of you are rerolling Eternals. Keeping existing the existing cubes would allow for players to make cheaper/free mule gear and the meso reset option would exist for players pushing for perfect lines.

    And no, I don't know how to implement a NEW system or feature as I no imagination and it is easier to take something that already exists somewhere and bring it in xD.


  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,205
    Posts: 234
    edited September 11
    i revised the system base on your suggestion, for bonus potential i think it should be an ui apart from this one so i wont mix it in


    or if mesos amount is reduce to less than what the cube type cost it stop rolling*....dont wanna re-edit the picture tonight XD
  • xDothackerxDothacker
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 18
    edited September 7
    I like this proposed system. It helps reduce a ton of time and is a quality of life, which I feel Maplestory lacks a lot in.
    I mentioned a dumbed-down solution in a recent post I made. I understand this may take awhile to implement the full solution, so implementing this system in steps would be great. As an example, Nexon can first implement a system which allows the user to reroll to a specific tier, rather than with specific line attributes.
    As a second round of implementation, they can then look into the full solution provided here, which allows the user to select the lines they are most interested in.

    I believe one thing to add in terms of cubes themselves. In Reboot worlds, cubes are often time-bound and are found under the "Use" tab, sometimes taking up multiple slots.
    My suggestion would be - Remove the time-bound restriction for cubes, and create a system which allows you to accumulate cubes which would be present in this screen (similar to how you can accumulate legion coins and claim throughout any account that is part of your legion).

    Example: Say I have 2 accounts. Account 1 runs through daily bosses and receives 50 Mystical cubes, 5 Hard cubes, and 2 Solid cubes - These are added to the stack. Account 2 runs through daily bosses, receiving a total of 35 Mystical cubes, and 2 Hard cubes.
    When opening the proposed cube system mentioned above, the player is presented with a total number of cubes collected across all accounts and would be able to use them accordingly. In the example above, the player would see a total of 85 Mystical cubes, 7 Hard cubes, and 2 Solid cubes which can be used at their disposal on any character.

    This eliminates the need to have cubes in your "Use" inventory, removes the time-bound nature of cubes, and removes the need to transfer cubes from character to character.