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Need help: Surprise Style box+Fusion Anvil
Just wondering, i'm back from years now to Maple and didn't notice surprise style box in CS at all. Checked in CS event/main tab, but nothing. Only those 3 halloween boxes set. I don't know where to purchase these Halloween Surprise Style Boxes.
Any idea if fusion anvil is removed deffinitively or will be back one day ?
Help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure why you couldn't see the SSB, it's there for me.
I took screenshots. I'm not the only one, a friend has the same. Maybe it's region/IP restricted or something
Here are the screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/vZg9ZnT
(The 1st screenshot shows the main CS tab, From 2 to 7, it shows the full inconvenience list i have access to, the 8th shows the SSB tab empty)
Thanks for your help, i think i'll send tickets to GMs
They should be right after Hyper Teleport Rocks, that's probably a mistake since those aren't RNG and shouldn't be affected by the regional laws.
There have been several threads asking for change to the restrictions, you could possibly find the latest one and bump it or create a new one.
Mabinogi apparently had some of their restrictions removed so it may eventually be solved.