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Reactions: 3,140
Posts: 642
edited March 2023 in General Chat
This post is for the glory and restoration of one of the greatest classes since fangblade. No, we aren't talking about Evan but we are talking about kaiser. Many updates many revamps of many classes.
We have seen the explorers go through not one, but two major updates which tip the power scaling in their favor.

We have seen how even the Cygnus knights got 2 revamps as well, even Sengoku which hasn't been around for a long time got a really good revamp.

Many classes in the game got amazing revamps and have been able to get a new look. All classes and but one group. The Novas!

Yes, the nova classes have been very underrepresented and haven't been getting the shine they deserve. The one class that doesn't get as much love that deserves it is kaiser!!!!

Yes, kaiser has been a class that has been around since 2012 which is a big year for me. I will list the classes in order to show how under represented the Novas are and how every class got a revamp but novas.

This should make you wonder is nexon hating on novas? I mean yeah nova classes are pretty op and clutch but the fact nexon never did not one revamp for nova is insane!!!

But one other issue I have with nexon treatment of novas is it treatment of kaisers. I say this as gms first kaiser in khaini, that kaiser needs a whole make over.

The first issue I have is that we haven't had any revamps period which doesn't make sense. As one of the first few classes in game and one that been out for over 11 hears we deserve a great revamp that make other classes look at us like dang I see you.

The second issue I have is that our skills need some rework. One rework I seen we can do is with giga wave, if we use the skill we should be able to walk forward and backwards using it. Point is redo our skills.

Third issue is with us being dragons, like if we are dragons and we have wings then why can't we fly? Like come on we have wings and you not even utilizing them like come on.

Fourth Issue is our transformation, how we have a transformation and after 5th job we don't have a ultra transformation like we are the saiyans of maple story we need a level 1 2 3 etc

Fifth issue is how you utilizing kaiser for a beta male agenda!!! Like I seen what you guys did when you made kaiser 5th job summons white knights I get the joke. Pretty much your calling kaiser a simp. Now for anyone who don't know what a simp is, it not us who play kaisers!!! We are the alphas omegas deltas and beyond of maplestory!!!!! One major fix you need to make is to let us choose the colors of our kaiser summons. I am Black so if I have any knights who I'm riding with it better be some Black knights!!!!!!

My point is let us have more control of what kaiser is. Now I know a lot of kaisers have their opinions so please voice below and let the voices be heard.




Explorers (except Pirate classes and Dual Blade) (11 May 2005)

Pirates (except Cannoneer) (12 Nov 2008)

Cygnus Knights (29 Jul 2009)

Aran (10 Dec 2009)

Evan (31 Mar 2010)

Dual Blade (21 Jul 2010)

Resistance (Wild Hunter and Battle Mage) (20 Dec 2010)

Mechanic (19 Jan 2011)

Cannoneer (8 Dec 2011)

Mercedes (19 Dec 2011)

Demon Slayer (11 Jan 2012)

Jett (27 Jun 2012)

Phantom (12 Jul 2012)

Mihile (5 Sep 2012)

Luminous (4 Dec 2012)

Kaiser (7 Dec 2012)

Angelic Buster (8 Jan 2013)

Demon Avenger (20 Dec 2013)

Xenon (3 Jan 2013)

Kanna (26 Feb 2013)

Hayato (12 Mar 2013)

Zero (18 Dec 2013)

Beast Tamer (22 Jan 2014)

Shade (8 Jul 2014)

Kinesis (16 Dec 2015)

Blaster (20 Jul 2016)

Cadena (29 Nov 2017)

Illium (20 Dec 2017)

Ark (28 jun 2018)
  1. So, who's for the novas great revamp and kaiser non simp make over?4 votes
       50% (2 votes)
    2. SHUT UP!!
       50% (2 votes)


  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
    Posts: 485
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    edited March 2023
    cool story bro
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited March 2023
    Mira wrote: »
    cool story bro

    Thx someone had to do it
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
    Posts: 1,685
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2023
    I would like to see more classes get the kaiser/mech/WH treatment where they have a feature of their class that can be visually customized.
    I think Nova and Resistance are both overdue for revamps.
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited March 2023
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I would like to see more classes get the kaiser/mech/WH treatment where they have a feature of their class that can be visually customized.
    I think Nova and Resistance are both overdue for revamps.

    Resistance actually got a revamp and they did have a customize feature before. I think one of their best features is their link skills.

    I think nova needs a big revamp also kinda like I said, give us the option to change our summons colors.

    Also Kaiser and nova has wings so let us fly
  • TalestoryTalestory
    Reactions: 1,240
    Posts: 14
    edited November 2024
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,290
    Posts: 297
    edited November 2024
    well Kaiser def need a revamp

    and since your mentionning link skills
    would be nice if they buffed Resistance links a little..they feel underwhelming

    in addition to current effect why not add the following ?
    +1% Burst skills dmg Rank 1....+2% Burst Skills dmg(Rank 2)
    total of 10% at lvl 10
    Burst dmg would include all skills dealing dmg with a 2 mins or longer cooldowns(including Origin)

    still want them to make a Lightning Dragon Nova
    wouls want a Nature Dragon too : (come with a 30 sec cd skill that can pull ALL mobs on the map to you)
    and a Wind Dragon
    and and....a Space Dragon ? able to create voids that suck nearby enemies in

    your "fifth issue" though, thats just speculation untill proven...although color cosmetic would not be bad
    already exist
    Kaiser(Earth,Fire Dragon)
    Angelic(Arcane Dragon)
    Kain(Dark Dragon)
    Cadena(???? dragon(Metal dragon ? idk))
    Evan(Onyx, all elements)..although thats not a Nova :S
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,140
    Posts: 642
    edited December 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    well Kaiser def need a revamp

    and since your mentionning link skills
    would be nice if they buffed Resistance links a little..they feel underwhelming

    in addition to current effect why not add the following ?
    +1% Burst skills dmg Rank 1....+2% Burst Skills dmg(Rank 2)
    total of 10% at lvl 10
    Burst dmg would include all skills dealing dmg with a 2 mins or longer cooldowns(including Origin)

    still want them to make a Lightning Dragon Nova
    wouls want a Nature Dragon too : (come with a 30 sec cd skill that can pull ALL mobs on the map to you)
    and a Wind Dragon
    and and....a Space Dragon ? able to create voids that suck nearby enemies in

    your "fifth issue" though, thats just speculation untill proven...although color cosmetic would not be bad
    already exist
    Kaiser(Earth,Fire Dragon)
    Angelic(Arcane Dragon)
    Kain(Dark Dragon)
    Cadena(???? dragon(Metal dragon ? idk))
    Evan(Onyx, all elements)..although thats not a Nova :S

    I think Nova still needs a mage for it to be complete, and I think Edea, the ice dragon "technically would be lighting as she shoots it all the time" apprentice, would be a great final character to complete the Nova. Her having an apprentice would be great plot-wise. I like the resistance link skills it's great as it makes you invincible for 2 seconds on each stack.

  • SeleriaSeleria
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 9
    edited December 2024
    I 100% agree on the need for Kaiser to get some love.
    It's almost as bad as Phantoms that came out earlier the same year and still no love.