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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Implement Korean Voice Acting Option
While we're on this topic, they should also bring back the Japanese futuroid voice overs. They are special androids and had unique voices, but now they're replaced with English voices (the female one sounds very obnoxious).
Japanese futuroids sounded way better indeed!
When your team literally ports all the content over from KMS, there are probably the appropriate files in the Sound.wz > SkillVoice > Classes. I haven't extracted the game files myself but seems pretty simple if you have the files Korean voice files preserved somewhere.
Implementing a mechanism that would allow swapping sound files while the game is running, or storing alternate sound effects somewhere (where?) and allowing swapping them, is not trivial. Nexon would have to decide whether it's worth the effort.
Please vote guys ^^