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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
How is there 1 Blaze Wizard in every channel botting away without being punished in Scania? Disable this garbo class please.
(dont mistake the skill with a mech skill it was literly a skill that spawnt mines through walking)
or how they used evan and than for a short while the creation option from evan got canceled.
well my points is there is no need for hate and sooner or later they going to switch to something else
but i can understand does hackers really are anoying...
He's not gonna switch when he can get away with it.
sadly, 0 gm in Scania (you may find few of them when they need to spawn bosses in towns for events, but thats about it)
only things nexon should do is improve the hacking shield and add more gm.