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Regarding the latest maintenance.

Member, Private Tester Nishijima
Reactions: 1,010
Posts: 45
Member, Private Tester
edited November 2016 in General Chat
So I recently saw this: "[Update] The maintenance has been extended until further notice." and I must say I was so surprised I almost surprissed myself.

Has there ever been a maintenance that hasn't been extended for whatever reason? I mean I know time is relative but come on guys what is this?
How far off is your sense of time? When you're baking shi* in the oven do you extend the time there? Because I could see you all doing exactly that. If I were to base your cooking skills off of the efficiency of these maintenances I bet all your bread comes out charcoal black doesn't it? Do you like charcoal black bread?
*whispers* Do you like giving us false hope nexon?


  • Member RegretfuIly
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 132
    edited November 2016
    Welcome to GMS. Good thing there are plenty of other things to do, besides spamming the "Play" button until the game is back up.
  • Member Whut
    Reactions: 745
    Posts: 35
    edited November 2016
    As long as they're fixing the Knight's Chamber Ereve crash, I'm happy. Haven't been able to play my main for 6 days now #feelsbadman
  • Member xBlackBeard
    Reactions: 305
    Posts: 13
    edited November 2016
    They should take the whole day. Just to make sure everything is fine imo. Because i do not want a crash in Ereve again when i try to log in with my character.
  • Member KingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    it seems to be channels 3&4, 1-4 for Windia http://www.southperry.net/stat.php
  • Member Olleej
    Reactions: 315
    Posts: 12
    edited November 2016
    I have played this game on and off for about 10 years and I can't remember the maintenance time being accurate once.
    What bothers me more than them being awful at estimating downtime is their vague way of extending set downtime.

    Any gaming company wether it's Riot or Blizzard will post on forums, website and social media how much extra downtime can be expected and makes sure that when they do so it's a promise they can keep because continuous disappoint sucks and they understand that.

    Nexon however just gives us the most vague statement: "[Update] The maintenance has been extended until further notice."

    Basically telling us to sit down and wait until they're done.
    1. This doesn't tell the player ANYTHING. Can I expect another 5 hours downtime? Or are we talking an additional 30 minutes?
    2. This kind of message makes the initial estimate completely worthless. Why bother giving the players an estimate when youre planning to extend it "until further notice".
    3. In times they HAVE actually told us the extended downtime they usually start with an hour and add an additional hour everytime they pass it. This to me is extremely annoying because you get your hopes up and plan accordingly over and over.

    Nexon needs to step their game up when it comes to maintenance and communicating with the public.
    Patches and updates should be exciting times but by the time they put a patch through everyone is usually pissed off by the way they handled it.
  • Member Sixis010
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2016
  • Member XCaedisX
    Reactions: 755
    Posts: 16
    edited November 2016
    Dang, and here I was figuring if I checked in by 4 EST they'd surely be done... Nope. I'm honestly surprised more people aren't on here complaining about the maintenance. This is actually the first thread I've seen. Until about two minutes ago I hadn't seen the extension notice and I was just like ??? Is my launcher broken? Because NOBODY was talking about it aside from this thread, so I assumed it came back up at 3 and that it just wasn't working for me. Every other game I've ever played there's always multiple threads with people complaining about every maintenance, or at least making a thread to chat/suggest other ways to kill time while waiting for said maintenance to end.

    I mean, I'm glad they're fixing things. But couldn't they keep us updated on the forum? I could understand not doing so if the maintenance was unscheduled, but this one was supposedly planned, so it should've gotten its own thread on here, right? Where maybe someone could give us a cliffnotes version of what went wrong and why they need to extend the maintenance? Seriously, I'd appreciate that SO much. Lets us know they're actively working on it and keeps us updated on what's going on. It took me awhile just to find the maintenance notice on the main website, and that kinda bugs me.
  • Member KeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
    Posts: 214
    edited November 2016
    rip dailies, I should have prepared for this.
    Nexon have been pretty okay with their maintenance times over the past few months though.
    But I'm not a big fan of the "until further notice" thing, since it'll be until further notice for a while and then suddenly whoop the game is up. A ballpark guess would be better so I know if I can expect to be up 2 more hours or 9.
  • Member Kazeyoma
    Reactions: 565
    Posts: 78
    edited November 2016
    It would be nice if they were more on point about the maintenance time, but it's not surprising anymore that they do almost always extend it a couple hours.
  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    "Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification."
  • Member Volumez
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 68
    edited November 2016
    The sad part about this is that I was debating whether or not to do my dailies before the maintenance, but I was like.. naaah, I'll have 4 hours to do em after the maintenance...
  • Member forumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
    Posts: 337
    edited November 2016
    Why are we even talking about this anymore. Nexon will not change how they do things, no matter how much we complain, petition, or plead to them. They will continue to ignore us as long as they make money off us. They will continue doing things the way they do. All the new content we get is for 1. More money for them and 2. distract us from the problems with maple. This isn't new guys. Maybe for players from EU... to which i say don't ever get your hopes up that this community(or nexon) will ever break a sweat to truly please us. Just play the game, deal with the bs, and move on with life.
  • Member, Private Tester Nishijima
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 45
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Well I mean, I think the reboot server is an answer to some of our complaints and I don't think they are ignoring us, although they could be more explicit in their maintenance and patch notes.

    And ofcourse they need to make money, the game would die if they didn't I still believe Maplestory is a great game and I have no problem donating a few bucks here and there because I would hate to see Maplestory end up like the European server. The only thing wrong with the game is botters and gold sellers. Which is one area that Nexon could significantly improve on. If it were up to me I would straight up IP ban those [bad word] but nexon bans their accounts, it takes them 1 minute to set up another account and back they go to botting and whatnot. Really, really sad. But this happens in all popular mmorpgs so it would be unfair of me to judge or expect more.
  • Member jajabing
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 17
    edited November 2016
    I wondering if KMS does the same thing when maintenance , they own by the same company 'Nexon" .
    I dun know since when I'm kinda fear about maintenance .
    my fear isn't the long waiting but because I dun know how long is the waiting ..
    and since when they stop from compensating for the extended downtime again and again .
    It's like this is the way it gota be , nobody is begging you to play our game .
    And doesn't matter how long and how often they maintain this game they just can't fix all the issues and bugs . so what's the point of even
    maintaining it . could they just hair someone knows better computer techs ??? obviously the team they having right now aren't good enough for this , sooner or later this game will bugged out or out of business by disappointing their loyal customer .
  • Member Yakudle
    Reactions: 2,085
    Posts: 200
    edited November 2016

    Well right now they have soo much to do and cant handle everything in a single week

    for starters i dont know why they pushed the V update to begin with
    when they are still working on the migration stuff {lag/times/glitches}
    the event hall lag {my game still crashes if i go inside}
    bosses dissapearing in the middle of the fight {Alishan boss Shao}
    Ludibrium map locations are incorrect{maybe more maps who knows}
    custom avatars are not yet implemented in the forums
    you have to select the server you want to play everysingle time
    small example ~ why someone would even think about trying the european server when you have lag in the closer server being northamerica
    some quest glitches are back as well for example the one that requires you to get a "quill pen" inside the temple of time

    yea a lot of work still to be done
    its hard to take them seriously when most of the time even if you post a suggestion or a bug report
    most of the time other players answer the posts but i wonder if we are going to see a detailed reply from
    the actual IT crew {if any}

    id like to see a change how about making the maintenances 6 hours that way they have enough time to fix many things not just adding stuff
    in game if they cant in 6 hours then add 4 i mean 10 hours should be enough to figure something out and fix it right?
    {even if you have to call some koreans to help you 10 hours its enough}
  • Member Tuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited November 2016
    Yakudle said:

    Well right now they have soo much to do and cant handle everything in a single week

    for starters i dont know why they pushed the V update to begin with
    when they are still working on the migration stuff {lag/times/glitches}
    the event hall lag {my game still crashes if i go inside}
    bosses dissapearing in the middle of the fight {Alishan boss Shao}
    Ludibrium map locations are incorrect{maybe more maps who knows}
    custom avatars are not yet implemented in the forums
    you have to select the server you want to play everysingle time
    small example ~ why someone would even think about trying the european server when you have lag in the closer server being northamerica
    some quest glitches are back as well for example the one that requires you to get a "quill pen" inside the temple of time

    yea a lot of work still to be done
    its hard to take them seriously when most of the time even if you post a suggestion or a bug report
    most of the time other players answer the posts but i wonder if we are going to see a detailed reply from
    the actual IT crew {if any}

    id like to see a change how about making the maintenances 6 hours that way they have enough time to fix many things not just adding stuff
    in game if they cant in 6 hours then add 4 i mean 10 hours should be enough to figure something out and fix it right?
    {even if you have to call some koreans to help you 10 hours its enough}
    HI TWIN<3 (:

    But when I logged on and I didn't really notice any changes.. The event hall is still too laggy to enter, no word on Haunted Mansion fixed+extended time to complete/ compensation for the players who couldn't complete them due to a bug, sudden missions seem to be bugged now because when you finish them it keeps going. I got 324/100 combo kills just now because it wouldn't complete. So much for that 4 hours -ish extended maintenance lol..
  • Member PuppyMango
    Reactions: 1,420
    Posts: 42
    edited November 2016
    Well... any changes to game code (bug fixing, new content adding etc) is usually done in their continuing trunk version while we are playing a time-framed released tagged version, so it doesn't matter how many hours maintenances is because these hours are used for patching up to a new tagged version that any code changes have already been made before maintain. Apart from doing patch up, they probably do some further game testing and sometimes stupid server windows update.

    What nexon probably should be done is to assign more programmers to fix bugs/lags, enhance performance...etc.
  • Member gamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited November 2016
    There was a time, albeit a short one, when Nexon usually over estimated the length of their maintenances and were happy to announce being done early quite often. However players still complained because the estimated time for a maintenance was much higher than they are now. Players complain either way, I'm sure Nexon just sees fewer complaints when they consistently underestimate the amount of time it will take them.

    Anf for the record they do get some maintenances done on time
  • Member DarkGoulz
    Reactions: 1,200
    Posts: 7
    edited November 2016
    Why dont fix the extremely lag in the event hall?
  • Member Yakudle
    Reactions: 2,085
    Posts: 200
    edited November 2016

    NOO am unique i dont have a twin...