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Black Friday Big Spender Event: 11/21 – 11/29

Reactions: 565
Posts: 78
edited November 2016 in General Chat
Does this event apply to Reboot and non reboot worlds? and if it does apply to Reboot...
Getting Tyrant and Fafnir equips is noted as random, so if you were in Reboot and you get a non class specific item that would make it useless.
So i'm guessing this only applys to non Reboot world? cause it doesn't mention.

pend 50,000 NX - 69,999 NX and receive:

3,000 Maple Points
Damage Skin Random Box (open to receive one damage skin at random)
Spend 70,000 NX - 109,999 NX and receive:

3,000 Maple Points
Damage Skin Random Box (open to receive one damage skin at random)
1 Tyrant Armor Box (open to receive one Lv.150 Tyrant equip at random)
Spend 110,000 NX or more and receive:

3,000 Maple Points
Damage Skin Random Box (open to receive one damage skin at random)
1 Tyrant Armor Box (open to receive one Lv.150 Tyrant equipment equip at random)
1 Fafnir Weapon Box (open to receive one Lv.150 Fafnir weapon at random)


  • DockleeDocklee
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 7
    edited November 2016
    Maybe the Tyrant is a random piece of equipment for the class you open the box on in Reboot? So if you opened the Tyrant eqp. pack on a Xenon you'd get one piece of either the thief or pirate set at random. It'd be pretty lame to leave Reboot out of this event just because trading is disabled.
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited November 2016
    I don't think the event is worth it, please don't buy NX just for those tyrant boxes.
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited November 2016
    "Spend $110 and get 3k Maple points" and 2 random equips that are kinda worthless now" LMAO BRUHHHHHH
  • NobleEvanNobleEvan
    Reactions: 1,440
    Posts: 27
    edited November 2016
    i liked the EMSversion better where u would buy nx and get a % of that bought amount extra
    For instance of 50k nx bought and more you would get like 50% or even 100% (at one event) more nx. Not even maplepoints, just plain hard NX

    Can we have that event again please? :)