Brief bug summary: The skill final cut is bugged on phantoms
More details: When using the skill final cut you have to charge it up and hit a monster in order to get the damage buff on phantoms and dual blades.
after black heaven's patch you are no longer required to charge up the skill you can just use it once and you should get the damage buff, and you are no longer required to hit a monster either in order to get the damage buff.
you can just use final cut on a blank spot and you should receive the damage buff from the skill.
now on dual blades the skill works just fine in Gms.
you can use final cut without charging it on a monster and on a blank spot and you still should receive the damage buff.
However on phantoms, you are required to use final cut on a monster only and if you would try to use final cut on a blank spot YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE DAMAGE BUFF. and this is a bug.
because on ALL other versions of Maple Story, the skill final cut works Identically on a phantom and on a dual blade.
you receive the damage buff by:
A. Using final cut on a blank spot.
B. Using final cut on a monster. And you can receive the damage buff regardless if you charge the skill or not.
PS. when using final cut on a blank spot and you dont receive the damage buff, then final cut should NOT go on cooldown, UNTIL you receive the damage buff.
Please Nexon,
final cut has been bugged for more then 2 years now, it feels stupid that a bug can last for so long, and it hinders gameplay on phantoms a lot.
for example: at magnus if you miss final cut, then you gotta wait for the C/d.
and the +40% Final Damage buff is a lot and Especially for phantoms,
because we got such a low based % on our skills, i know we have Carte finale with 270%, But our main skills Mille and Tempest has only 80%/200% even if it's x3, it's still 80%/200% Respectively on every line. (80% Mille, 200% Tempest)
So please nexon i beg you to fix final cut for Phantoms because:
if you miss a hit with final cut then the skill goe's on cooldown, without receving the damage buff and at hard bosses this can be the Factor between Death and Victory! , and also final cut works just fine and as intended on a dual blade, so it's just bugged on phantoms.
please nexon fix this bugs, it's really annoying to boss on a phantom now

Please fix it and have a nice day : D
(Here is how Final Cut is supposed to work, your'e supposed to get the buff even when final cut doesn't hit a mob, as seen by this Phantom that used Final Cut at 00:19 on a blank space, and he received the Damage Buff)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Steal Final cut as a Phantom
2. Use Final cut as a Phantom in a Town with no mobs
3. Watch after you have used Final cut , as the skill goe's on Cooldown, and you didn't recevied the +40% Final Damage Buff at all
4. Please Fix it !
Reproduction Rate : 100% ,
Every time as a Phantom when u will not hit a mob with final cut you never will recevie the +40% Final Damage Buff.
(And it's not intended as seen but other regions (KMS/TMS/JMS/CMS/MapleSEA) that Final cut there works identically on a Phantom and on a Dual Blade,
* As that you recevie the +40% Final Damage Buff, but Using Final cut in a town with no mobs (On a thin air)
* And by hitting a Mob
* So you should Recevie the Final Damage Buff, but just hitting thin air, or hitting a mob with Final cut
on both a Phantom and a Dual Blade.
* Please fix it and have a nice day
Character name: Ushër
Character level: 211
Character job: Phantom
World name: Bera
Date and time of the incident: Well over then a year now, started from Black Heaven's Patch
Pretty Please ?
It really unplayable in bosses like Magnus that dash, I always miss his because he move last second, and then we have to suffer from the cooldown
Just pray. God will fix the bug before Nexon see your report.
And Also Carte Rose final is bugged too, i GOT 0 Replyas there, FeelsNeglectedMan
Brief bug summary: Using final cut on a phantom without landing the attack would result in no buff to the user.
More details: Unlike a dual blade using final cut which gives them the buff regardless whether they land the attack or not, Phantoms needs to land an attack with final cut for them to get the final cut buff. This is unintended because first, it's a skill taken from dual blade and should have the same effect unless it's stated otherwise. Second, Korean maplestory's Final cut used by a phantom would work the same way as a dual blade.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce:
1.Use Skill Swipe on a phantom with impeccable Memory 4
2.Swipe Final cut from a dual blade
3.Use Final cut on phantom without attacking anything
4.Notice there's no buff given to the user
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: xOtaku
Character level: 208
Character job: Phantom
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: September 28th(or earlier) ~ November 19th