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What year did you first play MapleStory?

Member Zetami
Reactions: 300
Posts: 3
edited November 2016 in Off-Topic Discussion
Just curious since the game is pretty old now, but I first made my account in 2008, and made my first character a Magician. What year did everyone else start playing?


  • Member TheLegendaryGoblin
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 61
    edited November 2016
    2005 or 2006 before Thieves came out... GET OFF MAH LAWN YA DARN-TOOTING WHIPPERSNAPPERS!

    edit: The poster below is Litterly a clone
  • Member KamiNoBeniMizu
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 268
    edited November 2016
    Either late 2005, or early 2006. Made a ton of characters.

    EDIT:Nope. Cause when I joined, Thieves were released. So... maybe in early 2006? 2005 might have been Maple's beta. And I never got near the beta.
  • Member BladeSoul69
    Reactions: 630
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    edited November 2016
    2012, after Big Bang happened. I never got to see why a lot of people are obsessed with pre-BB Maple.
  • Member KingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    also started in 2008 and made a F/P mage
  • Member, Private Tester ふかせ
    Reactions: 1,475
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Started back in 2005, and switched between many characters since then.
  • Member Maryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited November 2016

    2012, after Big Bang happened. I never got to see why a lot of people are obsessed with pre-BB Maple.
    But Big Bang happened in 2010...

    Also I started in 2008, but stopped playing for a while until May-ish 2010.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016

    Made a warrior, messed it up by giving it "balanced" stats, gave up on it at level 17.
    Made another warrior, it's my main to this day.
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    2005! My accounts kept getting haxed though (probably had to do with the internet cafe I'd play at...) Finally got a decent PC at home in '07 and made an account that DIDN'T get hacked as soon as I hit second job. '09-'10ish was my favorite era though.
    AKradian said:

    2008Made a warrior, messed it up by giving it "balanced" stats, gave up on it at level 17.
    lol I did the same thing with my very first character. I had just come from RuneScape, where they sorta encourage you to be at least somewhat proficient in all three combat styles. I also didn't get my first job advancement til like lvl 12 cuz the game didn't explain what job advancements were at all to me.

  • Member KeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
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    edited November 2016
    Early 2006. Quit around 2009/2010 for a longer period of time though, but still logged on once or twice a year. Came back in full force 2014 during the 9th anniversary.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited November 2016
    I started a bit before September 2005 (before the NPC Cody was a thing). I started off as a Warrior that got stuck in El Nath for a week as Lv.25.

    I made a new character that became a Magician and took the Fire/Poison Route. That was the start of my 5 year journey, with many different other side characters including my re-made Warrior that went Spearman.

    I eventually created a Dual Blade on it's release just before Big Bang and snagging a Time Traveler Medal and Permanent Lucky Visitor Boots. After that... this is where I am today.
  • Member Sandwich
    Reactions: 2,830
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    edited November 2016
    Started in 2009 or 2010... either way it was a few weeks before Aran came out, and that ended up being my main for the next few years until I quit.
    I came back for reboot though.
  • Member KamiNoBeniMizu
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 268
    edited November 2016
    ^Alright! I am glad to hear--- err... read that people are coming back!
  • Member hypnogris
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    Came to the game in 2013, I actually knew about it for a long time but just never played it up until that point. First made an Aran...forgot what server it was on and made a Kanna on Renegades and she eventually became my first level 100 character. Took quite a long hiatus from the game this year (around 3-4 months) before finally coming back Halloween and onwards. Also like Kami I'm glad to see people coming back to the game!
  • Member marcien
    Reactions: 1,080
    Posts: 29
    edited November 2016
    started in 2003. Played beta version, even had this mark of the beta hat on my cleric. stopped playing in 2005? Then started back again in 2007 for another year and stopped a little before pirates class release.

    came back at again near end of 2015.

    the reason ppl miss pre-bigbang was because the game was still very party based then, like kerning, ludi pq and magatia pq. The PQs were a lot more rewarding than regular mobs grinding, so we would party together and end up being friends with other players.

    all other job classes were really sweet on cleric units because heal was spamable and apart from healing and buffs, the cleric/bishops had no other use due to shitty dmg.
  • Member KamiNoBeniMizu
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 268
    edited November 2016
    marcien said:

    started in 2003. Played beta version, even had this mark of the beta hat on my cleric. stopped playing in 2005? Then started back again in 2007 for another year and stopped a little before pirates class release.

    came back at again near end of 2015.

    the reason ppl miss pre-bigbang was because the game was still very party based then, like kerning, ludi pq and magatia pq. The PQs were a lot more rewarding than regular mobs grinding, so we would party together and end up being friends with other players.

    all other job classes were really sweet on cleric units because heal was spamable and apart from healing and buffs, the cleric/bishops had no other use due to *hitty dmg.
    Wait a minute, there's no censor on the forums!? I am pretty sure there were in the older forums.
    NOTE:Mods don't like vulgar words. That's why I bypass the censor with accepted and non-offensive words. And so they can't hammer ban me... hahaha...ahahahah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaHAhAHA! You can't do anything against me mods, for I am politically correct MUAHAHAHAHAhahahah!! *Gets banned*
  • Member AbyssErik
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2016
    Originally started with my sister back in 2007, but we never left maple island. I returned back in 2012 and I mained aran. I got turned off by having to buy spellbooks in order to use some of my abilities, so i quit. I came back for kaiser, played around for a bit, left. Then I came back along with the release of zero, and ever since then I've played maple on and off. I've tried other games, but somehow this game keeps drawing me back.
  • Member Wzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016
  • Member Shaneration
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 18
    edited November 2016
    im also a returning player started back in 2003, played on and off for various reasons at this time i was in school with exams and other life stuff. i quit for good back in 2012 and now V update is bringing me back i have to expereince the battle mage again my favorite class of all time tho i still hold alot of nostalgia for ice/light mage which was my first character. the days when pink adventurer cape was OP and eveyone wanted those slime shoes haha.
  • Member Gummimon
    Reactions: 425
    Posts: 6
    edited November 2016
    I've been playing on and off since the game was in beta, though I didn't own a beta account, I first played on a friend's beta account then created my own.
  • Member NickSephiroth
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 13
    edited November 2016
    i don't remember the exact year but i do remember the minor details.
    I joined during the last week of the 7th Anniversary. the first class i played was a dual blade that i named NikSephiroth (since I could use my minecraft name of KidSephiroth) i worked hard and got the class to level 80 without using RNJ and left for a year due to awful lag in rnj (legit crash level lag that the screen would freeze for 8 or more minutes before visuals would change) i managed to get my mighty dual blade to 130. and trying to do rnj (while the cap was still high) i got the same issue i had that long year. i had made so much on the character i got to the sengoku temple before the update i even found it was either the recipe or a drooped Infinite throwing knives. but i wanted to get the class to at least 150 but it wouldn't happen i had to delete everything and start over. now i'm more experienced and i plan on never trying the dual blade class unless its revamped to be less squishy.