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Nexon STOP!

Reactions: 1,720
Posts: 68
edited December 2016 in General Chat
Event's are awesome! Everyone love's 2x and GM event's. It's a great to celebrate the latest updates and have fun with the game.

That being said, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say


The lag is enough already. We don't need 2x events to make the lag 2x worse. We don't need a GM event packing everyone into 1 channel. We need a functional game server that is actually playable! Doing daily bosses and all these event quests is made damn near impossible with the consistent lag. There is NOTHING to celebrate about a broken server. FIX IT PLZ :)


  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    But, you see, this is how they "make up" for it being bad in the first place. Ironic that the make-up gift for lag/maintenance time with special extended 2x events + 2x tickets causes worse problems...lol!
    NEXON - Pl0x put in 2nd reboot server, or something, anything...every one wants to enjoy the game, but the lag is so beyond ridiculous it makes it pretty difficult to do so!
  • AndromedyAndromedy
    Reactions: 1,720
    Posts: 68
    edited December 2016

    But, you see, this is how they "make up" for it being bad in the first place. Ironic that the make-up gift for lag/maintenance time with special extended 2x events + 2x tickets causes worse problems...lol!
    NEXON - Pl0x put in 2nd reboot server, or something, anything...every one wants to enjoy the game, but the lag is so beyond ridiculous it makes it pretty difficult to do so!
    LOL YES thank you! It's so absolutely asinine! I logged in purposely after 2x and had no problems with lag. That ended about 5 minutes in because they started an event in Lith Harbor. RIP MY last HT Run.

  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    Yeah, I had also noticed that event causing more lag...heheh, can't win this evening, it seems! I suppose for now we'll just have to suck it up, but yeah, I'm also not touching HT or any other major boss runs for the time being. Good thing it's snowing and I'm off work tomorrow so I can make up for it by staying up late to do them later on when all this server noise settles down!
  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
    Posts: 74
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Simple solution to 2x events: give 2x cards for people to use when they want. That way avoids the overflow of players all at the same hours.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2016
    The lag is dang bad...can't even tell people how laggy it is.
  • piercedfreakpiercedfreak
    Reactions: 1,000
    Posts: 83
    edited December 2016
    If I and others are right, and all the worlds are just virtual on one hardware server, that needs to be addressed first. In Windia channel 1 is shown as full, and 2 is half way full, yet the game is unplayable due to the lag, which several people have speculated is because Reboot is hogging all the resources, which shows all channels as full. Each world should be its own hardware server, or at least 2-3 worlds per server, not all of them.
  • LearnLearn
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 11
    edited December 2016
    I honestly just lagged so hard, it's kicked me out of Ghost Town PQ all 5 times... I have to wait for tomorrow to try again and get all 5 of them done..... sigh.
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    I hung it up about 1 hour in to 2x this time, every room of every channel in ToT had at least 4 people in it on reboot and it took about 1 minute to cast all 5 of my buff skills and 5-10 seconds for my pet to pick stuff up, about up to 30 seconds some times were lag spikes straight from hell, no escape. SOmething needs done and I'll repeat it 'till we get an answer nexon
  • JinsuneJinsune
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 6
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    I was trying to grind for a pollo/inferno portal for around 30 minutes and got d/ced 10 times within that time span. NEXON PLEASE.
  • kiraleenakiraleena
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    Hey Nexon, stop being cheap and put some money into actual upgrades instead of useless events (useless meaning players can't make use of them because of lag).

    I feel like the only way their management would actually listen is if a huge crowd protested in front of their HQ. I can see it now: picket signs and fists pumping "STOP! THE! LAG! STOP! THE! LAG!