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Suggestions For The Next Big Maintenance

Reactions: 3,415
Posts: 322
edited December 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Here's my suggestions to Nexon on what needs to be done during the next major maintenance-

- Start developing and implementing more efficient code. Focus more resources on sorting out the problems causing the intolerable lag and disconnections. If you are actively seeking solutions to these problems, please let us know about it with frequently updated announcements. Personally, I wouldn't mind the game being closed for maintenance(s) for a while if it meant coming back to an ultimately much more lag-free system and less server-based D/Cs.

- Start developing a new item/meso looting system for this game, or at least tweaking the old one to make it more efficient. Almost every one I know or have known over the last few years in this game get the most lag issues from screens with hundreds upon hundreds of items floating across the floors of rooms when in large grinding groups, or from their pets having to pick up too many things at once. Something about that system is obviously very inefficient. I think all of us have experienced that and still experience some really bad pet loot lag.

- Be more transparent and less sneaky/underhanded with your patch notes. It reflects quite poorly on your company to make ninja changes to the game, especially when the majority of those changes that are not mentioned in the patch notes are the ones that you know players will NOT like at all. Also, please add better explanations to said changes so we can understand how the developers/testers justify such nerfs. We like hearing that kind of info directly from the horse's mouth. "Because we said so" never sits well with gamers, most especially MMO gamers.

- Last but not least, and I'm sure we're all tired of this by now, but it bears mentioning again- Please stop screwing over players during fun events. The good ones come along once or twice a year and we'd really like to be able to enjoy them to their fullest extent instead of being unfairly restricted from the prizes that are dangling in front of our faces. I don't know of any one personally that thinks the 10 coin/day change was justifiable. Most people were saying they could have lived with 100 per day, and that seems more reasonable.

Though I don't think things should have happened how they did in the first place with the overly restricted coins/day, I sincerely hope that Nexon redeems themselves with next update and brings better options to let us work toward getting more of our favorite picks from the V coin store.

That's all for now. I encourage and welcome constructive criticism and commentary below.
SolarPepperCeleste123TubaliljayyyymorkPetalmagicPhantomMasterThiefrKamiICSOblivionJettLuvsUand 1 other.


  • gvnalmanzagvnalmanza
    Reactions: 1,075
    Posts: 63
    edited December 2016
    I basically agree with everything you said ESPECIALLY the LAG issue (in general), and the Looting Issue that basically causes more lag. I would throw so much money and time at this game if the lag was gone. LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!
  • liljayyyyliljayyyy
    Reactions: 1,310
    Posts: 62
    edited December 2016
    I wonder if Nexon is even trying at this point, doesn't seem like they're doing much for MapleStory specifically. Although I won't question their other games.
  • rKamirKami
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 17
    edited December 2016
    Nexon seemed to uncap the 10 coin limit and then put the cap back on randomly. They need to make it more conspicuous on their pages like you've stated with the ninja patches. I have to painstakingly go to forums and look around to make sure there were actually nerfs and changes that weren't mentioned on the official pages. Their patch notes for the Shining Santa Boxes still say 1-5 V coins, but the most you get is 3 as far as I know... What's the point of getting 3+ coins by chance from one box if there's a cap anyway?

    Also the spell traces stopped coming for my Hi-V boxes after opening like 200 of them. The chances of getting that was already low, along with the hammers/scrolls...
  • WarameWarame
    Reactions: 675
    Posts: 24
    edited December 2016
    100% agree.
    Nexon, listen to your community and this game will be A LOT better.
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016
    rKami said:

    Nexon seemed to uncap the 10 coin limit and then put the cap back on randomly. They need to make it more conspicuous on their pages like you've stated with the ninja patches. I have to painstakingly go to forums and look around to make sure there were actually nerfs and changes that weren't mentioned on the official pages. Their patch notes for the Shining Santa Boxes still say 1-5 V coins, but the most you get is 3 as far as I know... What's the point of getting 3+ coins by chance from one box if there's a cap anyway?

    Also the spell traces stopped coming for my Hi-V boxes after opening like 200 of them. The chances of getting that was already low, along with the hammers/scrolls...
    Even after bypassing the 10 coin "limit" and opening over 700 boxes tonight, I didn't receive more than 3 coins at a time. Unless I was just absurdly unlucky on the RNG, I think it is safe to say that they also took out the capability of getting 5 coins from one box. If any one has experienced otherwise, please share.

    I had not really paid much attention to the V boxes, but thanks for mentioning that as a heads up. At least they still give mysterious meso pouch, which deliver a better amount of meso coins than selling spell traces (in Reboot), from my experience.
  • rKamirKami
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 17
    edited December 2016
    Got unlucky and hit 10 coins exactly today, I'm sad :(. I'm going to assume "Party Time!" gives a good amount of V coins, but that's probably being ambitious because of how strict Nexon is with distributing things at a large amount nowadays.
  • TrayseeTraysee
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 35
    edited December 2016
    I'm just going to stay on the hopeful side and assume Nexon is continously working, trying to fix everything wrong.
    The issue is lack of staff, and amount of bugs. There's a lot to fix right now, and it seems seemingly long due to the vast population amount, meaning each thing hinders much more than one person even if it is a small issue.

    Let's just try to be patient, adamantly telling them about said issues, and if over say 2-3 months receive no reply/fix.
    Then I feel we can complain. Come on Nexon, let me be right~
  • NinjablueNinjablue
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    i can't play anymore! i dies 10 times a day....can't do damage it's so laggly and than i get disconnect "bad connection" after my whole body freeze...please i want to know what's the problem
  • YuuzenYuuzen
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 38
    edited December 2016

    Here's my suggestions to Nexon on what needs to be done during the next major maintenance-

    - Start developing and implementing more efficient code. Focus more resources on sorting out the problems causing the intolerable lag and disconnections. If you are actively seeking solutions to these problems, please let us know about it with frequently updated announcements. Personally, I wouldn't mind the game being closed for maintenance(s) for a while if it meant coming back to an ultimately much more lag-free system and less server-based D/Cs.
    You mean fix the antiquated code the game runs so poorly on due to all the patched on 'update' crap it can't handle properly and fix the problems (that are just as old as the outdated game code) that allow hackers to exploit the game thus, causing lag ?