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Xenon Beam Dance skill kicks player

Reactions: 420
Posts: 3
edited December 2016 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Gameplay

Brief bug summary: Xenon's Beam Dance skill kicks player

More details:
Using the Beam Dance skill and multiple enemies will eventually cause the player to be kicked from the world. Takes about a 10 seconds to 1 minute for it to occur.
Frames start to skip and eventually freezes which is when the bug occurs

I recorded the issue on my brothers account.
Link: http://plays.tv/video/58452adf992b77c3cf/hr?from=user

Steps to reproduce:
1. Play xenon
2. Use Beam Dance skill on multiple mobs
3. Eventually get kicked

Character name: ImAGamerGirl

Character level: 194

Character job: Xenon

World name: Bera

Date and time of the incident:
Happens whenever I try to train as my xenon character


  • PachomarPachomar
    Reactions: 910
    Posts: 79
    edited December 2016
    Same here. It also happens with my wind Archer if I spam too much
    Dunno if it's the lag or an actual bug
  • iEatMuffinsiEatMuffins
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 5
    edited December 2016
    Mainly in Scrapyard
  • EddieFoxFoxEddieFoxFox
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 34
    edited December 2016
    It's not just beam dance. I've been testing this since yesterday since I DC'd a ton on my Xenon. Beam Dance is the most noticed cause it's used alot though. I have the same problem DC'ing from Beam Dance or Mecha Purge. I found that If Im KB'd during either of them it has a high chance of you DCing or the game complete crashing. As a test I got as much stance as I could and currently at 95% I've found since I've done this I crash less and then the only time I do is right after getting KB'd While using Dance or Purge at that second.
  • xCharliexCharlie
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    Joining this bug, same thing here happened everytime i use beamdance with my xenon.