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Certain classes disconnect when they attack...

Member benjaminmag
Reactions: 200
Post: 1
edited December 2016 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Random disconnections from the game servers
More details: When ever I attack a random group of monster my game crahses.
Steps to reproduce: 1:attacks groups monsters 2: disconnects randomly.
Character Name: Articfox9r
character level: 148
character Job: Night walker
Date: 12/8/2016 3:38 PM
P.S characters I Know that are having this issue so far Kaiser & Night Walker


  • Member Krierz
    Reactions: 405
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016
    same fere f8...Before i cannot use Shadow Spark, now i cannot use quintuple star cause it dc'd me! NW is my main, should i play a mule to play MS?
    C'mon Nexon America you should go better than Nexon Europe thought.

    Fix Please <3
  • Member QuietAvian
    Reactions: 325
    Posts: 5
    edited December 2016
    Bug type: Disconnection from game servers
    More details: Using quintuple throw or most other skills disconnects me
    Steps to reproduce: Attack anything with most Night Walker skills
    Character name: CodeAvian
    Character level: 197
    Character job: Night Walker
    Date: 12/8/2016 6:48 PM (EST)
  • Member ZzAsynHoixX
    Reactions: 305
    Posts: 5
    edited December 2016
    Bug type: Disconnection from game servers
    More details: Using quintuple throw or Shadow Spark on a group of mobs
    Steps to reproduce: Attack anything with most Night Walker skills
    Character name: AsynHoi
    Character level: 227
    Character job: Night Walker
    Date: 12/8/2016 3:55 PM (PST)
  • Member RegretfuIly
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 132
    edited December 2016
    It's because of the bats. I disconnect whenever they make contact with anything, so we'll probably be forced to play without them until next week, or whenever Nexon decides to fix them.
  • Member A_crying_jett
    Reactions: 400
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    Bug type: Disconnection from game servers
    More details: mobbing with backup beatdown disconnects me from game
    Steps to reproduce: 1. Attack a mob with back up beatdown(tapping back up beat down around 5 times)
    Character name: TearsOfJett
    Character level: 162
    Character job: Jett
    Date: 12/8/2016 3:30 AM (EST)
  • Member KingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited December 2016
    Same with F/Ps and like most of our skills, pretty much anything with DoT
  • Member ImAGamerGirl
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    Same thing with my Xenon when she uses Beam Dance
  • Member ipandalyfe
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    Bug type: Disconnection from game servers
    More details: Whenever I attack anything my game crashes after a few hits. Only this character of all my characters has this problem.
    Steps to reproduce: Attack anything with most Night Walker skills
    Character name: Pandas4ever
    Character level: 142
    Character job: Night Walker
    Server: Bera
    Date: 12/14/2016 12:24 AM (PST)
  • Member lordlynightwker
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    Have the same issue on my nightwalker throw a couple of attacks and disconnect
  • Member lordlynightwker
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016

    Have the same issue on my nightwalker throw a couple of attacks and disconnect
    Disconnecting in bellocan btw
  • Member AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited December 2016

    It's because of the bats. I disconnect whenever they make contact with anything, so we'll probably be forced to play without them until next week, or whenever Nexon decides to fix them.
    I attacked without bats and got D/Ced 3 times in a row, the issue isn't the bats it looks like.
  • Member DSRanger
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    Bug type: Disconnection from game servers
    More details: Whenever I attack anything my game crashes after a few hits.
    Steps to reproduce: Attack anything with any skill
    Character name: TwinSavagesZ
    Character level: 194
    Character job: Zero
    Server: Scania
    Date: 12/18/2016 10:38 AM (PST)
  • Member RegretfuIly
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 132
    edited December 2016
    AkihikoT_ said:


    It's because of the bats. I disconnect whenever they make contact with anything, so we'll probably be forced to play without them until next week, or whenever Nexon decides to fix them.
    I attacked without bats and got D/Ced 3 times in a row, the issue isn't the bats it looks like.
    It might be from the lag; I'm not sure. As far as I can confirm, Shadow Spark and Dominion both cause disconnections. Shadow Stitch isn't functioning properly, but it doesn't disconnect.
  • Member, Private Tester PhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
    Posts: 480
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    It's not only Night walkers it's whenever you hit the mobs alot of time, for example when using phantoms mille skill and the game lags a bit, so it registers ALL of the hits (so insted of x3 it counts as x 200+) and the client thinks it's a hack,bug,glitch,etc.... , so it' either D/cs you, Crashes your'e game, or you get the D/c for hack reason, happend to me twice in scrapyard and today in arcane river, how can i complete my symbol if imma just get d/ced or crashed whenever i attack a mob, please fix it nexon.
  • Member Cuvelia
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    Night Walker here.. having the same problems when attacking in a map with lots of spawn
  • Member, Private Tester YinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
    Posts: 1,353
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Jw, what maps are all of you dcing on?
    After the NW fix maintance, I didn't dc as a NW on most maps except the new Vanishing Journey one. I could a full buff combo (Throw Booster+Shadow Bat+Shadow Spear+Shadow Illusion+Dominion) in DIPQ, Twilight Perion, and some other maps without dcing, given massive lag, but when I use Shadow Spark/Shadow Illusion/Shadow Spear/any massive hitting on the Extinction Zone maps, I dced.
  • Member Cuvelia
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    Vanishing Journey maps, mostly Lying in Repose


    Bug type:
    Crash, functionality

    Brief bug summary:
    Using Night Walker's 5th job skill Shadow Spear will cause disconnects when used in a map with high spawn when there are high amounts of Shadow Spears on the ground scattered around the map.

    More details:
    Moment right before d/cing http://i.imgur.com/gyvkZz9.png
    Shadow Servant is used here, but Shadow Illusion will most likely be easier to reproduce the bug. I have a feeling the d/cs are caused by the bats attacking many areas of the map at one time or character movements while mobs are taking damage. I can confirm that I have d/ced without bats being toggled on, but having bats on will trigger the disconnect almost instantly. Maybe DoT related?

    Steps to reproduce:
    Must activate Shadow Bats so the shadow carvings can proc throughout the map.
    Use the Hyper Skill, Shadow Illusion, so you can proc as much Shadow Spears as much as possible.
    Attack enemies in a map with dense spawn using Quintuple Star while Shadow Spear and the above skills are active.
    Quickly move around the map in between attacks, placing dark omens as well.

    Using ways to boost spawn such as Kishin or Frenzy Totem will make the bug likely easier to reproduce.

    Character name:

    Character level:

    Character job:
    Night Walker

    World name:

    Date and time of the incident:
    12/15/2016 (introduction of V's 5th job patch)
  • Member PicapolloSpeaker
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 5
    edited December 2016
    Bug type: Disconnection from game servers
    (Oddly enough, this only happens in lvl 190+ areas like Scrapyard/Black Heaven and Vanishing Journey)
    More details: mobbing more than 4 monsters at the same time with Mille Aiguilles or Tempest disconnects me from game
    Steps to reproduce: 1. Attack more than 4 mobs Mille Aiguilles or Tempest
    Character name: PvTerra
    Character level: 202
    Character job: Phantom
    World: Reboot
    Date: 12/25/2016 7:00 PM (EST)