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I'm the victim of a petty report, should I worry?

Member Xeraux
Reactions: 410
Posts: 8
edited December 2016 in Off-Topic Discussion
Yesterday I was farming Drakes just off of Sleepywood with my cousin, and there was another player there, level 62 magician of some sort (I was a level 67 Luminous) and the "powerful creature with dark energy" Drake appeared and the magician started hitting him. I popped down and began attacking as well, and it ended up being me who struck the final blow, as it were. The magician had stopped attacked about five seconds before I killed the monster, and after it died and my little pet ran and collected all the drops, the magician began telling me that he was reporting me, and called me a few choice, censored words. When I asked him quite simply "tell me what I did wrong," he didn't reply.

Now, this sounds an awful lot like an etiquette breach, if anything, on my part, and a possible actual breach of the rules on his (swearing?).
BUT, I've just returned to MapleStory in the last two weeks or so after a break that lasted around two years, and I don't often interact with other players during my questing and grinding, so I really don't know anything about the actual MapleStory rules.

So, I'm sharing this experience because I think it's kind of funny and because, since, as I said, I know almost literally nothing of the actual rules, I want some sort of reassurance that I did nothing that can be interpreted as against the rules and that I'm in the clear as far as "legal" repercussions and bans go.

Thanks for anything,
~ Xeraux
(Xeraux03 is my Luminous accused of... well, I don't know.)


  • Member, Private Tester AaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
    Posts: 174
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    You should be fine. You might want to ask before killing an elite (dark energy) mob, though.
  • Member Xeraux
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    You should be fine. You might want to ask before killing an elite (dark energy) mob, though.
    Is there a Maplers' etiquette thing? Kind of a respectful distance thing? I play on higher number channels and usually don't meet other players.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Elite mob drops are instanced, which means that while you saw your pet pick everything up, the mage got his own set of drops. Everyone who hits the elite gets some drops, although the amount depends on the relative damage dealt.
    Also, elites give a respectable amount of EXP, which is split among all those who hit it.

    As far as etiquette goes, it's simple: don't kill-steal. If someone else summoned the elite mob, let them fight it alone, unless they ask for help.
  • Member Xeraux
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2016
    AKradian said:

    Elite mob drops are instanced, which means that while you saw your pet pick everything up, the mage got his own set of drops. Everyone who hits the elite gets some drops, although the amount depends on the relative damage dealt.
    Also, elites give a respectable amount of EXP, which is split among all those who hit it.

    As far as etiquette goes, it's simple: don't kill-steal. If someone else summoned the elite mob, let them fight it alone, unless they ask for help.
    Interesting, I didn't know that about the drops/exp.
    As for who summoned it, honestly I don't know who it was, we were at almost the same place.
    Anyways, thanks for the insight.
  • Member KamiNoBeniMizu
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 268
    edited December 2016
    You might want to keep this in mind for every online game out there too. It's pretty much the same rules in every game.

    The 10 commandments of online games.

    1:Thou shalt not spread rumors on other players
    2:Thou shalt not hack for anything (be it for personal gain, or for sharing with others)
    3:Thou shalt not abuse of glitches
    4:Thou shalt not kill steal (KS)
    5:Thou shalt not harass others
    6:Thou shalt not repeatedly attack weak players in PvP focused games (like Town-Defenses for example)
    7:Thou shalt not be salty when losing, and salty when winning
    8:Thou shalt not falsely report others (be it on purpose or not)
    9:Thou shalt not ... uh... I forgot
    10:Thou shalt not ignore the 9 previous commandments

    Well. In short. Community rules in MapleStory should be the same around every other online games, unless it's a game mostly about co-op (like Warframe, or MOBAS).

    In fact, if you complain too much that people didn't let you kill a target in MOBAS, you might be laughed at. And I said too much.

    You can give a heads up that you need to kill targets to level up (or get currency if there is) yourself if you didn't level up enough during the first minutes of a match. But besides that, you better learn to let others kill your targets since it's a team-based game. And EVERY kill counts!

    LoL, Smith, Paragon, DOTA2, Heroes of the Storm, and more! MUCH. MUCH! MORE!

    Anyway, have fun~
  • Member Xeraux
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2016

    You might want to keep this in mind for every online game out there too. It's pretty much the same rules in every game.

    The 10 commandments of online games.

    1:Thou shalt not spread rumors on other players
    2:Thou shalt not hack for anything (be it for personal gain, or for sharing with others)
    3:Thou shalt not abuse of glitches
    4:Thou shalt not kill steal (KS)
    5:Thou shalt not harass others
    6:Thou shalt not repeatedly attack weak players in PvP focused games (like Town-Defenses for example)
    7:Thou shalt not be salty when losing, and salty when winning
    8:Thou shalt not falsely report others (be it on purpose or not)
    9:Thou shalt not ... uh... I forgot
    10:Thou shalt not ignore the 9 previous commandments

    Well. In short. Community rules in MapleStory should be the same around every other online games, unless it's a game mostly about co-op (like Warframe, or MOBAS).

    In fact, if you complain too much that people didn't let you kill a target in MOBAS, you might be laughed at. And I said too much.

    You can give a heads up that you need to kill targets to level up (or get currency if there is) yourself if you didn't level up enough during the first minutes of a match. But besides that, you better learn to let others kill your targets since it's a team-based game. And EVERY kill counts!

    LoL, Smith, Paragon, DOTA2, Heroes of the Storm, and more! MUCH. MUCH! MORE!

    Anyway, have fun~
    Wow, that post is all over the place, but I get the gist.
    I've played quite a few team based games, mostly World of Tanks and War Thunder, Maplestory is my only "free for all" game (I realize it's not really free for all, but it's teamless multiplayer so...). Some of the nuances will be new to me, but I've definitely seen someone post similar commandments before.

    Now another question on the topic. I'm a polite guy, I don't infringe on Mapler's purposefully unless there's something compelling me to and I won't inhibit them in a big way. I have no intention of kill-stealing any mobs, elite or otherwise, and still don't think it was strictly a KS on my part. If he had beat it down I would have left it alone. My post is really just to question whether his alleged reporting of me should have me worried. (He also said he's have his guild report me en masse, is that worrying?)

    Thanks for the reply, regardless.