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Dear NEXON please read

Reactions: 540
Posts: 10
edited December 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests

You are aware of this but I still want to give my opinion about this, and it's obviously the servers and how you guys handle them. I'm a player in Reboot and I'm having the time of my life there. But since the Limitless update it all went downhill. This update caused a lot of people to join back to MapleStory, and that's what you want right, a growing community, old players coming back! But this grow in community caused a lot of problems, and if it wasn't caused by the bigger community it was ca the update.

Since the day of the update all kind of things went wrong from several bugs to severe lag in the servers. This lag was the worst during 2x EXP events, what in the past was so much fun to have and everybody prepared for it. They gathered with friends to make a party and find a map before 2x EXP even started, it was fun and kind of special. But now when 2x EXP gets announced, it doesn't make me happy and I don't look forward to it. This is because the game (Reboot) is not playable during the event, the lag is so severe there is a latency of 2-3 seconds to killing the mobs. On top of that, time to time MapleStory suddenly shuts down or you just disconnect. And most of the time people are using special potions to enhance the training capability. But because of these disconnections we lose these special potions, maybe it doesn't seem that big but it is very annoying. Maybe you'll think: "Why use potions then?". This is because everytime you hope the game can handle an event like this, and it should!
This situation you can compare with a music festival, during this festival a very big DJ is coming to perform for 3 hours which should be special. The normal acts before are just doing fine, nothing is wrong. Then when the big DJ comes up, the music installation of the main stage stops working. So he has to use a crappy sound system, which has no bass, no crisp sound etc. 3 hours long he performs with this crappy sound system and then he leaves. After that the music installation is working again just fine for the following normal acts.

Then when the 2x EXP event is over, and many many people complained about it. It still isn't fixed till this day, almost a month later. Maybe it's hard to fix, I do understand that but knowing the problem is still there, do NOT do more of these events which is done many times. And every time it failed, every time there was severe latency and disconnections. And most of all, as compensation for these problems do NOT do more of these 2x EXP events, it is just not working!
Knowing these problems will occure, find a solution till it is fixed. For example a very very simple solution for 2x EXP events, instead of 3 hours 2x EXP in the game which causes so many problems, why not give 3 hours worth of 2x EXP coupons? This will not cause a overload during a certain time and will probably not cause problems. Doing this you give the service of 2x EXP and during this you can work on the problem.

The reason I made this discussion is because of today, today there was the Double Miracle Time event. This event is one of most popular events in MapleStory, everybody loves it. Knowing this, you can predict this will cause A LOT of people to be online and especially in Reboot. Aware of this, you guys still manage to schedule a 2x EXP event during this DMT event? Everybody knew this won't be going well, and as predicted it didn't. During this event there also was a cube sale, but this sale started at the same time of the DMT and 2x EXP event. This means everybody enters the Cash Shop at the same time and it was hell. Just let the sale start before the actual event is starting, this will reduce the load in the Cash Shop already and wouldn't have caused a lot of problems.
I disconnected about 11 times, but I kept trying. Everytime I wanted to enter the Cash Shop, I disconnected. After that MapleStory just shut down, but I still didn't give up. The time I gave up was the time I even couldn't click the North American server. This just froze the game and made it shut down. Now I missed a perfect opportunity to upgrade my gaming experience, but because of all these problems you guys ARE aware of, it all failed. And I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. There will be more DMT events this weekend, but unfortunately I can not attend these.

So please NEXON I beg you, fix this and do find a proper compensation for it. DMT is an event which is rare, and I just missed it because the game couldn't handle it. This kind of things are making me want to quit the game, and probably this isn't a bad thing for you guys because I'm just one person. But if you keep having problems like this, more people will follow.

Kind regards,

Marc, a very sad Mapler
  1. Do we want to have the game fixed?29 votes
    1. Yes
       76% (22 votes)
    2. No
       0% (0 votes)
    3. I gave up on this
       24% (7 votes)


  • forumsareannoyingforumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
    Posts: 337
    edited December 2016
    My real vote was "I gave up on this" but for statistical reasons, in the event this thread goes more viral and Nexon decides to actualy acknowledge it, I voted yes. Like you said this has been going on for about a month now. Back around August-September it was known that GMS and EMS will merge. AT THAT POINT, they should have anticipated that their servers, or whatever it is that runs the game, will need to be improved. The 5th job patch was also coming so they would have had to make the servers even much better since it was their GOAL to bring back old players + new players to Maple. The V patch has been the greatest patch they have released to date and because of their lack of attention to the quality of the servers, we've been stuck playing a broken game.

    This topic has been mentioned so many times in the forums, it has been addressed a few times by Nexon and even from the Nexon Korea Development Team ( http://maplestory.nexon.net/micro-site/v-update/17932/ ). I think at this point it just seems like they do not care. Almost every maintenance says they "improved" the servers but it feels like nothing ever changes. I don't have the numbers to prove it, but it seems like the community is getting bigger every week and they still do nothing to improve the connectivity issues even though they say they do! Some people might think I'm just complaining or that I'm a Nexon hater, but if you really don't see that Nexon does not seem to care, then idk what to say to that. They don't even have the courage to show their face and accept our help when we suggest things like replacing 2x time with 2x coupons(ones that can stack with every exp coupon, just like 2x event). This is not even the first time I'm hearing about this suggestion, and if Nexon really does go through the suggestions section, they would have known about this. Instead, they use volunteers to keep the peace in the forums so we don't get out of control.

    It seems like people have just given up. Conveniently, the forums were "hacked" and now people probably don't want to log on to complain about it because their probably scared about getting their account hacked. It all just seems so suspicious to me. Why can't Nexon just address this once and for all and provide a stable solution. They have had more than enough time.
  • MCGraafMCGraaf
    Reactions: 540
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016
    I totally agree with you, at the moment I don't believe that they are working hard to solve the problem anymore. Just like you said, every maintenance they state that the servers will be improved and so on. But every time the same issues occur during (for example) the 2x EXP events and then you start wondering if they really are doing anything. Besides these announcements in the maintenance notes, they never talk about it. The thing they can do is keep us up to date, on how they are progressing and what causes the problems.
    I just like them to acknowledge our problems and do something with the discussions on the forum, it feels like we're being ignored and that's a thing they shouldn't do. The playing community is the most valuable feedback you can have, please appreciate it and tell them what you're doing with their feedback.
  • forumsareannoyingforumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
    Posts: 337
    edited December 2016
    This is to be expected though. Check it out, I found this on the Maple Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5k26i4/wonder_why_nexon_is_such_a_bad_company_here_is_why/
  • GamesdayGamesday
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 46
    edited December 2016
    Its a sad month for maplestory......
  • MCGraafMCGraaf
    Reactions: 540
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016

    : "This is to be expected though. Check it out, I found this on the Maple Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5k26i4/wonder_why_nexon_is_such_a_bad_company_here_is_why/

    Wow this is just horrible ..

  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited December 2016
    They are trying to avoid any sort of upgrade or new server. Most likely waiting a lot longer to see if people stick around. What they don't seem to get is, if the lag and horrible game experience continues people will leave regardless of how much they enjoy this patch. Reboot needs to be on it's own network and they need upgrades to all the servers. Even the main ones lagg badly and they aren't even as populated as reboot.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,550
    Posts: 1,081
    edited December 2016
    I know jackshit about servers because I am only exposed to consumer-grade computers and maybe some of the high end gaming machines over the 10 grand mark.

    If their hardware is outdated, they should go for a better components and make sure their don't overheat etc. With the money supplied by players who splurge, they can afford something with better storage, memory and processing.
  • VinsaneVinsane
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 87
    edited December 2016

    I know jackshit about servers because I am only exposed to consumer-grade computers and maybe some of the high end gaming machines over the 10 grand mark.

    If their hardware is outdated, they should go for a better components and make sure their don't overheat etc. With the money supplied by players who splurge, they can afford something with better storage, memory and processing.
    I've been saying this for quite some time, in fact way too long if you'd asked me.

    The patch looked incredibly hype and very promising. Kinda like how I'd pictured Big Bang should've went down.
    It was a sad month indeed I don't know how next year is going to be for nexon. It can only get/be better then this right?