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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
jaguar storm can't stand on any gollux platforms
the extra jaguars ignore the top platform and just fall through the middle platform constantly and can't do anything.
We are dealing with a lot of things at the moment including disconnections and lag. Just because we have not responded does not mean it has not been looked at.
Specifically though, it would help if you followed the bug reporting guidelines listed in this thread:
Bug type:
Brief bug summary:
More details:
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce:
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
Although the bug is simple, good bug reports rely on details. Many bug-reporting softwares, such as JIRA, will auto-close tickets that are improperly formatted, or have moderators go through and close improperly formatted tickets.
It helps the devs keep track of the bug and actually locate the bug, as well as providing character details in case the devs cannot replicate it in their test environments. It also looks a lot more professional for everyone and is easier to understand in many cases.
Brief bug summary: jaguar storm can't stand on any gollux platforms
More details:
jaguar storm can't stand on any gollux platforms
Steps to reproduce:
Use Jaguar Storm on gollux platforms.
Character name: Jaguar Storm
Character level: 5th Job
Character job: Wild Hunter 5th Job with Jaguar Storm
World name: All of them
Date and time of the incident: Every time you use Jaguar Storm