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Wow these MMF things are impossible

Member TheHoA
Reactions: 2,210
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edited September 2016 in General Chat
I have no idea how anyone can survive the entire thing without getting hit 5 times


  • Member Sandwich
    Reactions: 2,830
    Posts: 155
    edited September 2016
    Yeah I could understand if there was some kind of pattern but there really isn't. Half the stuff that comes at me is without any kind of warning or telegraph so it's impossible to react at all.
  • Member AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited September 2016

    1) The fire launchers "warm up" about two seconds before they shoot
    2) The giant speakers light up about a second before the giant Hyper Beam shoots
    3) The falling lights start to fall 2-3 seconds before they hit the ground
    4) The pulses and tiny bullets shoot when the speakers light up
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited September 2016
    it's basically touhou, just gotta memorize the patterns.
  • Member, Private Tester Wenezha
    Reactions: 940
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    edited September 2016
    Just face it, It's straight up impossible. I've pulled an all nighter studying all the patterns for the temple of time and im still only making it to 45 seconds. Honestly i was wanting to try for that pink bean chair cuz it would be awesome. I understand that nexon wants to make it hard so not everyone has it, but this is worse than Zelda's water temples. Just go prepare the memes alrdy =_='''
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited September 2016
    Wenezha said:

    Just face it, It's straight up impossible. I've pulled an all nighter studying all the patterns for the temple of time and im still only making it to 45 seconds. Honestly i was wanting to try for that pink bean chair cuz it would be awesome. I understand that nexon wants to make it hard so not everyone has it, but this is worse than Zelda's water temples. Just go prepare the memes alrdy =_='''
    if people can memorize touhou levels, you can memorize a maple version of it.
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited September 2016
    Meh, I'd actually prefer touhou over this. At least there your hitbox is hecka small and clearly defined. And you can pretty clearly see the bullets coming towards you. So reflexes and focus can get you pretty far. I've been more into shmups like Suguri and Sora lately though. It's a lot more active :3 And I love the interactions between the characters in 100% OJ's worlds. "*grope grope* Hmm, unfortunately she appears to be a girl..." -class president (who's a male) groping a dog girl that he's mistaken for his man-crush.

    In this one, you'd have to be looking pretty closely at the flames to see it about to shoot up. The bullets are also pretty tiny. Your hitbox is pretty large (when not crouched), and movement is restricted to moving left and right and jumping pretty clumsily... At least the remix for ToT is catchy.

    I've been looking at the ToT one for about an hour and yeah, it's the same pattern every time. If it helps anyone out, there're a lot of safe-ish spots that you can crouch in with little movement. The two I've found to be pretty effective are the fourth flame thingy from the left, the two all the way on the right.

    The fourth flame thingy from the left is a pretty safe spot for the first ~35 seconds. Just crouch left down there and occasionally jump to dodge the bullets coming in from the right (you also have to momentarily move away at about 1:45 to dodge a bullet from above). After the fooooooom at about 1:40, switch to crouching right. Chant "baka baka~~~" for fifteen seconds as the bullets miss you spectacularly, then at 1:26/7 move to the center to get out of the way of the flames. Very little movement and easy to do (took me 2-3 runs to get that part reliably taking no hits).

    Next safe spot is all the way to the right. You can usually just dash all the way there safely (I start running at ~1:26, right after an orange bullet whizzes over my head) but stop and jump over the sound wave that comes in from the left sometime. When you get there, jump once immediately, then just stay crouched until 1:02. Then you gotta start dodging again lol. Stay crouched whenever you can, jump when you see bullets incoming from the top left, move away if the flame lights up underneath you (immediately moving back after it subsides), and jump over the soundwave from the left if it happens to come by until about ~35 secs. Then, realize that this is the pattern you'd love to use a bomb/hyper on and shed a tear as your poor character gets ripped to shreds...

    This is assuming the rehearsal level is the same as the actual one? And that there's a clear animation for when you get hit? I haven't tried the actual version yet, so I dunno if I've been mysteriously getting hit without a flash playing over my body (recorded myself doing and seemed to match up. still wish there was a hit counter in practice mode though). I've been able to reliably get to the last 20-ish secs getting hit once or twice in the rehearsal level with this set. The last 20 seconds always demolish me though. The best I've managed was about 7 hits lol.

    Also looked at the Henesys and Ariant ones, and they look way harder lol. Loving Henesys's music though.
  • Member RailBird
    Reactions: 2,450
    Posts: 158
    edited September 2016
    Poorly designed event.
    As with all events lately.. good idea, terrible execution.
    I've spent 4 hours trying to learn the Temple of Time stage which is in my opinion the easiest stage.
    I'm done with this event and, unless they drastically change the difficulty level to something that's actually fun but still challenging, won't bother with it no more.
    There's no fun in spending this much time on a dumb minigame and still failing halfway through the easiest stage.
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited September 2016
    Here's a video of those safespots I mentioned earlier:

    I fall apart at the last few seconds though lol. Still haven't tried it in the actual level, since there haven't been any up x_x
  • Member Niightseeker
    Reactions: 2,040
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    edited September 2016
    I was expecting this stuff to be more like a rhythm game, not like a bullet hell, tbh. The former I can handle, but my eyes are just not good enough to see tiny things coming from every direction and be able to react to it, especially with how difficult it is physically for my eyes to actually stay focused on things without giving me double vision after a few seconds.

    I'm gonna have to sit this event out. Shame, I really wanted some of those chairs. :<
  • Member scholar624
    Reactions: 3,315
    Posts: 314
    edited September 2016
    Given the patch notes were overly vague covering this event, and being a music fanatic myself, I was really looking forward to the music festival.

    Really disappointed though with the exclusive minigame being a bullet hell simulator and only music-themed prizes were cosmetic chairs and a weak accessory set. Was a damage skin honestly too much to ask for? Sort of half expected DDR mechanics similar to the Go, Mesorangers! Go! event a few years back when Beast Tamer was first debuted.
  • Nexon bumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited September 2016
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    lol casuals :p Only took one (live) try (and two hours of rehearsal *cough*)

    Was surprised, since I didn't last the entire show (I got knocked out with a few seconds left)
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    lulz a perfect. 2 ez :D


    I'll post a vid of that run soon. I got hit way more than five times before they kicked me out I think? No idea how I lasted til the end. Though to be fair, some of the hits they counted against me were totally not hits...

    Henesys was actually a lot easier than it looked. Mainly involved tanking the flames. I don't see myself clearing the other three stages though lol. These were the only two chairs I wanted anyway.

    EDIT: Aaaand here's the vid. Enjoy your chairs!

  • Member AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited September 2016
    Nice job Fennekin! But did you have to show everyone? :c Now there won't be anything special about the chairs...

    Note: Temple of Time and Henesys have been proven possible to get Perfect Trophy.
  • Member, Private Tester ふかせ
    Reactions: 1,475
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    I'm glad to know that the Temple of Time one is possible. I really want that Pink Bean chair. I guess I'll try again until I get better at it.
  • Member, Private Tester Fennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016
    AK712 said:

    Nice job Fennekin! But did you have to show everyone? :c Now there won't be anything special about the chairs...

    Note: Temple of Time and Henesys have been proven possible to get Perfect Trophy.
    Ehehe, sorry :3 I was actually considering just not releasing the videos, cuz they might devalue the chairs that other people have gotten lol. I'll try to keep the rest under wraps I guess? Assuming I can even finish them :o.

    Ariant looks really pretty - the fires going crazy just matches the music so well! I might try finding a way to clear that one over the weekend, though it looks like it'll be a lot more involved than crouching in a corner like Henesys and ToT were..

    And dang, people clearing ToT with a perfect! I'd guess my strategy wouldn't work with that, cuz the barrage at the end looks nigh impossible to get around without losing all of your lives lol.

  • Member Funimation01
    Reactions: 1,010
    Posts: 10
    edited September 2016
    I would actually love the videos since i usually dont have the time to practice since im looking for work and such.

    if possible i'd love if you would keep the vid's up <3