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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Making meso's with 0 Meso gear as Kanna ?
Fresh 150+ Kanna looking for EASY way to make meso's fast to help fund my main 203 Dawn Warrior who's struggling to do arcane river quest's
One thing you can do, is get herbalism and mining and go around digging mysterious and legendary veins and flower, they can drop master craftsman cubes (only movable within the account), those can help with potentials.
If you're active and serious enough about the game, you can find a guild with members that can solo endgame bosses that are willing to carry you in their runs, allowing you to get stuff like tyrant drops from hard magnus and magnus coins, cra gear (which is fairly cheap to get), stuff like this. Things will stack up and hopefully allow you to farm some bosses on your own at some point.