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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[Quest] Is Stolen Child 1 Broken?
I'd completely forgotten about this quest chain until I accidentally clicked on the Recommended button - the green part - and it popped up. So...I'm supposed to buy a hat or something with the Black Wings logo on it so I can get into the mine, right? I've talked to every NPC and vendor in Edelstein, but none of them is selling the item I need.
Am I crazy and just missing something totally obvious, or is the NPC really not there?
Also check your lightbulb quests just in case there's a quest from him. But it most certainly is Stephan that you buy the hat from.
You have to activate that elevator from the inside before you can use it, if I'm not mistaken.
You don't.
There's just a level requirement to use it. I don't remember the exact level, but it's higher than 60, since I couldn't use the elevator to get in the mine for the Resistance 3rd job advancement quest.
That's odd. Did you wear the hat, or just have it in inventory?