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Event hall lag is ridiculous

Reactions: 1,060
Posts: 172
edited February 2017 in General Chat
My xenon is stuck in the event hall and the game lag causes my computer screen to be flipped. Everyone, let's all quit the game and let nexon drift away to nothingness. This should make nexon beg us to come back! Oh wait, nexon doesn't care! Everyone, jump ship before it's too late! I have lots of room!


  • DaisukeHarutoDaisukeHaruto
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 243
    edited February 2017
    okay try starting the game back up and while it's starting after you put in your PIN or what it's called now, start tapping up repeatedly but nto too quickly and if you're in luck, you'll be close enough to the portal to portal out
    But yeah. We tell Nexon 'These three NPCs are causing issues, please put in a room alone." and nexon said "Oh I hear you love our Event Hall... we'll put these three in to ruin your day... we'd say have a nice one but we are putting the troublesome NPCs into the room you like"
  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    okay try starting the game back up and while it's starting after you put in your PIN or what it's called now, start tapping up repeatedly but nto too quickly and if you're in luck, you'll be close enough to the portal to portal out

    Okay thanks! I'll give it a shot!
  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    okay try starting the game back up and while it's starting after you put in your PIN or what it's called now, start tapping up repeatedly but nto too quickly and if you're in luck, you'll be close enough to the portal to portal out
    okay try starting the game back up and while it's starting after you put in your PIN or what it's called now, start tapping up repeatedly but nto too quickly and if you're in luck, you'll be close enough to the portal to portal out

    It worked thanks! And to future players who wanna play this game, stay away from the event hall at all costs. Nexon will never fix this lag.
  • AsylumAsylum
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited February 2017
    Lag is an understatement.

    Also ctrl+alt+del > esc for a minute frame boost.