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Arcane Symbols : Already 360+??

Reactions: 530
Posts: 43
edited February 2017 in General Chat
Hi everyone!

Just wondering, since there are some hidden-street with more powerful and more exp monsters in vanishing journey that need 360 arcane symbols, I'm wondering... is there already some people in the game with 360+ arcane symbols?? I'm wondering how long it would take to go up to 360 arcane symbols!

Thanks guys!


  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited February 2017
    Don't worry too much about these areas; they were removed in the latest KMS update (v.1.2.272 Arcana).

    To answer your question, I don't know if there's anyone with 360 Arcane Force at the moment, but I doubt it; without the Dream Breaker minigame KMS received in their Wonder Winter update, Lachelein Arcane Symbols would have to be farmed manually, which is too much of a hassle.
    It might be possible if someone maxed out both Vanishing Journey and Chu Chu Island symbols (assuming my math isn't off), but this would take approximately 147 days assuming you had perfect runs on both Muto PQ and the Vanishing Journey dailies each day.

    Like I said, though, don't worry too much about these areas; they'll be removed in approximately 6 months.
  • WickedSpiritWickedSpirit
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 43
    edited February 2017
    Oh thats some interesting fact! Thanks for that!
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited February 2017
    There are actually people with 400+ just dropping, but overall you can get that with time like Neospector sayed, anything getting to 220 gives a new symbol.
  • WickedSpiritWickedSpirit
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 43
    edited February 2017
    Ivangold wrote: »
    There are actually people with 400+ just dropping, but overall you can get that with time like Neospector sayed, anything getting to 220 gives a new symbol.
    400+ arcane force? How is that possible?
    I mean, since at max level 15 each one will gives you 170 arcane forces, that means just to have 340 arcane forces you need to have both your vanishing journey symbol AND chu chu at max level 15. This is 1169 exp per symbol so x2 its 2338 exp. Each one you get from drops or daily quest/chu chu pq gives 1 exp so... since the V patch is out for only like 2 months now, divide 2338 per 60 days and you need like 38 arcane per day. If you do your 5 daily quest at vanishing journey AND you correctly do your chu hu pq in hard mode 3 times a day, it will gives you max 23 arcane per day. How can you manage to get 15 other arcane only from monster drops?? Thats impossible, even on 2x drop and training almost all day I only got 4 lol
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited February 2017
    Ivangold wrote: »
    There are actually people with 400+ just dropping, but overall you can get that with time like Neospector sayed, anything getting to 220 gives a new symbol.
    400+ arcane force? How is that possible?
    I mean, since at max level 15 each one will gives you 170 arcane forces, that means just to have 340 arcane forces you need to have both your vanishing journey symbol AND chu chu at max level 15. This is 1169 exp per symbol so x2 its 2338 exp. Each one you get from drops or daily quest/chu chu pq gives 1 exp so... since the V patch is out for only like 2 months now, divide 2338 per 60 days and you need like 38 arcane per day. If you do your 5 daily quest at vanishing journey AND you correctly do your chu hu pq in hard mode 3 times a day, it will gives you max 23 arcane per day. How can you manage to get 15 other arcane only from monster drops?? Thats impossible, even on 2x drop and training almost all day I only got 4 lol

    2x drop is not a lot.
    There are people out there with 200% drop on their gear (i.e., 3x drop) and a wolf underling familiar that doubles that. And then there's inner ability and cash shop 2x.
    These are the same people who managed to open thousands of nodestones and get stuck because the game couldn't handle that, within a couple of weeks of V patch.
    So yeah, it's possible to get way more symbols than the dailies give you.
    (There's also a rumored hack that gives you instant level 15 symbol, but that's besides the point).
  • WickedSpiritWickedSpirit
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 43
    edited February 2017
    Thanks for that Akradian I never thought about that lol!
    And well... I was not talking about hacks but legit :)
    So... there are really people with 400+ arcane wow!
    I'm wondering whats the top arcanes someone already have hehe