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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
dear maplers ~ could someone let me know what is the best way to expand my guild. it is at it capacity and i need guild points fast.
i couldn't find a guide in the guide section...thx!!
Boss with guildmates. See the line in your chat that says something about gaining contribution? That's basically guild exp. When you kill a boss with a guildmate, you both get the same amount of contribution added to the guild, plus some extra(I think?) because you're both in the same guild.
If you kill it with a guildy, you each get 1000+100 guild contribution.
Same goes for Von Bon, Crimson Queen, and Vellum. (Pierre is stingy for some reason)
So the best way to quickly level up the guild is, as Aggraphine said, to boss with guildies.
Max contribution per character per day is 5000. Have fun.
zak, here we come!