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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
In the Sejan's test quest I have to put 4 Wrapped Food in 4 different spots. I have done 2 house spots, which are the house by the Honorable Rock and the house next to Jiyur. I am stuck where the other two spot are, so any help will be nice.
Hidden Street | Sejan's Test
"Since you brought the food, Sejan says you have to distribute it too. Hide the food in safe spots in the houses of innocent people in town. You can tell who owns a house by the circle mark on the door, then click around the house to find a good spot for the food."
Some of the drop locations are incredibly hidden. They're there, just keep mashing the mouse key until you find it.
I also seem to recall one of the locations being underneath the stairs, so the pictures in Hidden Street may be outdated, but I could be mistaken.
It's a difficult quest, but not impossible.