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storage malfunction

Member apm
Reactions: 715
Posts: 25
edited March 2017 in Bug Reporting
bug type: Gameplay
time of occurrence: 3-16-2017, 20:49 CET
world: kradia
char name: Pikem1704
char type: Dark Knight, level 236
steps to reproduce: i don't know what brought it on so i don't know

it was just after today's scheduled maintenance. after playing for a while, i noticed i had something in my inventory i wanted to share (potential scrolls) so i went to the storage keeper in Nameless Town. i dump them into storage, i get no error. Usually the storage would now zoom to the spot where it stored those scrolls and i would be able to see how many i have in there. But this time it doesn't show them. I'm like where the bleep are my scrolls? then i scrolled down to the bottom of the storage, and notice it has 3 X-marked slots - as in (it shows 4 columns) 3 slots can't be used. So it is as if i have like 81 slots or something. then i go into the cash shop, where you can buy more inventory space, and it tells me i have 305 storage slots but i can only have 128 o.O
Way i see it it gets truncated: 305 - 256 = 49 slots...
I have no idea why it thinks i have 305 storage slots. that isn't normally possible, since you can only increase it by 4 or 8 slots at a time.

i'll try restarting the game, see if that fixes it, but i fear i've been nexoned :(


  • Member apm
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 25
    edited March 2017
    well i tried restarting the game, i tried checking with another char. it doesn't change anything T.T
    Nexon please fix :(
  • Member apm
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 25
    edited March 2017
    Okay i have chars in 4 worlds, all in the same world alliance: Mardia, Kradia, Yellonde and Bellocan. I checked them all, and they all have the same problem. In all these world it says (in the cash shop) that i have 305 slots of storage, and when i check my storage i don't see all my items, in fact i can't access some of the stuff i had in there. nice going nexon.
    i would add that it's weird that it says 305 slots in all these world, since they definately weren't all the same. I hadn't expanded storage equally in all these worlds.
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    apm wrote: »
    Okay i have chars in 4 worlds, all in the same world alliance: Mardia, Kradia, Yellonde and Bellocan. I checked them all, and they all have the same problem. In all these world it says (in the cash shop) that i have 305 slots of storage, and when i check my storage i don't see all my items, in fact i can't access some of the stuff i had in there. nice going nexon.
    i would add that it's weird that it says 305 slots in all these world, since they definately weren't all the same. I hadn't expanded storage equally in all these worlds.

    Hmmm.... maybe Nexon tried to join together the storages of all worlds in the alliance, and this mess resulted?
  • Member apm
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 25
    edited March 2017
    i counted the slots. what storage keeper is allowing me to see is 49 slots. so indeed 305 - 256.
  • Member apm
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 25
    edited March 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Hmmm.... maybe Nexon tried to join together the storages of all worlds in the alliance, and this mess resulted?
    mess indeed. first of all they don't merge storages, let each world keep its own.
    second, if they were merged, there's no way it would end up at 305. storage and inv is always a multiple of 4.
  • Member Mews
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 21
    edited March 2017
    I lost 44 storage spaces had 128, now I can only store 84 items.

    Edit: It seems that the lost spaces were empty spaces not occupied by items. My storage slots were reduced to until it was at where my storage slots were being occupied by items.
  • Member phylaxis
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    edited March 2017
    Myself and a friend are having the same issue with storage, hers is only showing 42 and mine is only showing 39. We had unfortunately both just been emptying our storages, Spring cleaning.. so storages that were normally full of items had eight or more empty rows ready for new items to be stored. We are hoping the issue can be resolved..
  • Member BelloPally
    Reactions: 1,905
    Posts: 99
    edited March 2017
    Having the same issue here. No items seem to have disappeared, but hope this gets fixed soon.

    Bug type: Functionality/database

    Brief bug summary: Empty storage slots disappeared

    Character name: paladin9051

    Character level: 210

    Character job: Paladin

    World name: Bellocan

    Date and time of the incident: After the 3/16 maintenance
  • Volunteer Forum Moderator MegaScience
    Reactions: 3,895
    Posts: 343
    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited March 2017
    Forwarded. Would you be able to get screenshots of the issue?
  • Member phylaxis
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    edited March 2017
    Not a before and after. How do you get screenshots of something that was there yesterday, and isn't there today?? If I could go back in time, I could get a screenshot. You expand storage by multiples of 4, mine is currently at an odd number, 39. The spaces cut off to the last space that was being occupied by an item SINCE the latest maintenance.
  • Member DisneyPixar
    Reactions: 875
    Posts: 16
    edited March 2017
    This happened to me as well. I have max storage slots (128), but it seems like only slots that aren't occupied by an item are removed. Please look into it Nexon. I do not wish to restart my storage expansion again >.>

    EDIT: to add to it, I currently have an odd number of storage slot, which is not possible to get with storage expansion. Obviously something went wrong during the maintenance.
  • Member phylaxis
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    edited March 2017
    Screenshot from today, after maintenance. Had I not just emptied over half of my storage March 15th before the maintenance, I would have most of my space still. Instead I was left with 39 spaces... hopefully our number of spaces weren't deleted from the database??
  • Member Arwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited March 2017
    Thank you guys for bringing this to our attention.
    MegaScience has forwarded this and it is now being looked into by our investigations team.
  • Member, Private Tester HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
    Posts: 780
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    I had storage slots removed as well. All except the ones that were occupied before the maintenance, from the looks of it. I'm not entirely sure what I had in there though, it's possible that I've lost items.

    Bug type: Functionality/database

    Brief bug summary: Storage slots reset to the number of slots that were occupied

    More details: I had max slots, but now I can use a storage expansion coupon. If I go into cash shop it says that I have 100 slots out of 128, when I previously had 128. I lost 28 slots.

    Steps to reproduce: ???

    (if not covered in the summary)

    Character name: SadVirgin

    Character level: 230

    Character job: Phantom

    World name: Broa

    Date and time of the incident: After the 3/16 maintenance
  • Member, Private Tester OrionTempest
    Reactions: 1,175
    Posts: 12
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    Bug type: Functionality/database

    Brief bug summary: Storage slots reset to the number of slots that were occupied

    More details: I know I had 96 storage slots before the maintenance, but now I'm down to 33.

    Steps to reproduce: ???

    (if not covered in the summary)

    Character name: IcyRhapsody (And all other characters in this world)

    Character level: 216

    Character job: Archmage (Ice/Lightning)

    World name: Broa

    Date and time of the incident: After the 3/16 maintenance
  • Member RandomBobby
    Reactions: 1,210
    Posts: 10
    edited March 2017
    Bug type: Functionality/database

    Brief bug summary: Storage slots reset to the number of slots that were occupied

    More details: I know I had max slots in storage (128) but now I have only 89 open.

    Steps to reproduce: ???

    (if not covered in the summary)

    Character name: Herogalaxy (And every other character in my world)

    Character level: 230

    Character job: Hero

    World name: Khaini

    Date and time of the incident: After the 3/16 maintenance
  • Member Pharrett
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 44
    edited March 2017
    Having the same issue here. No items seem to have disappeared, but hope this gets fixed soon.

    Bug type: Functionality/database

    Brief bug summary: Empty storage slots disappeared (i lost six slots) 128 ---> 122

    Character name: Aran

    Character level: 229

    Character job: Aran

    World name: Khaini (Broni)

    Date and time of the incident: After the 3/16 maintenance
  • Member Phatomgy
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 2
    edited March 2017
    I dont know if this is related ; but in Zenith my storage increased the slots with no reason
  • Member Elinstar
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 6
    edited March 2017
    Bug type: Functionality/database

    Brief bug summary: Storage slots disappeared

    More details: I had 96 slots, right now I have 42 and 2 x'ed out spaces that it won't scroll past.

    Steps to reproduce: It happened after the last maintenance.

    (if not covered in the summary)

    Character name: All characters

    Character level: ...

    Character job: ...

    World name: Bellocan (I didn't check characters in other worlds, but I assume it's the same)

    Date and time of the incident: March 16th maintenance
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    Question to all of you who are affected: Was your storage in this strange state the first time you opened it after this maintenance? Or did it break after you used it once?

    OP put something in storage and then noticed it was not acting normally.
    Did any of you notice whether the missing slots were there before trying to store or retrieve anything?