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Squishy Mercedes

Reactions: 400
Posts: 6
edited April 2017 in General Chat
Hello people,

Can somebody give me some tips how to play Mercedes? I'm a level 170 Mercedes who gets destroyed in the temple of time vs oblivion guardians. My damageoutput isn't too shabby i think, but those guys hit me for around 2k while my HP is slightly less than 10k. Against multiple enemies, I usually go spikes royale, into unicorn spike to weaken them, then rising rush, into aerial barrage, into leap tornado, into rolling moonsault, into leap tornado, into wrath of enlil.

This i my gear i currently have


These are my stats non-buffed


These are my stats buffed


My potentials are:

Weapon, epic: 3% DEX, 3% chance to recover 53 HP, +12 LUK. Swift hilla soul: +10 DEX

Sub weapon, unique: 9% damage, 6% strength, 6% MP

Badge, epic: 3% DEX, 6% MP

Emblem, unique: 9% DEX, 6% ATT, 6% MP

Head, rare: +6 DEX, +120 MP

Body, rare : +120 DEF, +60 DEF

Shoulder, rare: 3% MP, +60 HP

Gloves, rare: 3% HP, 3% MP

Boots, rare: +5 all stats, +6 dex

Cracked gollux amulet, rare: recover 24 HP every 4 seconds, +60 MP

Cracked gollux belt and amulet, not star forced. Pensalir 11+ star forced, not maxed

Halloween and face accessories max star forced, no potential


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited April 2017
    Since you're not listing scrolled stats, I assume you're in Reboot.

    Regarding "getting destroyed":
    Which potions are you using?
    If the mobs hit you for 2k, and you have under 10k, then you should pot up to full HP (with a single potion) after every 2-3 hits.
    I don't know what damage-mitigation skills Mercedes has, that you might be forgetting to use. You might want to cube your overall for extra second or two of invulnerability after getting hit, just to give you a bit more time between potion-chugging.

    Regarding killing faster, you have two paths you can take.
    1. Join a guild that can carry you through CRA, Hard Magnus, and Hell Gollux, for the best gear.
    2. Work on improving your gear on your own.

    Either way, even if you get help to get better equipment, you're going to have to cube and enhance it yourself, so the following applies in either case:

    - Epic pot everything, don't waste cubes on anything Rare. You can get Epic Potential Scrolls from anniversary coin shop, attendance, Yu Garden dailies, elite mobs, and probably other sources I'm forgetting.
    - Get cubes from your daily bosses and use them on the Epic items until they get something useful (even 3% DEX is useful). Once everything is 3%, start recubing until everything is 6%.
    - Prioritize getting useful potential on your weapon, secondary, and emblem. %Attack potential on those has a much bigger effect on your damage output than %DEX potential on your armor and accessories. You want to get %ATT, %BossDamage, or %IgnoreEnemyDefense on these items. The last two are only useful for bossing, so if you're having trouble with your mobbing (like the Temple of Time enemies) I'd focus on %ATT. Lines like %Damage and %DEX, while not useless, are not particularly good for Weapon, Secondary, or Emblem.
    - Get meso to buy Red and Black cubes in the Cash Shop. Don't waste your meso on the Master Craftsman Cubes in potion shops, they're not worth it.

    How to get meso?
    Well, the most efficient way is to make a Kanna character on your account, give it a pet, and farm meso with it (I think the current best areas are MP3 and the Ghost Ship next to it). First to cube the Kanna's gear for %Meso, and then for transfering the meso to your main to cube its gear.
    If that sounds bad to you, you can farm meso on your main, especially by daily bossing. Sell all the potions (except Power Elixirs, that you will use) and equipment that drops to NPCs.

    Good luck.
  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
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    edited April 2017
    Do you have your buffs activated?
  • bamichineesbamichinees
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 6
    edited April 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Since you're not listing scrolled stats, I assume you're in Reboot.

    Oh, yes, sorry, I forgot to to say that, hehe
    AKradian wrote: »
    Regarding "getting destroyed":
    Which potions are you using?
    If the mobs hit you for 2k, and you have under 10k, then you should pot up to full HP (with a single potion) after every 2-3 hits.
    I don't know what damage-mitigation skills Mercedes has, that you might be forgetting to use. You might want to cube your overall for extra second or two of invulnerability after getting hit, just to give you a bit more time between potion-chugging.

    I use power elixir, since you can get plenty of them in reboot (i have over 3000 of them, lol). Mercedes gets a buff where they get +30% damage reduction shield and another buff which grants me +20% Avoidability
    AKradian wrote: »
    Regarding killing faster, you have two paths you can take.
    1. Join a guild that can carry you through CRA, Hard Magnus, and Hell Gollux, for the best gear.
    2. Work on improving your gear on your own.

    I'm currently bossing solo gollux for the superior gollux (ear)rings. I also do every other boss that is available: normal hilla, easy magnus, easy horntail, normal zakum, normal vellum and his friends and sometimes ranmaru, but he's a pain in the *ss for me since I don't know when he acivates his reflect attack so i don't boss him often.
    AKradian wrote: »
    Either way, even if you get help to get better equipment, you're going to have to cube and enhance it yourself, so the following applies in either case:

    - Epic pot everything, don't waste cubes on anything Rare. You can get Epic Potential Scrolls from anniversary coin shop, attendance, Yu Garden dailies, elite mobs, and probably other sources I'm forgetting.
    - Get cubes from your daily bosses and use them on the Epic items until they get something useful (even 3% DEX is useful). Once everything is 3%, start recubing until everything is 6%.
    - Prioritize getting useful potential on your weapon, secondary, and emblem. %Attack potential on those has a much bigger effect on your damage output than %DEX potential on your armor and accessories. You want to get %ATT, %BossDamage, or %IgnoreEnemyDefense on these items. The last two are only useful for bossing, so if you're having trouble with your mobbing (like the Temple of Time enemies) I'd focus on %ATT. Lines like %Damage and %DEX, while not useless, are not particularly good for Weapon, Secondary, or Emblem.
    - Get meso to buy Red and Black cubes in the Cash Shop. Don't waste your meso on the Master Craftsman Cubes in potion shops, they're not worth it.

    I use the master craftsmen cubes when i try to get my gear from epic to unique, since they are cheaper then red/ black cubes. Is that a bad thing, like using red cubes can make them skip unique?
    AKradian wrote: »
    How to get meso?
    Well, the most efficient way is to make a Kanna character on your account, give it a pet, and farm meso with it (I think the current best areas are MP3 and the Ghost Ship next to it). First to cube the Kanna's gear for %Meso, and then for transfering the meso to your main to cube its gear.
    If that sounds bad to you, you can farm meso on your main, especially by daily bossing. Sell all the potions (except Power Elixirs, that you will use) and equipment that drops to NPCs.

    I indeed made a kanna for meso farming, she's level 151. I still have the snail you get when you just started. She doesn't have %meso yet since i am currently focusing on on cubing my mercedes gear, but i probably should to get meso's faster. Also, by doing daily bosses, I also get quite some meso indeed.
  • bamichineesbamichinees
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 6
    edited April 2017
    Do you have your buffs activated?

    Yes. You can see on the third picture what my buffed stats are
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited April 2017
    Power Elixirs are good. Just got to get into the habit of chugging them every other hit.

    Using Red cubes won't make it skip unique, but they have a much better rank-up rate, so you'll need far fewer of them to get to Unique. (On average, obviously. RNG is RNG).
    Use Master Craftsman's cubes if you get them for free from bosses, of course. But don't waste meso on them.
  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
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    edited May 2017
    Fellow Mercedes here
    - Reset your hyper skills and put into boss dmg, dmg and ignore defence (it will be more useful than crit at your lv)
    - Do sengoku questline for the ring
    - Work on your linked skills they are a must have! (it makes a lot of differences, trust me!)
    - Do mush shrine tales for the wings
    - Commerci for the eye and face acc
    - Get ranmaru dualbow guns to temp replace your weapon
    - Get hoblin king set for your crusader codex
    - Ranmaru reflects not fully so if you start to get dmg just stop attacking, if you have your summon on it shows 1 dmg

    If you need a guild, more tips, a helpful group and that has 2 ppl playing Mercedes main which are lv 215 and 221 atm feel free to join Nerf.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited May 2017
    I suggest the following:
    - Use a %HP recovering familiar. Example: Mano, Castle Golem, Mutant Snail... Recover 15% hp/mp per 10 sec if i remember correctly.
    - Zero link skill gives -15% dmg taken. (lv.180)
    - Kaiser/Cannoneer link skill give %HP. (lv.70/120/210)
    - Gold MPE potion gives +HP.
    - There is a trait that raise +HP/MP. (Empathy maybe? I can't remember)
    - Character card set effects can also give +HP
    - Silver Blossom Ring (lv.110) drops from normal mode Horntail. (Could potentially add to set effect too)
    - Aran Card gives some form of %HP recovery as well...
    - Dark Knight Card give HP too.

    ** It is important to focus on your class weakness (HP) and make it up to par.
  • PaixPaix
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 12
    edited May 2017
    Start by unlocking your third inner ability. Light bulb > something like "third ability".

    Star your stuff to get some defense out of it.

    Level up some kaiser/cannon dude to get extra hp

    Craft some def pot using alchemy

  • LadysioLadysio
    Reactions: 1,725
    Posts: 95
    edited May 2017
    >_> Seeing as nobody is going to say it i will, first off how are you attacking them? do NOT try to attack anything with stunning strikes advanced first, my mercedes is at 164 and i take nearly NO dmg at all thanks to chaining those combos and my combo is as follows Lightning Edge>Spikes Royale>Leap Tornado>Rolling Moonsault>Gust Dive(Reapeat).

    The way this is setup you will always repeat thanks to the way linked combos work I-Frames ftw, and if any stragglers are left behind THEN i use stunning strikes to finish those off.

    P.S. Also it is worth investing in a pet and buying the buff skill and the hp/mp skills for the pet total cost will be 7-10$ at MAX

    P.P.S Also go do monster park and get the gold 10 coin priced potions they give you 1k (or was it 2k) max hp/mp boost on top of 10% exp boost.

  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
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    edited May 2017
    Unlock the 2nd pendant slot and put at least CHT neckalce there, get silver blossom earrings and ring, get the antellion guardian medal and some totems. Do you play on Reboot or normal servers?
    The only place I had a problem at that lv with my Mercedes was HT and solved it using the monster park gold potion. My equip had similar stats but I hat also the ones that are mentioned above and some linked skills (don't remember which). I didn't have Kaiser linked skill and still haven't (can't stand that class).
  • BruiseBruise
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 79
    edited May 2017
    As a long time player who has tasted the toils of a squishy character, I would say to keep practicing timing your potion use. You can master this after a while.

    Also, don't think too hard about making mesos. Train, complete events, and occasionally farm sites that are easy for you to farm. You'll be fine.
  • bamichineesbamichinees
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 6
    edited May 2017
    Thanks for al the feedback guys. I shall do the things you recommended and see if it works.
    Temptation wrote: »
    If you need a guild, more tips, a helpful group and that has 2 ppl playing Mercedes main which are lv 215 and 221 atm feel free to join Nerf.

    I'm currently leveling my Mechanic to maybe lvl 180 for the Re:Zero event, so i'm not very active on my Mercedes A.T.M. Do you mind that?
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,740
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    edited May 2017
    Unlock your 3rd inner ability
    Reset the pot
    Get gear in every slot scroll/enhance
    Get pot on gear
    Get 3 mutant snail familiars