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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
I am usually the party's leader when I carry my guildies to boss battles. Sometimes after queuing, my party is being lead by a stranger. Please change it so this stranger isn't given control over the party.
I don't care if the Boss Queue system forms random parties with partyless bums and the leader is chosen by level or whatever, strangers should not be able to join your already formed party.
If you are the leader, you can get rid of that unwanted guest. The random becoming the new party leader is unacceptable.
That's nice in theory; however, the random is always given control of my party whenever I queue in a party. I'm not entirely sure how the queueing algorithm determines who gets control over the party, but if I'm already in a party when I'm queuing to a boss, I expect to stay in that party and not risk having a random take over and ruin a boss run.
During 2x, me and my training party were queuing in for Horntail. It just so happen that another group had the same idea and we ended up merging into a 6 man raid. The new leader kicked my character, and my 2 party members after the queue. It took 30 seconds to reform everything and the rune has a short buff duration.
Please DO NOT allow parties to change after queuing; it just makes a lot of complications.