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Mesos Plz

Reactions: 7,580
Posts: 1,090
edited May 2017 in General Chat
When a low level character asks you for mesos, people have different responses. What is your response?

  1. What do you do with mesos beggars?32 votes
    1. Give money/items
       22% (7 votes)
    2. Give advice, not do items or money
       22% (7 votes)
    3. Decline trade
       0% (0 votes)
    4. Open trade and close immediately
       3% (1 vote)
    5. Open trade and shout "NOOOOOOOOO!" >:O
       0% (0 votes)
    6. Ignore the trade request completely
       31% (10 votes)
    7. Call them "lazy bum"
       6% (2 votes)
    8. Troll/drive the beggar insane by sounding noobier than him
       16% (5 votes)


  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited May 2017
    If they ask like that, then they guaranteed have multiple lvl 250 chars with a sub-5min dojo time lol.

    In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a legit newbie ask me for mesos specifically. The real ones ask for gear or pot or noodez, which I'm happy to provide, as long as I have spares at the time. So I just mess with the ones that ask for mesos.
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited May 2017
    Lol I think I remember one newbie saying mesos plz in reboot and I said *srry I can't* and I think the newbie is begging and I said *ur in reboot u might as well grind for mesos* and it left with a sad face *awwww man :(*.
  • SaekiSenpaiSaekiSenpai
    Reactions: 1,175
    Posts: 99
    edited May 2017
    easy to get mesos in reboot. Just hit 30 and open the box :v
  • RailBirdRailBird
    Reactions: 2,450
    Posts: 158
    edited May 2017
    I usually just explain that if they need Mesos they should claim their free Puffram pet from Tot's guide and let it loot mesos for them. It's not that I don't want to give people mesos, it's just that this game is already easy enough as far as early-game funding goes.
    It's not like pre-bb where people had only a fraction of the HP/MP we have now and pots were 10x more expensive.
  • UnforgivennnUnforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
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    edited May 2017
    sometimes i give them 5m, sometimes i don't give them anything it all depends on my mood
  • GlirotusGlirotus
    Reactions: 1,620
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    edited May 2017

    I started out fresh on a server with 0 characters on it. I made 1 million mesos before level 40 just by doing quests and grinding. Steady income of mesos up until level 100. So If I can make mesos with only 1 character and get it to 100 completely unfunded, anyone can do it. Even the level 10 nublings.

    It was harder to make mesos before BB though, I seen this a lot in Henesys Hunting Grounds lol

  • GeminiaGeminia
    Reactions: 2,370
    Posts: 258
    edited May 2017
    I remember one time long long ago back when Scania was the only server, a couple of my friends and I were hanging out near Orbis port and some players got dropped off. Most went along their way, but one lower leveled character said "meso plz" and one of my friends was a very generous person and gave him some meso and some equipment, despite my warning not to be so generous to someone like that. After he got the meso and equipment, his response was "more". Not even so much as a "Thank you". Whenever someone has attempted a trade with me, I use to just see what they wanted, but at a later point in time I just completely ignore them. If you want to ask me something, ask me, but don't do it in trade and don't try selling me something I didn't ask for.
  • SaekiSenpaiSaekiSenpai
    Reactions: 1,175
    Posts: 99
    edited May 2017
    Geminia wrote: »
    I remember one time long long ago back when Scania was the only server, a couple of my friends and I were hanging out near Orbis port and some players got dropped off. Most went along their way, but one lower leveled character said "meso plz" and one of my friends was a very generous person and gave him some meso and some equipment, despite my warning not to be so generous to someone like that. After he got the meso and equipment, his response was "more". Not even so much as a "Thank you".

    That's why I don't give randoms anything (also now I play on Reboot so I can't even if I wanted) in games in general except for advice on how to get geared up themselves. And if they say like "Shut up just gimme stuff" or anything along the lines then I can only think I'm glad I didn't give them anything.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited May 2017
    I give them half of my mesos and advice
  • camra94camra94
    Reactions: 760
    Posts: 35
    edited May 2017
    If i have mesos i usually try to provide a little. Unless they were rude in asking, or are asking everyone
  • DaisukeHarutoDaisukeHaruto
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 243
    edited May 2017
    Depends, if they ask nicely I'll give them what I have on hand since I do storage drops often. But if they can't speak with full words I toss them 100 mesos and leave.
    but most often I'll give them something of equipment if I have soemthing left over. I gave a powerfully potted staff to one mage that was having issues with some ironhogs. He renamed his macro attack "AllHailJack' when I was on my JackDesert character. I miss that sort of gratitude.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited May 2017
    If they trade request randomly I generally decline and walk off.

    If they ask me directly and nicely, I generally give advice. Very rarely will I give items/mesos because most of the time people will depend on others if they get things free from others. I believe in the words: "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,090
    edited May 2017
    I would accept the trade and quickly type in "NO," but not send it in. As soon he says something , I send in my message. (I prepare the word "No" beforehand)

    Sometimes I send in : "No mesos for you," as soon as the trade window is open before he starts chatting. Soon after, I would close the trade.


  • SaekiSenpaiSaekiSenpai
    Reactions: 1,175
    Posts: 99
    edited May 2017
    I've been burned too many times for my generosity in games with repeat offenders, their friends or randoms being like Hey I was told you're the one to come to for free stuff gimme pl0x. They can get mad if I say no to them and I'm like come on guy, I did it out of the goodness of my heart, not because it's my job to give out freebies. Now I'll just give people advice on how/where to farm efficiently and maybe help them grind if playing support instead of just handing them whatever. I'll give good friends handouts though. Don't mind helping a buddy :D