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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
When a low level character asks you for mesos, people have different responses. What is your response?
In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a legit newbie ask me for mesos specifically. The real ones ask for gear or pot or no
odez, which I'm happy to provide, as long as I have spares at the time. So I just mess with the ones that ask for mesos.It's not like pre-bb where people had only a fraction of the HP/MP we have now and pots were 10x more expensive.
I started out fresh on a server with 0 characters on it. I made 1 million mesos before level 40 just by doing quests and grinding. Steady income of mesos up until level 100. So If I can make mesos with only 1 character and get it to 100 completely unfunded, anyone can do it. Even the level 10 nublings.
It was harder to make mesos before BB though, I seen this a lot in Henesys Hunting Grounds lol
That's why I don't give randoms anything (also now I play on Reboot so I can't even if I wanted) in games in general except for advice on how to get geared up themselves. And if they say like "Shut up just gimme stuff" or anything along the lines then I can only think I'm glad I didn't give them anything.
but most often I'll give them something of equipment if I have soemthing left over. I gave a powerfully potted staff to one mage that was having issues with some ironhogs. He renamed his macro attack "AllHailJack' when I was on my JackDesert character. I miss that sort of gratitude.
If they ask me directly and nicely, I generally give advice. Very rarely will I give items/mesos because most of the time people will depend on others if they get things free from others. I believe in the words: "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime".
Sometimes I send in : "No mesos for you," as soon as the trade window is open before he starts chatting. Soon after, I would close the trade.