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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
It is pretty obvious to see that many people have been moving or have moved over to the Reboot server. Having this happen, it is making some of the non-reboot worlds not nearly as active as they once were.(Not even ch 1 is full in Khroa) All i'm asking is for another world merge, hopefully Arwoo sees this and tries his best to make it happen.
Bellonova was mostly clean of hackers and we imported ymck which seemed like no one was reporting them over there because it brought over a lot.
I really hope we don't get merged with khaini if they do merges again.
Its super dead and full of botters now
Also in GRAZED, but I can confirm dead most of the time imo. >_>
But we've already got 6, we just need more peoples overall.