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Jett's Great fix (?)

Reactions: 500
Posts: 4
edited June 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello Dear Maples and Developers

I’m Jelatti, a Lv214 Jett on Scania, I would like to suggest the fixes to Jett
Nowdays I have hit a wall, I’m Unable to train properly unless I shall fund myself to an insane rate, beside of that, the skill themselves are very limiting, though the class is really mobile, it have somewhat “glitches” that prevent me from enjoying it’s full potential, Enough with the chitty chat chat, let’s talk skills.

Planter Buster - Jett is a Mobile Gun and ‘Fist’ user, and so, why would the high levels use the 1st job skill “starline one” as a training skill while others attack half the map? I’ll tell you, they shouldn’t.
Jett has a pretty usefull mobbing skill called “planet buster” which isn’t even that flashy yet receives a cooldown?! Other classes has WAY bigger and stronger attacks.

Current stats - Level 10: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 800%, Number of Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 3, Cooldown: 5 seconds = 2400% / 5sec

Shade for example has – Bomb punch and Spirit Claw, let’s focus Bomb Punch, the [1st hit] is 8hit 300% damage 3lines, = 900% / minor time limit, by the time 5sec pass shade hit’s way above the 2400% mark, All of that and we didn’t even talk about the increasing hit’s damage.

Blaster for example has - Shotgun Punch, 6hit, 265% 6line and I am not even talking about the secondary damage it has = 1590% damage in a very fast rate

Cannonner for example has - Cannon Bazooka Damage: 545%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4 = 2180% (and I didn’t even add the Hyper skill’s Lines)

I can go on, a lot more has big flashy attacks that is much much more useful than planet buster
The fix in my opinion is –
Level 10: MP Cost: 26, Damage: 600%, Number of Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3 = 1800%
And even that doesn’t feel enough

Backup Beatdown – is a very weak skill, players literally is preferred to use the final hit the skills gives instead of the hold the button use, my opinion is that it should be changed completely to a “summon a beater” skill, on/off toggle with a very small chance of 5% of the attacks to summon a beater on a nearby mob.
Similliar to that is the Turret Deployment skill which is useless in most cases, I think it should receive a small buff to damage and should follow the player, all of that would fit nicely with the new 5th orbital strike skill

Starforce Salvo – compare to other boss skill, it’s quite nice since it gets the 10 line bonus, though in my opinion it should get a bit more potential to the future player and thus
Damage: 270% - 1liners should be changed into Damage 150% - 2liners

And finally, the mobility skill
Vortex cross – is a really good mobility skill, it stacks nicely with the “flash jump” though it kinda stuns you after it’s done, suggestion? Remove the stun, no more delays!

to add up on the mobility, Jett has a lot of buff skill that needs constant reactivation, it's quite annoying compared to how squishy it is.

thank you for reading, hope it help Jett's growth.
  1. Do you agree Jett has cool concept but lacks love?9 votes
    1. Hell yeah!
       78% (7 votes)
    2. Hell Naw!
       22% (2 votes)


  • JettJett
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 4
    edited June 2017
    dont worry man jett is going to get buffed up soon according to their recent live stream there going to have plenty of damage buffs and stuff. there still working stuff out for it though but the stream tells you what to expect.
    they explain this when featuring jetts new 5th job skill in twitch vod
    they also confirmed changes according to this post http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/14005/jett-update-request-by-pawsaru#latest
  • JelattiJelatti
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 4
    edited June 2017
    I already read the patch notes, they ain't even slightly fulfilling, just a few more % of dmg, they are not fixing the problem it has, power and damage is manageable compare to the gameplay.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,205
    Posts: 1,023
    edited June 2017
    I made my jett a snazzy perfected fafnir gun. I hope i can actually see some improvement with this Jett revamp.