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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
How to insert image?? I don't get how it works
2. Copy and paste the Image link address.
3. Type in the (i) and (/i). around the image address. (Replace the parenthesis I'm using with [ and .])
After the image has been uploaded or if it's already uploaded, right click on the image and select "Copy image URL".
Go to the forums and press the image icon, then paste your image URL. What this does is surround the URL with BBCode image tags:
On any forum running BBCode, like ours here, that is the standard way to display an image in-text.
I put the link after clicking "Image" but it does nothing
The image link has to end with an extension such as .jpg or .png
Make sure you're not using the album link like this:
Use the direct image, like so:
A direct image ends with ".png", ".jpg", ".gif", or ".jpeg"
This forum automatically fills in the image tags when it detects a valid image URL that ends in one of the image file extensions above.
...what is that image.
...anyways, if you post to Imgur and click on an image, you can highlight the BBCcode (for message boards and forums) and copy-paste it to your post, which I found easier to figure out than the other option, though that's just me.
Ahh ok I got it now, thank you
RWBY Chibi Season 2 episode 6: "Super Besties"