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Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers


  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited August 2017
    Still praying for Moptop with Bangs.

  • HoneyWaterHoneyWater
    Reactions: 2,245
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    edited August 2017
    I want to Suggest the Dark Mercedes SKILL SKIN

    It's an EMS NX cover for skills.. This discussion is called Perm Nx covers :^ )

    and that cost NX and it covers Mercedes Skin.

    It would be really cute if players could customize how there skills look :o
  • krskkrsk
    Reactions: 2,980
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    edited August 2017
    great surprise boxes (yay), but another disappointing round of ugly royals.. just wondering why we are getting these old hairs again and not any of the nice hairs suggested in the thread? just yuck tbh. I guess at least i can save up for marvel, but still.. blech
  • MattyMatty
    Reactions: 2,120
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    edited August 2017
    krsk wrote: »
    great surprise boxes (yay), but another disappointing round of ugly royals.. just wondering why we are getting these old hairs again and not any of the nice hairs suggested in the thread? just yuck tbh. I guess at least i can save up for marvel, but still.. blech

    it's like they don't want our money
  • emperor52emperor52
    Reactions: 1,940
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    edited August 2017
    I'd like to request Crow Hair in a royal update:
    (it's the 3rd one.)
  • RikoLattéRikoLatté
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 13
    edited August 2017
    I'd like to see Buddy Overall Jeans for males and females pop up in the PSS Boxes sometime. :)

    Also, please either bring back Bright Eyes or Dewy Eyed in the next few rotations!
  • februaryfebruary
    Reactions: 920
    Posts: 4
    edited August 2017
    Please bring back Moonlight Fairy Hair (3rd from Left), FvlxvZU.jpg

    and Topknot Hair (2nd from Right,) TsXF8FI.jpg I'd love to try and get them on my characters.

    Another transparent sale would also be great.
  • krskkrsk
    Reactions: 2,980
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    edited August 2017
    Matty wrote: »
    krsk wrote: »
    great surprise boxes (yay), but another disappointing round of ugly royals.. just wondering why we are getting these old hairs again and not any of the nice hairs suggested in the thread? just yuck tbh. I guess at least i can save up for marvel, but still.. blech

    it's like they don't want our money

    I know right? That's what i keep saying. We have 17 pages of requests here but they don't seem to be interested. I would have at least been happy with some new hairs.. but these are just old ugly hairs, expect for the Latte Bubble Hair for men and the male hair they tossed at the girls yet again. Not a single hair worth the ticket, so i guess more money saved. Every other week a good portion of my buddy list stays up to see what will be released in the cash shop sales, and this week, everyone was hugely disappointed.

    At least the PSSBs were nice.
  • WhalessWhaless
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 8
    edited August 2017
    Could we please get Bright Eyes in royals?
  • RikoLattéRikoLatté
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 13
    edited August 2017
    Whaless wrote: »
    Could we please get Bright Eyes in royals?

    Yes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeassseeee!

    Arwoooo, where you at with all these suggestions coming in?!
  • krskkrsk
    Reactions: 2,980
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    edited August 2017
    Peep wrote: »
    Still praying for Moptop with Bangs.


    would love to see this hair. It's so nice.
  • DividedFlowDividedFlow
    Reactions: 1,135
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    edited August 2017
    HUmm so,
    got married recently and was wondering if these rings would ever come out as perms? (I'd probably marry off all my chars) Perhaps in a February rotation?


  • GoatGoat
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited August 2017
    Cattertons face and Aqua hair please! Also, Kingdom Cape
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited August 2017
    RikoLatté wrote: »
    Arwoooo, where you at with all these suggestions coming in?!


    We're compiling and sending these suggestions every week. No need to be alarmed if you don't see my post. As I've mentioned quite awhile back, we're watching this thread!
    JettLuvsUDarkPassengerPeepAlexFIvangoldDividedFlowemperor52TimmygodInvulgoJulyand 5 others.
  • ShadowParadoxShadowParadox
    Reactions: 1,485
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    edited August 2017
    I'd like to see perm Kaiser/Angelic Buster NX sets as the Nova classes are my Favourite
  • AeruKannaAeruKanna
    Reactions: 360
    Post: 1
    edited August 2017

    I would like to make a request for any of these Royal Hairs:



    I also would like to see the Chicken Cutie Package be available again:


    Many thanks!
  • BluejeansBluejeans
    Reactions: 2,130
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    edited August 2017
    AeruKanna wrote: »

    I would like to make a request for any of these Royal Hairs:



    I also would like to see the Chicken Cutie Package be available again:


    Many thanks!

    Ooooo. I want Wonder Bunny too!
  • LunaaaaaLunaaaaa
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 8
    edited August 2017

    hoping for the day this qt little guy returns :D was last released during the gollux release
    would be really cool to see it back again (preferably non gach release...)
  • iminkaiseriminkaiser
    Reactions: 220
    Post: 1
    edited August 2017
    I Would love to see the old Aran cash shop set come back, I think the last time it was in the cash shop was 4+ years ago and it has not come back since :(
  • YbbatsYbbats
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 4
    edited August 2017
    Requesting these please.



    Seeing how Aracana is going to be released soon, I would also like to see these pets please. (Arcana Spirit Buddy Pets?)

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