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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Give me back my Elunarium (Skill Exp) stones!!!
Okay so the accessory crafting opened up today. I stupidly thought "Okay i will try this out and make an earring". It took all my stones in the one category!!!!!!! It never said that it was going to take them all!!! Now I can't complete the check off for the unique pot scroll AAAHHHHHHHHHH! It does not say anywhere how many it will take to make something. now i will not be able to complete the check off for the lvl 5 buff. Give me back my gems and take the stupid earring that i will never use back!!! This event needs more explanation on how it works! Not okay that we get cheated out of items because of a lack of information!
In all honesty, this event was very poorly explained, and designed. The Elunarium power medal should be based on your accumulated stones, not what you have in your inventory at that moment, especially if they expect people to turn them in for the daily rewards.