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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
YouTube: Journey from lvl 205 from 250 in Pensalir
Hello Fellow Maplers.,
I plan on starting a series for my lvl 205 character, also named Thoner, showing his inevitable, long Journey through the game in Pensalir equips. Mostly because I think it would be interesting to see. If you would like to see it, I would love to provide a link. I made a poll to get an idea of how interested anyone would be (or disinterested). I appologies for the video quality in advance since my only, immediate recording capabilities would be with my iphone. I do not currently own a capture card or anything that would record the material directly from my laptop. If I can get enough views from monotizing with google, then I may be able to put money into recording equipment ( college student living off loans XD ). So, again, if you are interested in seeing this (or disinterested), please feel free to voice your opinion. Thank you for your time.
2. If you have windows 10, you can record your gameplay through the windows key + alt + R, itll record your screen but it only works in windowed mode of maple, which is ctrl + alt + enter.
depending on the class, you might draw a few viewers, cause a journey using the lower tier quips is something we can all relate to starting off. and not a lot of people do maple tubing.
If you do use the iphone, you should get a tripod or stand and record it sideways. if it's an iphone 6 or better, it should be good quality still.
Surprisingly, there arent many dual blades that do mapletubing, or any at all. But yeah, the windows 10 recorder is free, jus press those keys and youll record your game play. but make sure you record/press the keys when youre already in game cause if you press upon start up, itll record you pressing in your PIC.
What world?
wait... it's quote isn't it. _-_ XD
No problem.
Ah, ok if it was Windia, Id help you out in your journey when you needed it.
Here is the link. I accidentally made an error in file uploading, this is the actual first video. Sry.
It is not my channel. A long time friend of mine heads it. I just do most of the stuff. XD
Please enjoy and share with friends.
This SHOULD BE a link to his channel. See if copying the link works.
doesnt work, just copy the url in the address bar and paste it but the video up there does work
true true
The name of the channel is ST Clan. Since there are many of those now, for some reason..., we are the one it the blue emblem with a blade going through an S.
Cool. Let me know what you think.
I love new ideas.