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Adding more things to the Reboot Cash Shop

Reactions: 2,245
Posts: 219
Member, Private Tester
edited August 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Salutations ヽ(´▽`)ノ

So, when the Sugar Time Event Came out, I bet Everyone Hoped they got some Maple Points, but most people got Reward Points, and Reward Points aren't that bad.

*I also Appreciated how GMS tried to Prevent the Same issue that happened in MSEA*

But when getting Reward Points, it's pretty good in normal servers, you could get 2nd pendant slots, robot marketplace, a 2x exp coupon for a day, and etc

But when i tried Reboot, there was just... cubes o_o and it wasn't even unlimited it was Limited 5 cubes, and i guess that's better than nothing?
You get to save Mesos.

It could still use some Improvements, They could add other things that are Mesos (buff freezers, 2nd pendant,etc) so people could save up there Mesos for some other important item in the cash shop. (Cubes)

I also wished they added a Time-Adder to the Snail Pets in the Reward Shop, Since Reboot makes Money off of Cosmetic, Pets are somewhat are cosmetic ( different pets, different looks and stuff ), i don't really know if it's a need since, people could still pick items up without there pets.. (except it's really hard and annoying and you need to pick up a lot of things )

The Pet Snail is a Pet everyone gets when they make a new character, so it wouldn't be so bad if a time-adder was made, it would add an extra hour or two or three to your snail pet. I kinda want it to be for Meso Also since... it is Reboot. Of course since Pets make things Easier to Pick up, I thought of making the Time adder (for meso) to get more expensive as you keep buying it, like it would cost like... 1-2 mil more every time you buy it o_o, and it would also have a Max Meso (when the price won't get any more higher) and i kinda want that to be... 100 m? Maybe 50 m per hour or 2 or 3?, since 5x Mesos Increase.

Water of Life in the Reward Point Shop would be nice..

Those were the thing i Kinda wished they added to the Reward Point Shop, and the cash shop in Reboot

If you guys want to add Things to it, just say so in the comments and i'll Add it to the Post.

Recommendations -


  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited August 2017
    (Incoming "entitled server" post)

    But anyway, I'll have to agree the reward points shop is pretty underwhelming, especially with now how Monster Park tickets are indefinitely unavailable from it. I'd like to at least see pendant slots and circulators, maybe a tp rock (1 per shop reset's probably the best that we'd get if at all).

    One could say it's a bit understandable that there's no waters of life, since that's kind of the only way to profit along with pets and cosmetics, but that's irrelevant. Reboot was supposed to be completely free to play and the pseudo-subscription fee for pets is the only thing keeping that from happening.

    It's not being entitled, it's called wanting the server to do what it's supposed to do, and that's to not be p2w.
  • Nick008Nick008
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 59
    edited August 2017
    I want to see the 5 cube restriction removed.