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Let us trade any nx equip for avatar stamps

Reactions: 880
Posts: 63
edited September 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Have a bunch of nx i dont even use any more. I dont wanna delete them but the small inventory window makes it hard to find nx i wanna wear. Another solution would be is to have nx equips be in the cash inventory instead of equip because there is ALOT of unused space in that tab


  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited September 2017
    -cough- like the stuff from Maplehood watch. But I don't think Nexon would push this through cuz then when certain NX items go on sale...well people buy them for cheap and trade em in.
  • ManiOhManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
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    edited September 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    -cough- like the stuff from Maplehood watch. But I don't think Nexon would push this through cuz then when certain NX items go on sale...well people buy them for cheap and trade em in.

    event items could be restricted like we in EMS we could not ASOK event nx items only the one you bought or other gift/trade you
    and asok was only with NX so its not lose for nexon if they worry for it

  • inukiroyainukiroya
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited September 2017
    I have alot of nx i bought myself or from premium style boxes but equipped. Oh and they should let us trade in equipped premium styled nx because there isnt even an option to preview before equipping. Like waste a ton of mesos you think on an item looks good and it looks like crap and never wear it again. Like umbral boots. I wouldve saved "at least" 5b mesos if we had a simple option to preview before equipping nx. Bannedstory 4 barley updated either and nx preview from cash update posts dont even show all movement or good poses soo sometimes I cant even tell if a item will look good because the attacking pose blocks how the item i want looks in a standing pose

    Edit. Also wasted 400m from buying nx from AH because it turned untradable upon exiting, soo now i cant trade it in unless nexon lets us trade in equppied prem style nx which was not even my fault.
  • krskkrsk
    Reactions: 2,980
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    edited September 2017
    Or a scissors of karma for NX clothes that allows an item to be traded once but in order to keep clothes relatively rare you can only scissor each item once.
  • Nightcrawl3rNightcrawl3r
    Reactions: 1,140
    Posts: 64
    edited September 2017
    inukiroya wrote: »
    Have a bunch of nx i dont even use any more. I dont wanna delete them but the small inventory window makes it hard to find nx i wanna wear. Another solution would be is to have nx equips be in the cash inventory instead of equip because there is ALOT of unused space in that tab

    Is there even a way to delete NX items? I have a LOT of terrible looking items that none of my characters will ever use from old style boxes in my cash shops inventory which I'd love to get rid of for good.
  • inukiroyainukiroya
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited September 2017
    Right click on item
  • Nightcrawl3rNightcrawl3r
    Reactions: 1,140
    Posts: 64
    edited September 2017
    inukiroya wrote: »
    Right click on item

    Guess I missed it whenever that was implemented, thanks!