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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Is this quest still bugged? I've done some research and the Fact or Fiction quest for Kanna's questline has been bugged since 2014. There is no portal anywhere in the town OR in the market. It is NOT to the far right of the market nor is it to the right of the market entrance in the town map near/on the houses. There is also no portal in the Ice Valley II map that I can take.
Brief bug summary: There used to be a portal you were supposed to go into in El Nath (Next to a female NPC), but since a week or 2 this portal has disappeared again. Now there is no way to continue the Kanna story.
More details:
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce: Doing the Fact Or Fiction quest and noticing the (lack of) a portal.
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: ArnKanna
Character level: 26
Character job: Kanna
World name: Luna
Date and time of the incident: Since 2 weeks.
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
Character name: XKanna0
Character level: 26
Character job: Kanna
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: noticed on Sep. 16, 2017.
AlexF is just a volunteer on the forums. Most of the volunteers are only able to forward and notify Nexon about bugs/issues. Nexon doesn't always communicate back to them the status of bugs, so don't go bugging volunteers about it.
No it hasn't, so stop spreading false info. I finished this quest on my kanna a month ago (made a new kanna), and the portal was there. Stop trying to delay bugtracking.
https://ibb.co/gmbXZQ Here is the image
Also I checked google and it said the portal have to be near the NPC Eileen, but I still find it!
Brief bug summary: There used to be a portal you were supposed to go into in El Nath (Next to a female NPC), but since a week or 2 this portal has disappeared again. Now there is no way to continue the Kanna story.
More details:
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce: Doing the Fact Or Fiction quest and noticing the (lack of) a portal.
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: MontSaint
Character level: 26
Character job: Kanna
World name: Skania
Date and time of the incident: Since yesterday
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
I hope they put the portal back in with the next maintenance.
Tried to find the portal beside the Market entrance but it's still missing.
Brief bug summary: There isn't a portal to continue the quest.
Steps to reproduce: Add portal
Character name: YourNunna
Character level: 26
Character job: Kanna
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 11/9/17 9:20 pm MT
Does this mean i should give up on creatig a kanna since I can’t do all the kanna quests?