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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[just curious] When did trade shop leave?
once upon a time we had a trade shop, like auction house but you could buy items (from players) with NX. I made a lot of NX from selling chairs this way, it was super helpful when I didn't have any RL cash to spend on nexon cash (or whatever the name of the card was before karma koin) and I only just remembered it existed today.
After hunting through my old MS screenie folder the last screenie I found with a pic of the trade shop was back in
2010 so super curious when it was removed.
Also kind of wish it was still around.
my favorite quote from that link "Now they can make the Cash Shop button twice as large."
LOL I obviously haven't learnt any lesson because I'm still doing it all these years later
EDIT: thanks for that link, never knew it existed, just revisited some old maple events and stuff