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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Leave Explorer's Cruel Ring alone
In the bug fixes section of the Nova: Liberation of Cadena patch notes, it tells us the Explorer's Cruel Ring, obtained from an event ~9 years ago, before the Big Bang Update, is being "adjusted" to be similar to more recently released event rings. As a veteran mapler, this is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE.
I, and many other players, worked our asses of to get that ring, back when getting from Lv. 49 - 50 took longer than getting 199 - 200 does now. This is not what we veteran mapler's deserve. The ring was hard earned, especially compared to today's event rings, and because of that, it has good stats. There is NO need to re-balance it, it is not at all overpowered as it cannot be scrolled or receive potential.
It is unlikely this will be seen before the update goes live, but in the interest of not alienating your more loyal players, I suggest the changes to Explorer's Cruel Ring are reverted, as soon as possible.

and 4 others.
That said, according to VFM Slatymate, the stat change might only be adjusting the rings for the new way critical damage is calculated, since the ring originally only gave a boost to max crit damage, not both min and max. That would be justified, strictly speaking, justified. But still, I feel, unnecessary. The ring is not tradeable, so it's probably only being used by a handful of players who haven't switched mains in 8 years. There's really no harm to the game in letting these players keep their rings, that they worked hard to earn, as a reward for loyalty.
The best rings in the game nowadays are able to be potentialed, scrolled and enhanced. In no way is the Explorers cruel ring an overpowered ring. At best, it is able to contend with the current best rings. The ring itself was a legacy item from an era where level 50 was a big achievement and as such was the reward for reaching that level in a short time period. The current event rings which offer similar bonuses (in terms of offering critical rate and critical damage) are far easier to acquire compared to this old ring. Rather than making a positive action in defence of your more loyal players, you decide to alienate them and render their efforts mute. If you (Nexon) ever wonder why players have such disdain for you (Nexon) as a company, these little (yet significant) decisions are the cause.
I will reserve my suspicions as to the motives of this change until a time I can confirm the change in game.
I hope that whoever decided to push the change reads this, and understand that actions like this will drive more players from the game. Drive more potential revenue from the game, and make more players less inclined to complete content in fear of being shafted like this.
I am against this change and suggest you reciprocate some of the loyalty offered by the players and revert this change. And one day, when a shiny, new, better ring is released players will remain inclined to pursue them of their own volition rather than feel forced to obtain them due to their equipment being rendered obsolete overnight.
They completely removed the Critical Damage from the ring, leaving it like this:
That's not "stats similar to that of other similar event rings." It's complete and utter trash.
As I wrote above, it would have made some sense to halve the critical damage, from 20% to 10%. But removing it entirely is not justified in any way, shape, or form.
This ring, as well as the Explorer's Critical Ring, which suffered the same fate in this patch, should have its critical damage restored.
Between this and the the bosses changes (among other things), I'm wondering if I should do the update installation and even give this game the undeserved login statistic.
Explorer's Critical Ring took a hit too at the same time.
Nexon may have been right that it needed in the change, but this proves how badly they blindly change things.
Good to see at least one of the poorly thought out changes in this update being flagged for reconsideration. I suppose this is easier to tackle since it is relatively minor compared to some of the other problems.
Now, if the company you work for will actually do more than just "listen" and actually RESPOND ACCORDINGLY with reasonable actions to stop blatantly screwing players over, effectively biting the hands that feed them, they might just stand a fighting chance of not just surviving but actually thriving once again.
Already been nerfed once with that 1% instant death chance gone. Critical damage is literally the only reason I've kept the ring for all these years.
It got reduced back when Nexon changed the way critical damage is calculated.
Before that change, there were separate "Minimum Critical Damage" and "Maximum Critical Damage" and the crit damage added to any hit was a random number between the two. Different skills and items (like the Sylph Ring) would raise either the min or the max, with the effect that the actual average damage only went up by half that much.
After the change, we only have a single "Critical Damage" number, so all items and skills that used to give min or max crit were changed to give half as much plain crit damage. So the average does not change.
The Explorer's Critical and Cruel rings were overlooked back then, which is why it makes some sense that their critical damage would be halved now.
However, I'd like to point out that these rings were actually a lot more overpowered back when they were released, and yet Nexon saw fit to give them.
The rings were given in June of 2010, before potential. Items giving % buffs were uncommon. An item like Lilin's Ring, giving 3 allstat and 3 att/m.att, was considered sufficient motivation to level an Aran to 70. And yet, this Explorer Ring event gave 3 variations of the crit ring (Cruel, Critical, and Magical), with 10-20% max crit damage each. These rings were meant to be a very powerful reward for a very difficult challenge.
Today, crit damage is a lot easier to come by, and the rings competing for a spot on our fingers can all have high %stat potential, as well as plenty of stats/attack if scrolled and enhanced. The old Cruel ring, while still respectable, is not nearly so OP as to need nerfing. And as I wrote before, so few people still have theirs on their main character, that it would not harm the game in any way to let us keep them with the 20% crit damage.
On Friday's stream, Arwoo said that, in response to our feedback, a change is being made to the rings. He did not say what change or when we will see it, but it's still good to hear that the rings won't be left in their current scrap metal state.
I don't think critical ring is worth it for me at least since I don't need anymore crit chance.