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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Despite that it's only a temporary event, is it still worth doing?
Event doesn't take up much time either as you collect cards while you train.
It's worth it, imo.
From the Photo Card event you get nice stats boost, despite being temporary buffs, it is still worth it. From doing this daily you also get a total of 85 Nova Coins each day.
SS rank
-Boss Damage +27%
-Critical Damage +13%
-Attack Power & Magic ATT +36
-Damage Against Normal Monsters +21%
-All Stats +94, Max HP and MP +4700
-Buff Skill Duration +27%
-Critical Rate +10%
-29% chance to get one more extra Nova Coin from the Nova Box
and more.
Depending on your range it may boost your range a lot higher.
I get about 700k boost to my range (buffed), while my friend gets a 2mil boost (unbuffed)
There are more rewards in the Maple Achievement in the Event section. If you complete them you can collect rewards. You have to finish this before the event ends. Collectibles like chairs.
Edit: I just found out after choosing my chairs, they don't have the same picture as the KMS version. KMS got the Swimsuit edition, we get the one displayed in the Card Collection UI.