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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Not possible to purchase NX
You have reached the NX Credit purchase limit for your account. Your limit will reset on 12/21/2017.
NX Prepaid is unlimited and can still be added to your account. (Code:50422)
Any reason for that I cannot purchase NX through credit paypal? Intended to buy 100k + 35K option, but I guess it ain't gonna happen. It says I reached my limit but did I ever purchase NX during the event? Nah.
After your payment is cleared, they will send a code to your paypal e-mail within 24-48 hours. Just google "karma koin paypal".
That's how I was able to get around that weird Charge Limit Exceeded a while back.
Just make sure the SSL certificate is from paypal inc themselves.
However them sites might take a bit to send you your codes that's due to being a new customer so to prevent fraud they normally have to make sure the information on the PayPal or on the credit card matches... Also I think you can pay without a PayPal account however you will just provide PayPal your credit card information.
There are websites selling gaming gift cards illegally, Karma Coin Cards being one of them. Nexon should on their main website make electronic Karma Cards available. Once purchased, you can enter the code sent via email on the claim card screen, just like a physical card.
Nexon should update into having E-Karma Cards purchasable, as e-cards are the future. They would maximize convenience and ease of life for all their customers.
PCGameSupply is not an illegal website. It is a third-party website, but not an unofficial one. Essentially, they're an online store that specializes in gift cards and game cards, not entirely different from driving down to a nearby CVS and purchasing a physical card.
If it were illegal, thousands of people across multiple game networks would be thrown for a loop, myself included considering I recently spoiled myself with some NX for the Eva boxes. Nexon has not made any official statement on the subject (that I know of), however the site itself is fairly reliable and there is no indication of sketchy behavior.
The same applies to Offgamers, as far as I can tell, however I have no personal experience with that particular site.
As for why Nexon limits the amount of NX you can charge via credit, there has been no official explanation. One viable reason mentioned in the past on both Maplestory and Riders of Icarus forums is fraud prevention (stopping people from charging exorbitant amounts of money, then falsely claiming to their bank that the card was stolen), and by the same token, identity theft protection (stopping someone who has actually stolen the card from charging an exorbitant amount in one go).
Now I can purchase NX worry free!
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. (Code:50422)"
I bought red cube the day before yesterday.
Also, I used to purchase NX credits before I bought those, and all of sudden they banned me from purchasing NX credit for a month.
I really don't get what is going on, please unban this