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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
As everyone knows the drop formulas and some base drop rates were adjusted in the tune up patch. It has been noticed by many many players that the drop rate of symbols is incredibly low. For that reason I wanted to bring to attention the line copied below from the update notes.
This is very likely the reason the symbol drop rate is so awful now. Not only were drop rate potentials nerfed but they also appear to have nerfed how much drop rate can even be applied to symbols.
You can demonstrate to yourself the lower drop rate benefit on certain event and quest items. For example, vanishing journey dailies will take just as long on 1x drop as they do on 12x drop.
So why exactly are we not allowed to farm symbols?
Drop rate still seems to fully apply to nodestones and droplets. They're both certainly lower but you very clearly gain more by being on higher drop modifiers such as 2x weekend.
I mean really?
Ohh and I get more Nodestones on normal rates with a Wolf and a 2x drop coupon then I do on 2x event with the Wolf and a 2x drop coupon...
To summarize:
it appears as if drop rate effects are not being applied to symbols at all. This is a separate issue to the base rate of the symbols.
The optimal way to farm is to have a pet with pet loot with mesos turned off (pet loot lag still not fixed yet.) The size and visibility of item doesn't matter since pet will automatically scoop up and items on floor you didn't put into ignore. The major concern is when the user has full EQUIP inventory and their pet is trying to pick up a symbol on the floor. Full inventories don't affect being able to pick up droplets or nodestones as long you have one in your inventory, but Arcane Symbols take a equipment slot. If similar Arcane Symbols were stackable, this would save a lot of headache freeing up space in your EQUIP tab.
At the end, farming Arcane Symbols should be like farming Nodes and droplets (subtract your starting number of nodes/droplets from your total to determine your earnings for that particular grinding session.) If the drop rate of items were increased and Arcane Symbols were stackable, it would make farming less tedious.
Give them 200-250 scaling and lots of hp, entry limits probably.
It's not just symbols, even node stones and droplets got hit hard. Not to point fingers but I'm pretty sure they might have messed up an nerfed them a little to hard in GMS when translating the code. The fact that I can use 300%+ drop + 2x drop buff and can only get like 50 nodes in 3 hours during a 2x drop event and 0-1 symbol and 1 droplet is way worse then the rates of KMS drop change :thinking:?
Or it will just make people quit altogether, as evident in the continual decline of consecutive players. At least with dragon pop we can AFK and get rewards. Most symbol dailies get annoying around lv 10-12, they should have never increased it to lv 20 its just a lazy way to preserve login numbers without adding new content.
And now with the new KMS update they realise the damage and made it easier to get symbols from dailies with respect to your current level all because the player base became frustrated with the prospect of doing more of the same crap. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we do not want to keep doing boring repetitive dailies for months just so nexon can get away with corporate statistics. We want to play the game.
Farmed in my 160% drop gear + 30% HS + wolf familiar.
Is Decent HS drop rate bugged with familars since I tried it with my drop familiars and the buff icon for familiar seems to disappear.
"Drop rate boosts increases the chance which items drop. However, for some items such as Core Gemstones, Arcane Symbols, quest items and certain boss items, the drop rate increase is halved. (Example: Having +250% drop rate boost would mean only +125% will be applied on such items)"
Decent HS and Familiars stack with each other. Using familiar and drop coupon does not stack. I haven't run into the decent HS being bugged.
0 nodestone
0 symbols
in full drop gear, wolf, hs
What a fun and rewarding game.