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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Guild/ Buddy Chat Bugs+Glitched
I understand there is a simple way to fix it. By typing twice and spamming your buddy chat and guild chat whenever you log on. That doesn't sound very rational for me, as a guild leader. I probably care more about this, because I like active and social communities. If someone forgot to type twice to un-glitch it manually, they would be missing out on any other messages from guild. That is to say, the system would think they're AFK and not important enough to see the messages. However, every message is important whether it be a friendly hello, buying or selling, finding a party, bossing, or even guild events!
Please fix this problem on your end rather than the players doing this everyday. It is honestly really a hassle and not necessary for us players to do this constantly. This also disrupts and causes awkward moments when you try to fix the chats.
This has also been going on for quite a long time.
If anything, can this either be addressed fully-- so people would know rather than the spread of word. Announce this directly, or please fix this once and for all.
and any other variations to unglitch it
There was just this a year ago. Seems they were unable to recreate the bug on their end though.
But why hurt the maple population for a couple of botters? Implement stronger policies and more checks against people who bot !
well it was addressed by KTBN a while ago too, no idea if any progress has been made since then.
Also, Why is it that only the buddy and guild chat glitch? I find that kind of weird ...
uh the QA response is from 2015, while KTBN's post is from this year.
That's probably because the QA's response was linked in the thread that KTBN replied to. So assuming the issue is still what QA said, there'd be no need for KTBN to reiterate it.