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Please bring back Herb & Mining Core to Evo Lab

Member Arwen
Reactions: 2,230
Posts: 201
edited March 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Can Nexon please bring back the drop core for Herb & Mining? You don't need to make these core drop alot. Make it rare , but at least, we still be able to obtain this. It won't hurt alot since Nexon has shortened the time in Evo lab and we can only 3X Entering it.

Otherwise, what's the point we have 6 slots accelerator + 1 special one ? What should we put there? Cos i usually put drop core, monster pop, herb core, mining core , herb drop% and mining drop%. Sometimes i put the Cygnus or other nub monsters...but without herb and mining...what's the point now?



  • Member Tanya
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 91
    edited March 2017
    I would also very much like to see these brought back. Either as extremely rare drops, or even as items that you can purchase with event coins every once in a while in event shops. Just make them obtainable in some way, but rare enough that people can't farm materials for days like they were able to do before (I've been told that this is why they were removed)
  • Member RegretfuIly
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 132
    edited March 2017
    I concur. Considering not all of us has the time to sit around and mine veins for hours, removing the cores for them was a stupid idea.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2017
    hurp durp muh artificial difficulty

    Making things harder simply due to tedium is dumb and nearly every free-to-play game does it.
  • Member, Private Tester HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    The material-cores were pretty insane if you had enough droprate and it became the main source of people's materials, which is why it was removed. It might be fine if the core is drop-only and extremely low droprate, so you can't buy them in the core shop like before. And the cores would still include lower level herbs and ores. So it'd just be an extra thing for regular Evo-goers.

    I personally think it's better to have harvesting be the main source of materials, like it should have been all the time. If you do it daily (and on several characters if you got the time) you should have no problem getting enough materials for whatever crafting you need done. Plus you have the chance to get rose clippings. Filling your fatigue bar should only take about half an hour at most. That's less than the time you would have spent at Evo trying to get the core, and then using it.
    It was harder to get materials regularly back then aside from Evo, because ores and herbs only spawned in regular maps and was level-based, but now we have an actual "garden" to pick and choose what we need. Plus they spawn in regular maps again. Plus special flowers and rocks.

    If we're talking about making Evo lab popular again, they could add other cores for, say, honor or additional coins. It's still pretty popular for some event drops too.

    I do think that the harvesting action should be improved though. It randomly stops a lot, and the whole animation is what takes up most the time. Would have been better if you used regular attack, and it'd "die" in one or two shots.
  • Member RegretfuIly
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 132
    edited March 2017
    Hmm... To be honest, they could've put a daily limit on the number of those cores you can buy per day, kind of like how superior item crystals are limited to 5 per day in the Gollux coin shop. Considering the entry limit dropped to 3 times per day, having a daily limit of one material core per day would've been justifiable, maybe.
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,230
    Posts: 201
    edited March 2017
    Well..I don't ask them to put the core back in the store. First you have to get the core from the drop which drop rarely. Then you can use the core. Don't forget that Nexon has nerfed the timer to 15 minutes and only 3x to enter Evo. So it won't be as insane as before. If they wanted, make it all the drop gear don't give any effect in evo lab. Only 2x drop coupon (cash, blue, lucky winter etc), familiar and the raising %drop core and 2x drop event.

    The problem is Alchemist hurts alot since they removed this feature from Evo Lab. Almost all the high pot needs Juniper berry seed and it's so rare to get. And you need alot to make just for 1 potion .

    I suggest maybe make the cubic and chaos cubic drop in Evo Lab too. Rare core and rare drop...
  • Member Tanya
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 91
    edited March 2017
    @SadVirgin I like the idea of adding new reward cores to the mix - especially honour cores.
    Definitely the harvesting system needs to be fixed, and I think a lot of the reliance on evo lab for materials stemmed from harvesting being tedious and glitchy in the first place anyways. I'd love the harvesting system you suggested where regular attacks are used instead - that would probably get rid of the "cannot harvest yet" issue.

    @Arwen that is my issue too. I harvest for months for Juniper Berry seeds to craft the rare potions. I find that using the rakes from imps definitely helps & gives you way more junipers than evo lab would - but I find those are also more susceptible to the "cannot harvest yet" error making it extremely annoying. Having a bonus way to get extra ingredients once in a while within that month or two of collecting, like if evo lab occasionally dropped the harvesting core you need, or how MPE has that harvesting items day, is always nice.
  • Member, Private Tester Yonax
    Reactions: 3,016
    Posts: 336
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    It would be nice these cores would drop again for extra mineral, herb drop %. I'm still farming regular in Evo and its slightly better than flower farming with a swift rake, but mostly cause i have some good leftover cores, but if I wanna go Evo on a new char I won't have any usefull cores to use :-(.

    The following cores I would like to see readded to Evo either by shop or as drop:
    - Drop % (high % as drop, low % in shop)
    - Ore drop % (high % as drop, low % in shop)
    - Herb drop % (high % as drop, low % in shop)
    - Juniper Berry (or any other herbs you want to farm in shop)
    - Black crystal (or any other ore you want to farm in shop)

    Also It would be nice if the Evo shop gets an update and would at least add Spell Traces and Advanced Equip Enhancement scrolls and maybe some other stuff like trait boost or honor exp boost items to exchange your coins for (like we had in the past in Luna, before migration)

    The system has been nerfed and limited enough, so let's make Evo great again!
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited January 2018
    In my recent discovery of trying to make Balanced Furies...this would be a really great readdition into the game. Not a lot of people use Evo lab anymore...and this is still an issue as of now.

    P.S. Bumpity BUmp to make Neo mad X3 (please don't get mad though Neo)


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