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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
afterlands: joel gold pieces quest not appearing
after waiting for a day the quest (i found out it was a daily) for getting the gold pieces from joel it is not appearing
Character name: Lefteris50
Level: 194
Character job: Zero
World name: Scania
Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/hkvcf4
If they don't reset by the reset, then there's a bug.
That's odd. I have heard of one other person experiencing an issue like this, but I was unable to reproduce myself.
Does traveling around the Afterlands change Joel's appearance from sickly to healthy, by any chance?
This is not the thread to post your issue, however this is usually caused by the server going down before the state is fully saved. There's not really a clean way around this, since it's caused by the actual data being dropped. Nexon has recently taken to explicitly warning users in-game to log off up to 30-minutes (for safety reasons) prior to the maintenance to ensure this doesn't happen.
You can try contacting support however there's no guarantee you can get your items back.
I already tried the work around from reddit( daytime/completing Joel's quest but not turning it in) but that still does not work. Any ideas???
Update: Merged to threads with the same issue. Rest seems to be separate issues.