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[REQUEST] More Communication From Nexon Employees

Reactions: 11,690
Posts: 300
edited March 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
It's been just shy of a month now since we've had any official post or comment from Arwoo or anyone else from Nexon. I feel that we're overdue for an update regarding a couple of the more recent hot topics such as the removal of the /find command.

I think it would also be nicer to get a bit more presence here in general. I don't believe Discord is an appropriate place to learn about things like the CM being absent for an extended period of time. In addition to this, I understand the appeal of delegating more and more work to the VFMs and I really do appreciate all that they do for us, but I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when I say that we would love to hear more from our CM and other Nexon employees (which has been a popular request in this community for years).
HHG1PetalmagicPhantomMasterThiefSam016NibboFennekinArgentWesleyx3LightningSparkTotallyBrokenand 2 others.
  1. Would you like to see more communication from Nexon employees?31 votes
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  • Sam016Sam016
    Reactions: 1,880
    Posts: 58
    edited March 2018
    Yes please, The VFMs have more presence than Nexon but the most they can do is pass on concerns which end up with no response.. (/Find command and 0 response from Nexon)
  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited March 2018
    It's not like we voted for more transparency last year or anything.

    I think he did mention /find for a brief moment on the last stream (just a "we're looking into it" sort of response). But livestreams aren't exactly the best place to deliver news about this lol. Would've been nice to hear about it on the suggestion thread. Just a "we're looking into it" to acknowledge the issue. I know the VFMs forwarded it, but there's a huuuge difference between a VFM forwarding it (along with several other issues) and the CM personally acknowledging it with a post.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited March 2018
    I agree on multiple points, and have posted so in the past.

    Players should not have to follow a dozen different social media just to know what is going on with the game and community. Notices about the game need to be on the main website. Notices regarding community events or CM absences should be on the forums. We shouldn't have to look for DMT hints on streams, bug workarounds on Discord, or event notices on facebook.

    Players also need the CM to communicate with them. VFMs forwarding issues is just as effective as the CM doing so, but VFMs have less of an ability to present Nexon's take on various issues or give answers other than “Nexon told us this will be fixed in tomorrow's patch” (and even that is often not allowed). The lack of a response on, for example, the /find issue, leads to the natural conclusion that Nexon implemented that without thinking about it too much. It was just part of the package delivered from KMS.

    Arwoo has never been very active on the forums or reddit, but as far as I can remember no CM was ever active enough for my liking. I wish the CM would post on every thread, or at least every important topic.


    You, of all people, should know how busy a Maplestory CM is. Like pretty much everyone else at Nexon. And now that they've let go some of their workforce in a restructuring, I'm sure you can imagine how overworked the remaining employees are.

    So, yes, Arwoo is using the VFMs to take on all the parts of his job that they can do, to enable him to focus on the parts that require being internal at Nexon. Unfortunately that means the community has to make do with VFM responses on issues – but I assure you and everyone else that these responses, when we post them, are as authoritative as those Arwoo would post.

    Look on the bright side: At least it's still Arwoo's face – and hairflip! - on the official streams. So we all can rest assured that we haven't been abandoned.
  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited March 2018
    As a ex-member of MapleLeaf Council, I would also like Nexon to share us their answers on our resolutions and their reasons.

    I would also like Nexon to alleviate daily stuff tasks on everything, not just the dailies in Kritias and Arcane River. I would love to do most of them, but due to lack of time spending on this game, it is impossible for me and most of players here. Some players have quit this game for this reason, this game can become a chore depending what we want to earn.

    I also reported a botter 2 months ago via live chat and this character is still online??? I saw it afk in Nameless Town last night ._. I would like GMs who work in ticket department, if receiving a Live Chat report and botter AND in-game GM are actually online, to patrol the area and take action immediately. That day when i reported him, there was a GM in-game who came visit me while I checked on discord after I did a smega about Kritias Invasion carry (when i was afk for real :P ) .

    Why Nexon can't also sell meso to combat botter plus patrolling areas where they get reported the most? According to the current meso rate settled by botters themselves. Best place to check is in Arcane River, Ninja Castle, Singapore/Ulu City, Herb Town/Mu Lung Vic island and more! Start checking in Bera since there is a large amount of people playing there and buying mesos. If botters can auto-cc even with GM presence when GM sees elite boss spawning in Arcane River, GM should at least be able to detect who actually spawned it. It is coded who spawned it.

    EDIT: since most of us move to Arcane River, imagine Dark World Tree and Haven where they are the least visited, a perfect spot to farm meso.

    @AKradian can you pass this to CM and possibly Nexon employees plz?
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited March 2018
    New patch new issues. Old issues that never got resolved fade from memory. Sigh.

    You know this probably isn't what I would consider my #1 issue but how is it acceptable that players (as they tell me) get 1 symbol PER hour grinding? At level 1 it would take 12 hours for a single level, and the amount per level gets over 300 in the later levels. ONE PER HOUR.
  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited March 2018
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    New patch new issues. Old issues that never got resolved fade from memory. Sigh.

    You know this probably isn't what I would consider my #1 issue but how is it acceptable that players (as they tell me) get 1 symbol PER hour grinding? At level 1 it would take 12 hours for a single level, and the amount per level gets over 300 in the later levels. ONE PER HOUR.

    Or even worse, for people with decent %drop gear or worse. Since Morass got released. I train in That Day in Trueffet 3 since Lv238 and i am now Lv241. I have 130% drop gear and Wolf familiar. Not training with kishin, but you see, I have as average 1 symbol PER 2-2.5 hours. I can occasionnally get lucky and getting 1 symbol after 20-25 min in a new day of maple. Droplet is low too. The drop rate nerf considerably kills us even with kishin or Frenzy.

    I also feel like %drop gear is now additive with familiar, drop coupon, drop card and 2x event. I may be wrong on that.